This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 136: Get the treasure first, and then get the reward?

Chapter 136: Get the treasure first, and then get the reward? ([-]-in-[-])

Edward's eyes lit up, and then he asked casually: "Since the demons and minions have been completely eliminated, it is reasonable for me to take a long vacation, right?"

How could Bai Bin not know that Edward had beaten Xiao Jiujiu.

This time it wasn't just the corpses of mind flayers and hobgoblins, there were thousands of gnolls and goblins alone.

By then, let alone anatomical research, it would be enough to just open a factory and perform mechanized processing.

"Okay, you can rest assured to research here. If you need anything, tell Captain Clark directly. I will send someone else to help you keep an eye on it in Snowfield Town." Bai Bin is already looking forward to what research results Edward can come up with.

For a peculiar person like Edward who is a 'primary priest' and has full levels of 'anatomy' and 'forging', Bai Bin is willing to call him a compound talent.

When leaving the canal prison, Bai Bin emphasized to Captain Clark that he would try his best to meet all Edward's requirements. If there is any inconvenience or difficulty, you can come to him directly to solve it.

Once he woke up, Bai Bin was busy.

There is still some final finishing work that needs to be dealt with, and Bai Bin plans to settle all these things in one go, so that he can truly and completely settle down.

Bai Bin calculated it and found that there was nothing major happening in the city.

He did not need to be involved in the letter of recommendation. Father Lima, Pastor Masuor and some other clergy of the cathedral jointly recommended it. Bai Bin would definitely not be able to participate to avoid suspicion.

In terms of urban security, although it is worth celebrating, it cannot be taken lightly.Maybe Ulysses still has a hidden line planted in the city.If you take a lucky attitude, you will definitely be counterattacked and suffer big losses in the future.

It’s just that the investigation and screening have to move from the open side to the dark side.

Bai Bin didn't need to worry about this at all. The Public Security Bureau and the Iron Guard worked together.

Right now, the only place where Bai Bin needs to take action is to form an alliance with the kobolds.

"Pink, how do the residents in the city view their relationship with kobolds now?" Bai Bin asked.

It is not convenient for Bai Bin to go out in his real body now. Once he goes out, he will definitely be surrounded by enthusiastic citizens and it will be difficult to escape.So if you have any thoughts about ordinary people, you need to get answers from Pinker.

Pinker replied fearfully: "Everyone had a lot of complaints at the beginning. Mainly because of the war with the kobolds a few years ago, which did make some people have a hostile view of the kobolds. But with the kidnapping of Wood last night, The family caravan members were released, and the reputation of the kobolds has improved a lot."

Several caravan members were treated well in the kobold lair. Apart from being monitored by a sturdy kobold named "Dasha", they were not beaten or punished in any other way.Food is also well arranged.

The families of the victims, who had been mentally prepared to sacrifice their families, were overjoyed when they saw their loved ones come back alive.

Under the influence of this atmosphere, everyone is less resistant to kobolds.

In addition, the official report stated that this cooperation between kobolds and humans was promoted by Pastor Bai, and even the final battle location was chosen as the kobold lair.In order to destroy the creatures and minions of hell, he did not hesitate to blow up his own home.

These points greatly increase the kobold's emotional points and impression points.

To completely change people's impression of kobolds is a long-term, "moisturizing and silent" task.

However, Bai Bin has already thought of several plans and is just waiting for their execution.

Take a carriage and come to the Darkwood Forest again.

There was no need to notify him this time. After seeing Bai Bin, the kobold took the initiative and politely introduced him into the kobold's lair.

After half a day of repairs, many mines and corridors have returned to their original appearance before the landslide, or they were dug in the same style.

Kobolds are natural experts at digging tunnels and underground structures.

In short, Bai Bin walked in the complicated tunnel without any signs of being affected by the collapse of the mountain.

But outside the mine, the sky-like scene last night became increasingly clear without the cover of darkness.

Because more than ten tons of high explosives were placed at key nodes, almost no waste was caused by the landslides and overturns caused by the explosions, achieving the best results.

Half of the mountains facing east were blown down by the bombing, revealing the clean and neat incisions made by the steam after the landslide, like a knife cutting an axe.At the bottom of the mountain, huge rocks mixed with soil spread out all the way, overwhelming the mountain forest.

Originally, the entire road from the mountain to the official road was lush and green, but now it has been completely swallowed up, leaving only an exaggerated mess.

It was like the bloody mouth of an ancient giant beast.

But walking inside the mine, one could not see the tragedy caused by the landslide.

