This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 144 Siren Siren

Chapter 144 Siren Siren ([-]-in-[-])

"Pastor Bai, it's so tiring to set up the tent. My wrists are sore now and my whole body is weak?" Lilith said coquettishly.

But people as far away as Jerusalem can clearly hear what Lilith is planning.

In just one tent, a man and a woman were crowded together. It was hard to say whether they would lose their virginity or not, but they would definitely get wet.

Bai Bin's face was full of joking, and his tone was slightly sarcastic: "Just now, my wrist is so sore? Then this level is not good. What will you do when your wrist is even more sore later? You can't just talk about it. If it goes up, you’ve neglected your craftsmanship!”

Lilith was choked and speechless by Bai Bin.

This taunt is too fatal to a succubus!
Doubting a succubus' business ability is simply a form of self-indulgence and unscrupulousness!

Can Lilith endure it?
Lilith took a deep breath. Today she had to prove to Bai Bin that the endurance of her wrist was enough to make anyone as hard as iron bow their head and admit their mistakes.

After Lilith set up the tent in one go, Bai Bin took advantage of Lilith to finish the work and walked directly into the tent, zipping it up smoothly.

"Thank you Lilith, I will rest first~" Bai Bin said, and soon a steady rhythm of snoring came from the tent.

Seeing the cooked duck fly away, Lilith's fists clenched, but she couldn't forcefully tear down the tent and rush in.

"Okay, I'll spare you today! I don't believe that I can't find any chance during these days in Constantine!" Lilith said "viciously" and turned around to go into her tent.

In the tent, in the dark night, the corners of Bai Bin's mouth rose slightly.

'I'm so lucky, congratulations on living another day. '


The waters of the Lyme River are bitterly cold.

The water source of the river comes from the high mountains where the Darkwood Forest is located.

The tops of the mountains are covered with snow all year round, which melts into water under the influence of sunlight, and flows down from the heights to form river valleys, all the way to the east.

Long-term erosion has formed the raging course of the Lyme River.

Now that the climate has entered autumn, the temperature has dropped, the melting of the snow-capped mountains has slowed down, and the water in the Lem River has also calmed down a lot, with no turbulence and calmness has returned.

With the darkness of night, a girl slowly rose from the biting and cold river water.

The river water did not wet her clothes, but emerged from the water like a hibiscus.

Under the moonlight, the long silver hair exudes a faint glow, like the Milky Way, and complements the sparkling river water. The four words describe it as "the goddess takes a bath."

The body is covered with a layer of light pink cicada clothes, which outlines a beautiful figure.

The lower body is like snake skin and fish scales, exuding a bright blue light. It twists its waist and draws an S-shaped route on the sand.

When they reached the river bank all the way, the fish body and snake tail beneath them all transformed into long yarns, and the body completely transformed into a human form.

Just on the white calf, there was a wound dripping with blood, and the bones were visible!Blood gurgled and continued to flow from the wound, dripping onto the soil.

The panic in the girl's eyes almost overflowed, regardless of the pain in her body.

He hugged his body with his hands and quickly scanned his surroundings, looking for a safe place.

Soon, the girl dragged her thin body towards the woods on the river bank.

As long as she goes upstream along the river and enters the mountain forest, she can escape.

Not long after the girl walked forward, several women with snake skin and fish scales emerged from the river one after another.They all have one thing in common, that is, they have voluptuous figures and delicate and beautiful faces.

Just like the girl before, she came ashore and transformed into a human form, with the trident in her hand bursting with cold light.

But unlike the thinly-clad girls before, these four people all wore emerald green armor and held sharp sea serpent tridents in their hands.

"That guy is injured and can't run far!" The cold night, combined with the crisp and even violent orders, made the atmosphere more solemn and solemn.

"There are traces of her blood on the ground, chase her!"

The four of them followed the bloodstains on the ground all the way to the forest.

The mountains are densely forested, and the bloodstains on the ground are mixed with the soil and fallen leaves, making them mottled and unclear, making the search more difficult.

"Sir, it's hard to find blood stains." One of the ladies in uniform said.

The search was confusing. The light in the mountain forest late at night was weak, and everything on the ground could not be seen clearly.

"We finally found her trace this time. We must not let her escape again! If this operation fails again, you will go back to see the queen!"

