This pastor is so righteous

第146章 2个人的吻,3个人的尴尬(2合1)

Chapter 146 Two people’s kiss, three people’s embarrassment (two in one)

Helen had never seen such a steel monster before, let alone expected it to appear in such an invisible way.

Its huge and terrifying size and the way it appeared silently formed a strong contrast.

The Siren Enforcer could also tell from Bai Bin's words that the other party wanted to protect Helen.

The Kraken Executor clasped his hands behind his back, suddenly took out two cold light daggers, and flew towards Bai Bin.

The three sisters behind them raised their tridents and recharged their power. Electric light flowed and accumulated on the tridents, making crackling sounds.

However, before they could finish accumulating their strength, the penitents behind them had already started harvesting.

A huge spiked hammer suddenly sounded from behind, accompanied by a creaking mechanical noise.

The sudden feeling of terror makes one's scalp numb.

The three Kraken executors couldn't help but stop casting spells to avoid the attack.

The penitent's spiked hammer fell, and the earth trembled, creating a deep crater in the ground.

The Siren Executor, who barely escaped, finally saw the huge figure and terrifying image of the Penitent.

The body is made of metal. Under the moonlight, the metal on the body has a matte color, giving off a cold feeling.

The sharp edges and corners of the armor give people a feeling of strong attack power, and the spiked hammer in their hands is even more suffocating.

Just one look at the huge and sharp thorns on the top will make people unconsciously think of the image of several bloody holes in the body after being hit.

The Kraken Executor, who rushed forward with two daggers in hand, saw the behemoth behind him from the corner of his eye.

But at this moment, there is no turning back. Her goal is to kill Helen and complete the mission.

Although the Kraken's body has the body of a fish and the tail of a snake, its speed after transforming into a human form is not weak at all, and it can move very dexterously.Their light body allows them to perform many difficult movements, and they can swim easily even in underwater environments with high pressure and resistance.

When you come to land, there is less resistance and you can make many unrestricted movements.

"Be careful, their daggers are coated with paralyzing poison. Once it touches the skin, the whole body will be paralyzed." Although Helen was hung upside down on the tree, she still spoke to remind Bai Bin.

The Siren Enforcer gritted his teeth: "Betraying the tribe and collaborating with outsiders, you are indeed born to be a disgrace to the Siren Siren!"

But at this moment, Helen had awakened under Bai Bin's "bewitchment" and snorted coldly: "You want to kill me, but you also want me not to betray you and to wait for death?"

Helen sneered, the Kraken Executor's stupid self-will only made her want to laugh.

The world is very big, and the Kraken is only in a corner.

Having never seen the beauty of the outside world, I still thought that the ocean was everything and everything had to move according to its own will.

Just when the dagger was about to hit Helen, a cane suddenly pressed against the dagger, causing the attack to fail completely.

"You've been fooled!" The Siren Enforcer showed a sinister smile that didn't match his appearance.

The dagger turned and stabbed towards Bai Bin.

The two were close at hand, and the Kraken Executor was extremely fast.

Bai Bin could even see the faint green light on the cold light dagger, which was the recruitment after being soaked in poison.

However, the Kraken Executor wants to assassinate Bai Bin, but Bai Bin doesn't want to get close to him.

The soul-sucking cane in his hand saw the right moment and swung it out, pointing directly at the face of the Kraken Executor.

The Kraken Executor tilted his head slightly and had already dodged the attack in advance.


Suddenly, Bai Bin pulled the trigger.

Several tentacles shot out from the soul-sucking staff.

The tentacles immediately became excited after sensing the humanoid creatures.

Next, there was no need for Bai Bin to adjust the direction. The mind flayer's tentacles twisted the direction on their own, like a starfish with open arms, and landed steadily on the face of the Kraken Executor.


When the mind flayer's tentacles hug the face of the Siren Executor, the suction cups on the tentacles are tightly attached, and at the same time, a hallucinogenic substance is secreted from the tentacle suckers, making the prey lose its ability to resist.