Let's just say the restoration and re-creation of the kobolds has been a great success.

Bai Bin came to the kobold's lair. The lair that was completely buried yesterday has been mostly restored today.

Bai Bin met the old chief Gali and the princess Perlo who were commanding on the front line.

"Looking at the smile on Pastor Bai's face, it seems that our alliance plan has been approved?" Chief Gali stepped forward with a smile, and greeted Bai Bin warmly with open arms.

Bai Bin nodded in agreement: "If it is before the crisis is solved, both parties may have doubts. But our cooperation is based on working together to solve the crisis. Anyone with some insight and vision will not reject this cooperation. .”

Bai Bin paused and then said: "I am here this time to confirm the specific cooperation process, as well as the relevant matters and time for the formal alliance."

You must know that forming an alliance with the kobolds is to maintain the stability of the Darkwood Forest and the entire Ontario Province.

After all, the Darkwood Forest is vast and continuous. With the population and capabilities of Landenburg and surrounding towns, it is impossible to grasp and understand the Darkwood Forest in detail.

If it cannot be controlled, some darkness and conspiracies will breed, growing stronger and posing threats again.

But kobolds are different.

Kobolds have superb underground excavation and construction skills. In the absence of natural enemies, they can quickly cover the entire Darkwood Forest and understand the situation of the entire forest.

Even if the forces of hell want to infiltrate the Ontario Province next time, they will most likely live in a hidden place. There is no second choice except the Darkwood Forest.

Kobolds all over the Darkwood Forest can detect problems and report them as soon as possible, nipping the crisis in the bud.

In addition, after the kobolds occupy the Darkwood Forest, they can also help track the movements of the Samarkand Shamanism in the north, which can be said to be the first barrier in the northeast of the Zion Empire.

"I wonder what you did with the corpses of the dark minions?" Bai Bin got to the first point.

Old Chief Gali waved his hand: "It's useless for us to keep these corpses. Just burying and processing them will take a lot of time. However, Pastor Bai has just made a great contribution. If we can bring these corpses back, it will be a real military achievement." . The corpses of the Great Goblin Jinya have also been exhumed, and I ordered them to be piled together for Pastor Bai to deal with."

"Okay, then I'll be disrespectful." Thousands of dark creature corpses were transported back to Landenburg. The scene was absolutely shocking.

If people's first impression of dark creatures was fear, then the entire dark wood forest was annihilated and thousands of corpses were displayed, which was enough to eliminate people's fear of dark creatures.

It can also make Bai Bin's reputation reach the highest level and leave a legendary experience.

"Pastor Bai is too polite. We are just providing the venue. The one who really faces thousands of dark creatures is the one who attracts firepower." The words of the old chief Gali were not mixed with any compliments. This was a completely matter-of-fact statement.

Even the high explosives detonated were provided by Landenburg.

"Your reconstruction work should take a few days. In addition, now that the jackals and goblins have been wiped out, it will also take some time to collect the belongings from their lairs.

Landenburg's words...the disposal of the corpse, and the various problems left after solving the dark creatures...calculating this, how about we set the official alliance ceremony to a week later?As for the location, it would be Landenburg.

The old chief and the princess can bring the escort for a friendly visit, where both parties will jointly swear an oath and conclude an alliance. "

"Yes!" Old Chief Galli calculated the time. One week was enough for them to deal with post-war matters.Since this topic was brought up, the kobold princess Perlo also said: "Since we kobolds did not put in much effort this time, we got the entire Darkwood Forest for nothing, which is already an extremely rich loot.

We will hand over all the loot that the gnolls and goblins ransacked to Landenburg. "

This is the result that Perlo and his father Galli discussed together yesterday.

The entire darkwood forest is an unimaginably huge treasure for the kobolds.

By occupying this forest and becoming the sole owner, they have already taken advantage of it.

It would seem too greedy to occupy all the assets of jackals and goblins.

It's better to leave it to Landenburg, who has devoted manpower and material resources this time, and form a good relationship.

Bai Bin didn't hesitate. He thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "Okay, then I'll have to help you with the gathering work."

After setting a time, the next step is to discuss the draft of the alliance in advance.

Since it is a covenant, both parties need to respect each other, and the kobolds can make their demands.

"We want to trade with Landenburg. We can exchange the resources of the Darkwood Forest for goods." Although the kobolds like to live underground, the kobolds currently own the entire Darkwood Forest and cannot live only underground.

Some items cannot be made with crude technology without mature industry and assembly lines.Therefore, trading with Landenburg became their best choice for expansion.