After that, the gentleman looked around again, pointed to the west and said: "Helen must have gone along the west side of the mountains and forests. The mountains to the west lead to the mountains. She thought she could get rid of us by escaping into the mountains... Then, let Let her live a little longer."

Despite this, the four of them did not leave, but continued to chase them along the mountain forest.

It was the darkest time of the day. They couldn't see Helen's trace, and Helen couldn't see them either!As long as they can kill her before dawn, they can still return to the sea through the Lime River.

However, Helen, whose calf was injured, stumbled in the forest and did not move very fast.

The pursuit behind her was like a talisman, constantly urging her and driving her away, so that she couldn't spare the energy to think, so she had to keep pressing forward!


The girl's feet slipped and she fell to the ground.

Plunge into the low bushes.

The short and tough branches of the bush were like sharp knives, scratching many wounds on the girl's body.

The girl's calf was bleeding, and now her foot was sprained. Her body was even more miserable, and she fell down in the bushes.

With just the slightest movement, the sharp bushes would pierce the flesh or cut the skin.

It's like being in the "Iron Maiden" of natural structure.

There was a look of despair on the girl's face, but the bush seemed to be eating people.

She gritted her teeth and struggled hard, but she couldn't get out at all, as if she was stuck in a swamp.

A flash of determination flashed in the girl's eyes, she endured the pain, stretched out her arms and began to crawl forward.

The clothes on his body were torn and mixed with the skin, causing scratches from being dragged.

It felt like there were hundreds of knives cutting on the skin on her body, and the severe pain made her whimper.But immediately the girl gritted her teeth to prevent herself from making any sound.

I had to force my way through this section of bushes and thorns.

The girl leaned against the tree, breathing heavily and silently.

His arms, body, and legs were all intact.

There was a rustling sound in the woods again. It was the sound of footsteps stepping on fallen leaves and the trident constantly sweeping away obstacles around them.

The girl ignored the bloody wounds blooming on her body and continued to drag her injured body forward aimlessly.

She knew that if she was found by those people, there would be no chance of her surviving.

But she didn't know that she had lost too much blood and her face was extremely pale.

Running away aimlessly like this, perhaps before the people behind her could catch up, she would have lost her vitality and collapsed completely.

But the pursuers behind him lingered and got closer and closer.

The adrenaline bursting through the girl's body had made her feel no pain.

The only thing I can feel is the fear of pursuing soldiers.

It's just that the hemp rope is broken at the thinnest part, and bad luck only seeks out the miserable.

The more she wanted to escape, the more things happened.In the darkness, a rope came from nowhere on the ground and hooked her ankle. Then it quickly contracted, clasped her ankle tightly, and suddenly rose high into the sky, hanging her upside down.

At the most critical moment of her escape, she stepped into a trap in the mountains and forests!


Desperation spread quickly.

The only adrenaline that gave her strength was quickly fading.

Reason regained the upper hand.

The pain in his body also came like a tide.

The blood from the wound on the calf also flows "backward", sliding along the calf to the thigh, then along the graceful curve, through ravines and black valleys, over mountains and ridges, and reaches the cheek.

The bright red blood stains looked like two bloody tears under the moonlight, which was terrifying.

The resentment is spreading rapidly.

The four chasing men became even more excited after seeing signs of struggle and bending in the bushes and thorns.

The blood stains that had disappeared became increasingly clear.

"I just said, this guy can't run away today!"

"Let her continue to struggle, feeling the blood in her body being drained bit by bit, feeling the life being drained bit by bit, but she is powerless and dare not look back. Just like before, when facing our four sisters, all she could do was run. ."

These words were spoken in an extremely calm tone, which was a bit colder than the autumn night, making people feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave and chilled their hearts.

As the four of them walked around the bushes and thorns, they followed the bloodstains and trampled marks on the ground.

Finally I saw Helen who had been running away.

It's just that the four people's faces were filled with astonishment for the first time.

Looking at Helen hanging upside down from the tree, it took a while for the shock and surprise on her face to turn into joking and wild laughter.

"Hahaha, I thought about running to exhaustion and giving up; I also thought about you losing too much blood and fainting on the road. But I never thought that you would be caught in a trap set in the mountain forest and hung upside down here waiting for trial. If possible, We should really thank the hunter who set the trap, so that we can finally end our many days of hunting and return to the comfortable and familiar ocean."

