This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 125 I finally meet you, Mind Flayer!

Chapter 125 I finally meet you, Mind Flayer!

The kobolds have dug many tunnels under the trade roads. With the kobolds' keen hearing, they can judge the activities on the ground.

As soon as the carriage approached the entrance to the ruined mine in the Darkwood Forest, a kobold hiding in the dark delivered the news to the old chief and the new chief.

Lilith reined in her horse, and Bai Bin pushed open the carriage window and shouted: "Kobolds, I am here to negotiate with you on behalf of Landenburg! I am Pastor Bai Bin of Landenburg Cathedral, and there is Sister Lilith here, And my disciple Ting En.”

Chief Gali and Princess Perlo looked at each other. They hadn't sent anyone to notify the mind flayer of the meeting date, so why did Bai Bin come by himself?And he brought Lilith and the little lord Ting En as before.

Could it be that the plan has changed?
But for the current plan, we can only discuss it in detail after seeing Bai Bin face to face.

Chief Gali sneered: "It seems that saving the lives of those humans is still useful."

The kobolds around him also looked at the old chief with admiration. All they could say was that he was still hotter with age!
The new leader, Perlo, also immediately said: "This white priest is extremely powerful. Listen to my order and call back all the kobolds who are ambushing and investigating outside and be ready!"

Using the excuse of gathering troops is actually to facilitate their escape later, and also to allow the gnolls and goblins to sneak in.

After all, dozens of tons of high explosives will explode later, and there will be no chance of survival outside.

After the two orders were issued, a huge boulder slowly moved away next to the ruins cave, revealing a dark path.

The kobold elite grinned and shouted: "Old chief, chief, I'm calling you to come in!"

When the kobolds who spoke and followed saw Bai Bin, they seemed to recall the fear of being dominated by Bai Bin before, and their bodies reacted involuntarily, trembling with fear.

As Bai Bin walked away, he said to the little lord Ting En: "I took the risk to bring you out this time. Maybe the city will be in trouble by now. When you come out this time, give me a good look and learn from it!"

Ting En nodded repeatedly and looked around with his shining eyes, as if he was curious about everything.

The three of them walked into the mine. Perhaps Bai Bin's "Lighting Technique" left an indelible impression on the kobolds last time. The kobold who was responsible for guiding the way this time was afraid that Bai Bin would use "Lighting Technique" in his first move. He quickly lit the torch and walked in front despite the discomfort of the flames.

The mine tunnels extend in all directions and have many forks. If you are not familiar with the internal environment, you will 100% get lost.

When the three of them were led to the hall of the kobold lair, the hall was already crowded with kobolds that could not be seen to the end.

All the kobolds stared at the three men with bright eyes, and some even showed their ferocious and sharp teeth, as if they wanted to eat them alive.

Bai Bin was calm and composed, not affected by these kobolds at all.

Lilith followed Bai Bin, her face slightly pale, as if she had never seen such a big scene.

On the other hand, Ting En's face was pale and he walked a little stiffly.

Under the gaze of so many kobolds, my hands and feet felt numb.

"Are you so scared that you can't walk? Then when you see the kobold chief Gali that your father personally captured, won't the look in his eyes make you wet your pants?" Bai Bin laughed.

Having said that, Bai Bin still motioned to Lilith to lend a hand, so that the little lord, who represented Landenburg, would stumble to his knees in fright.

Arriving at the living room, the old chief Gali and the new leader Perlo were both firmly seated in their seats. Behind them were the kobold guard chief and armored kobold elites.

Although he is not tall, he is fully armed, majestic and has firm eyes.

On the opposite side of the table, there are also three stone chairs.After Gali saw Bai Bin, he laughed loudly and said, "Pastor Bai, we meet again! Do you regret not being able to execute me last time?"

Bai Bin smiled sarcastically: "Chief Gali can escape because of the ability of you kobolds. If you are not as good as others, you can only accept it. I came today mainly to talk about the caravan hostages. matter……"

Gali raised his hand to signal the kobolds at the door of the living room to exit.

"There are guard chiefs and elites here. You all should retreat and wait in the lair hall. You are not allowed to go anywhere!"

As the stone door slowly closed, only the two leaders of the kobolds, a guard of more than ten people, and three people representing Landenburg were left in the living room.

The expressions on the faces of Chief Gali and Princess Poluo were slightly relaxed.

"Okay, now let's talk about releasing the hostages! How much sincerity can you, Landenburg, show?" Chief Gali spoke first.

Bai Bin took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time, yawned and said, "Perhaps we should wait for a while, there is still a distinguished guest who has not arrived yet."

"Dignified guest?" Chief Gali frowned slightly, and Princess Poluo also had a look of worry on her brows.

These were not included in the previous plan!

What the hell is this guy Bai Bin doing?

"Yes, distinguished guest." Bai Bin raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "The kobolds have joined the forces of hell. Will the Mind Flayer, as the representative, not participate in tonight's negotiations?"

Chief Gali snorted coldly. The mind flayer hadn't contacted them to confirm the schedule yet, so how could it show up?

But now that the show has reached this point, Chief Gali can only adapt to circumstances and continue the show.

"Master Ulysses is busy with official duties, and he doesn't even bother to participate in such a small matter. I am the only one who makes the decision today, and you don't have to wait for others." Chief Galli said firmly.

At this moment, a burst of urgent shouting suddenly came from outside.

The stone door opened again without an order, and the kobold reconnaissance captain in charge of the investigation ran in panting: "Chief, chief, it's not good! We found a large number of jackals and goblins surrounding our lair. There are so many, it seems. Move out in full force!"

Chief Gali's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

The smile on Bai Bin's face also turned cold like an icefall: "Chief Gali, what a plan! Are you going out with the jackals and goblins to keep me and the little lord here together?"

Bai Bin didn't say anything and immediately released his magic.

It's just that what was released this time was not the [Admiration Technique] that hindered everyone's behavior, but Bai Bin's newly learned 2nd level divine technique - [Realm of Honesty]!
The [Realm of Honesty], which invested 800 points of justice, was upgraded to level 4, with a coverage area of ​​80 meters!
At this moment, the entire living room is covered by the [Realm of Honesty], and no one can tell lies!

"Mind Flayer, come out, I know you are here!" The corners of Bai Bin's mouth rose higher and higher.

A kobold guard behind him, the skin on his face quickly melted and corrupted, revealing the mind flayer's purple void skin and the octopus-like tentacles on his face.

"How did you find me?" The mind flayer stared at Bai Bin, expressing difficulty in understanding that he was exposed.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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