"No problem. For the specific exchange of goods, a separate list can be drawn up later. The more frequent and closer the cooperation between the two parties, the more inseparable the relationship will be." Bai Bin agreed with this point.

There were a few more after that, but most of them were centered around strengthening cooperation between the two parties.

For example, let the kobold guards come to Landenburg for exchanges and learn security and weapons knowledge.

Regular joint drills and operations to increase tacit understanding and so on.

Bai Bin agreed one by one.

"Okay, I will take your request back. In my opinion, there should be no problem. If there is anything to add during this period, the news can be brought to Landenburg through the people who transport the goods, and I will consider it."

Seeing that the topic had reached the end, Bai Bin stood up and planned to leave.

Perlo quickly stood up and signaled the guard to bring over a wooden box.

"Here is a little bit of our thoughts. We kobolds did not pay much in this battle, but we got the greatest benefit, and we feel guilty. Please don't dislike it, Pastor Bai, and accept our thoughts."

Bai Bin didn't refuse and accepted the wooden box directly.

"Okay, then I'll take it!"

Sometimes, accepting gifts from others is also a kind of emotional intelligence.

If you don't accept it, the other party will feel uneasy.

When you are anxious, it is easy to think about things here and there. If you think too much, you will easily think wrongly. If you think wrongly, you will go to extremes.

Bai Bin rushed back to Landenburg in a carriage.

On the way, I curiously opened the wooden box.

Inside the wooden box was a piece of ore emitting silvery white light.

The whole piece of ore is about the size of a palm, but it is not heavy when weighed.

Bai Bin held it under the sunlight coming from the car window, making it even more dazzling and charming.

Even the metallic color coming out of the surface of the ore can reflect the blurry figures.

"Could this be..." Bai Bin's breathing was a little rapid, and he weighed the ore again. It was much lighter than ordinary ore.

I tried pressing the ore again. It was hard and difficult to leave scratches.

The answer is ready to come out -

This is a mithril ore!
Mithril ore is an extremely precious ore with a silvery white appearance. It is much stronger than steel but very lightweight.

The most accurate description of mithril is "light as a feather, but as strong as a dragon's scales."

In addition, mithril also has an attribute that is quite tempting to spellcasters, and that is good magic affinity, or magic-guiding property.

Powerful magic weapons are all indispensable for Mithril.

It is no exaggeration to say that such a piece of mithril ore is worth tens of thousands of gold coins!

Living in the market in the mage area will definitely cause looting!

Bai Bin suppressed the excitement in his heart and closed the wooden box again.

This mithril must be kept to build top equipment.

As soon as Bai Bin returned to Landenburg Cathedral and put the wooden box away in his courtyard, he was called to Father Lima's office.

"Old man, we have finished communicating with the kobolds. They have put forward some opinions and requirements. Please take a look." Bai Bin pushed the record in front of Father Lima and motioned for him to make the final decision.

Unexpectedly, the old man didn't care about this at all and looked at Bai Bin with a satisfied smile.

This smile is so captivating.

"When you went to the Kobolds, I had already written the application and handed it over to Supervisor Pons. He has also embarked on the journey back to Jerusalem. I believe that Jerusalem and Constantine will be together soon. This application can be received.”

Father Lima paused and said: "I have an idea. Instead of waiting until the review is passed, then you go to Constantine to be promoted to the position of priest, and then take over the work when you come back. Why not try to get started now and start getting familiar with it as an acting abbot? Next process?”

This was not something Father Lima suddenly decided upon.

It was a decision made after careful consideration with Pastor Ma Shuoer.

We cannot pin our hopes on the Holy See and Jerusalem.

Sandro had a criminal record. He just asked Bai Bin to be transferred to Landenburg, but he resorted to many despicable tricks and stumbling blocks.Who knows what other tricks they will have in store for such a big promotion this time?
Rather than waiting passively, it is better to let Bai Bin become the real power host now and directly take over the running affairs of Landenburg Cathedral.

Anyway, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. If the Temple Assassins want to intervene, it will have to be a few months later.

Bai Bin was stunned.

Acting host?

Does this mean that in addition to a formal title, he can already intervene in all management of the cathedral?
Bai Bin suddenly showed a mysterious smile: "Okay, then I will take over this job!"

PS: I need to make a recommendation, but I was told that all orders must meet the standard, so the guaranteed chapters of Shushu every day for a period of time will be released in the form of two-in-one chapters, so that the increase in orders will be faster. I hope everyone can forgive me.

Although the number of chapters is less, the number of words is still the same, both are 4000+!

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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