The eldest sister among the four sisters stood up and spoke sharply and sarcastically.

The young girl Helen was heartbroken.

There was no possibility of escape for her now.

Facing the four people who stared at her and raised their tridents to surround her.

At this moment, the fear in his heart did not explode, but dissipated without a trace.

'It turns out... people are not afraid when they are really desperate and facing death...'

Helen sighed suddenly in her heart.

Listening to the banter and sarcasm from the other side, all that was left was resentment.

The "comfortable and familiar" ocean in the words of the executor, in her memory, is only targeted and ruthless, without any positive memories. Some of them are all blank looks and indifference, as well as people's ridicule and orchestration behind their backs.

Perhaps seeing that Helen was already a piece of meat on the chopping board, she had no power to resist.

The four sisters were not in a hurry to kill her. They wanted to dump all the resentment they had spent on Helen on Helen.

After all, this kind of thing is simply familiar to them.

Because that's what they've been doing since they were little.

"Being able to execute a Siren royal family with my own hands is something I never dreamed of. But today, it seems that my dream can come true." The Siren Executor let out a jeering laugh.

As the overlords who rule the oceans, the Sirens have a strict hierarchy.

Among them, the Siren royal family has the highest bloodline and status.

Their bloodline has powerful magic power. Whether it is the deadly singing voice of the sea monster or the silence spell, they are more powerful than ordinary sea monsters.

However, among the royal family, a strange person named Helen was born.

Sirens are naturally good at singing and can add confusing sounds to their singing voices.She often transforms into a mermaid and sings loudly in the ocean to attract sailors in the sea.

Once voyagers fall under the spell of the siren's singing voice, they often face disaster. They are captured and eaten by the siren, and only a pile of bones are left in the end.

However, Helen is an anomaly.

As a siren royal with top talents, she is not good at singing.

Other sirens sing to attract sailors and charm enemies.

But Helen's singing, not to mention attracting sailors, the cargo ship immediately turned around after hearing it, without hesitation.

The singing voice of others is fatal, it is the fatal after the charm.

Helen's singing voice is deadly, in a real physical sense.

It was extremely difficult to hear!

Not only does it not have any charm effect, but it can even quickly wake up from the charm state after listening to it. It has the effect of forcibly dispelling the illusion.

A useless alien appeared in the royal family, making the royal family the object of ridicule by other sea monsters.

Not only was Helen ridiculed by her peers, but she also became a thorn in the royal family's side and was disliked by everyone.

At first, some of her compatriots took pity on Helen and took her out to sea to trap her.

But there was no progress every time, and even the cargo ships obtained by the same race were allowed to escape after hearing the news.

Over time, everyone despised her, and even the royal family could not protect her.

Her peers began to bully her, and the royal family's indifference became the only way for these people to vent their anger against the royal family.

They dare not offend the royal family, but they can bully Helen.

There is even a widely circulated saying that the royal family also wanted this guy who had soiled their bloodline to die, but they did not want to be accused of killing a fellow human being, so they turned a blind eye to Helen's experience.

From a certain perspective, no one wants Helen to disappear more than the royal family.

Helen also felt the crisis. If she continued to stay in this hometown where there was only blood and tears, she would be killed at some point.

So Helen chose to self-exile, heading west, away from the ocean, to the Lyme River.

"I have already been in self-exile, far away from the sea, why are you still unwilling to let me go?" Helen's eyes were filled with hatred, her eyes were flooded by the backflow of blood, and she looked extremely terrifying.

"Some people are an indelible shame when they are alive. Only dead people can erase people's memories." The Kraken Executor said.

"Could it be that even living a modest life is an eyesore to others?" Helen was extremely desperate.

"Your birth was a mistake. The Siren royal family was humiliated because of you. Your parents committed suicide to apologize, and only you, the evil one, are left."

The Kraken Executor raised the trident in his hand.

A bolt of thunder and lightning, as thin as a gossamer, lingered on the spikes of the trident, ready to strike.

"Just stay away to solve family problems. Why do you have to let people sleep so late at night? Don't you know this is a very rude behavior?"

At this moment, a voice sounded from the tent not far away...

 Thanks for discovering one hundred ways men lie and book friend 130218142415747 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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