This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 141 Descendants of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 141 Descendants of the Dragon Clan (900 high order extra)

For any other level 3 priest, going to the Central Holy See of Constantine to be crowned a priest would be just a process and ordinary treatment.

After being crowned, you can get a formal position and become a priest.

Generally speaking, they will return to the place where the application was submitted to take up the position.

But in Bai Bin's situation, it is definitely impossible to calculate according to normal conditions.

Just the application and resume that I submitted were overwhelming.

Judging from the perspective and experience of Father Lima who has been in charge of Landenburg for so many years, as long as Bai Bin is a higher level and older, there is no problem in applying for a priest!
Regardless of other contributions to politics and state affairs, let’s just talk about his contributions to the Guangming Sect.

Improved a 2-level spell, and pioneered the transformation of hell demons into creatures with affinity to the Holy Light.

With the former, he was able to leave a name for himself and was included in the introduction column of theological seminary textbooks, so much so that teachers would mention it in class.

The latter is to the extent of opening a new chapter or a new subject in the direct textbook.

The title of 'No. 1 in the world' is well deserved.

How can such a person go through the review and interview process the same as everyone else?
Thinking about those old guys in the Central Holy See, Father Lima couldn't help but worry.

The explosive resume is both an opportunity and a challenge for Bai Bin.

Father Lima stopped disturbing Bai Bin. What Bai Bin said just now made him wake up.

Before leaving, the old man left a message asking Bai Bin to have a good rest, and then he happily went to work.

While this old bone can still walk, do more things to take some of the pressure off Bai Bin, so that he can save more energy and put it in more useful places.

However, Bai Bin's vacation is destined to be short-term.

In a blink of an eye, it's time to make a pact with the kobolds.

The old chief Galli came to Landenburg with his daughter Perlo and the kobold guard.

Bai Bin arranged a grand welcome ceremony to welcome the kobolds.

We started to greet you from the west gate of Landenburg, and went all the way from the old city, through the trading area, through the Church Square, through the Knights District, and arrived at Landenburg Fortress.

This route covers most of the Landenburg area.

Avoided the canal prison and the mage area where it was located.

After all, Lao Gali has been in this place for several years, so he is very familiar with it and there is not much to see.

Lao Gali and his daughter Perlo were also dressed up to attend, especially Perlo's body, which was dotted with many gems and gold, making it look quite luxurious.

Although the kobold guards behind them are short in size, only reaching around the waist of a human being, they are all quite extraordinary and have resolute eyes.They were also all covered with fine armor, and they were holding uniform short spears, which made a clear clicking sound when they walked.

"Are you dressed so grandly?" Bai Bin greeted him with a smile.

The old chief Galli chuckled and gave Bai Bin a warm hug as he squatted down.

"This is the beginning of a new era that is worth remembering. Naturally, you have to dress nice and take commemorative photos, which will be circulated for a long time."

"The old chief's words are quite accurate. The peace between our two clans will be talked about for generations to come. We can't let our descendants laugh at our poor taste!" Bai Bin agreed.

Riding in the carriage prepared by Landenburg, Bai Bin, the little lord Ting En represented Landenburg, the old chief Gali, and the princess Perlo, four people rode in the same carriage.

Start from the city gate and move forward slowly.

On both sides of the road were people holding flowers to welcome us, with bright smiles on their faces.

The old chief Galli said with emotion: "I still remember that the last time I entered Landenburg, I was riding in a prison car. The faces of these people were full of anger, and what they held in their hands were not flowers, but rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves. Time flies, and when I come to Landenburg again, the treatment has changed dramatically."

Bai Bin waved to the window, but said: "That's because I didn't graduate early. If I had graduated early and came to Landenburg, maybe the unnecessary war could have been avoided. But it is precisely because we have suffered the torment of the war that we Only now can I understand the value of peace better." [Justice Value +200]

"Okay, that's well said!" The old chief applauded happily.

The emotion of emotion just now was gone, and he followed Bai Bin and waved to the window.

It is precisely because they have experienced war and know the cruelty of war that they value the hard-won peace even more now.

This is not a two-way rush.

Princess Perlo looked at the reserved little Ting En.

The man in front of me is the future Lord of Landenburg.

And she is the new leader of the kobolds.

"Hello, I am Perlo, the daughter of the kobold chief. Nice to meet you." Perlo took the initiative to extend his hand to express friendship.

Little Tingen had never been so close to a kobold.

I was a little stunned for a moment, not knowing how to deal with this situation.

"Hey, young master, are you scared to death?" Bai Bin said with a joking smile.

"I...I didn't!" Xiao Ting'en argued, his face turning red as he argued.

Although he had a tough talk, in order not to be looked down upon by Bai Bin, he still reached out his hand and had his first friendly contact with Perlo.

"I am Tinn Langdon, the current Lord of Landenburg. meet you."

The old chiefs Gali and Perlo were very curious about Bai Bin's attitude towards the little lord.

Normally, as a minister under Landenburg's rule, Bai Bin should treat his lord with humility and respect.

But Bai Bin's attitude towards Ting En was completely different.

There is a sense of not treating the other party as a lord.

There seems to be a kind of... anger between the two?

With the first step, subsequent chats are much simpler.

With Perlow's proactive catering, Ting En was able to talk and communicate freely.

In Ting En's view, this kobold lady, apart from being a bit weird in appearance, is also quite nice!

Since then, Ting En's curiosity and questions have increased.

"Sister Perlo, what is this red thing on your body..." Ting En asked, pointing to a red smooth spot exposed on Perlo's body.

This red color is particularly eye-catching and quite smooth, completely different from the bumpy skin of the kobold.

Perlo was extremely proud, pointing to the scales on his body and said: "These are dragon scales! They are a symbol of our bloodline. Kobolds are descendants of the dragon clan and have dragon blood in their bodies. Only awakened kobolds will have dragon scales activated on their bodies. "

Descendants of the Dragon Clan! ?
Ting En was obviously stunned.

He never expected that such an ugly (bushi) kobold had dragon blood in his body!
"And the dragon bloodlines activated by the kobolds are all different. You see, my scales are red, which means I am a descendant of the bloodline of the red fire dragon. And I can use some fire-related spells. This is the awakening of our kobolds. The specialty of the Queen!”

Perlo showed it proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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