Next, there is a gluttonous feast.

A stream of corrosive substance is ejected from the mouthparts in the center of the tentacles, corroding and burning the skin and bones of the Kraken executor. The tentacles greedily suck the cerebrospinal fluid from the gaps, like jade liquid.

The Kraken Executor's body was shaking violently, but he was unable to scream, leaving only irregular breathing.

The vitality was lost rapidly, the cerebrospinal fluid was sucked out, and there was even a popping sound of a hollow sucking in the skull.

During this period, Bai Bin also felt a life force like a stream entering his body along the soul-sucking staff, nourishing everywhere.

This feeling is the same as when using [Cure Injury].There is just one kind of vitality activated by the holy light, and the other kind of vitality supplemented by the source.

This scene stunned everyone on the scene.

Helen, who was hanging upside down in the tree, was stunned.

The Kraken Executor died in an indescribably weird way after just one encounter. His skull was pried open, his brain was eaten away, and he didn't even have a chance to struggle.

He is obviously a priest of light, but the methods he uses are so terrifying and weird.

It was Helen who had goosebumps all over her body and a chill down her spine.

The other three Kraken Executors, who were avoiding the Penitent's attack, turned pale with fear.

Their eldest sister's death was too tragic and too strange.

As the most powerful executor among them, he died as soon as he met her.

Now they have to deal with this steel monster and Bai Bin, the terrifying priest. They have never encountered such an extremely disadvantageous situation!
In Bai Bin's eyes, these sirens, who only use their singing voices to seduce sailors and bully their companions in the deep sea, are as innocent and ignorant as a white lotus or a little white rabbit.

Bai Bin held the soul-sucking cane and saw that the mind flayer's tentacles were still vigorous and vigorous, obviously there was still some strength left.

'This [grappling] ability is pretty good. It's completely the ability of the Mind Flayer's tentacles. It doesn't require any consumption to use. You just need to press the switch to release the Mind Flayer's tentacles...'

Bai Bin fumbled with the usage and characteristics of the soul-sucking cane.

Judging from the vitality and effectiveness of the mind flayer's tentacles, it's clear that the tentacles are not full.

I don't know what kind of hard life I lived while following the mind flayer. I just ate the human brain of a siren and sucked it all away without leaving any residue.

Bai Bin turned to look at the other three sea monsters.

In the eyes of the siren, Bai Bin, with his sinister smile, looked like a demon.

Although this feeling is outrageous, a priest of the Illuminati Religion, a priest who can cast a spell that turns the night into day, is more terrifying than the devil in their eyes!
My heart is swaying and I can't control myself.

In a daze, a sea monster was hit by the penitent.

In just an instant, the huge sea monster that was standing there completely disappeared.

When I looked closely, I saw that it had been smashed into the woods, breaking three or four thigh-thick trees.

The chest was disemboweled with a spiked hammer and turned into a pulp like a beaten meatball. Several holes were opened, killing him instantly.

The remaining two sea monsters were completely frightened. Such a violent steel monster could instantly kill the sea monster executor with one blow.Even the elite guards of the Queen in the Siren Siren, holding heavy halberds, do not have such a powerful effect.

Even a four- to five-meter-tall sea giant would not be able to slap an executioner to death.If this continues, they will die too!

The Kraken Executor is now in a panic. The only way now is...

The two looked at each other and suddenly made a decision.

Helen, who was hanging upside down, immediately reacted: "Be careful, they are about to start the Siren's Song!"

But as soon as the words fell, a graceful and graceful music was sung from the mouths of the two siren executors. The singing voice was ethereal and melodious, like an elf on the sea or a fairy in the forest. It made people fascinated and nostalgic.

At the same time, the two Kraken executors who sang the Siren's song were shimmering with light, which highlighted their delicate skin and beautiful figures.

The Siren's Song is all-powerful.

Even on the sea, the sailors who heard the siren's song were so fascinated that they drove their boats aground on the coastal rocks and asked for whatever they wanted from the siren.

As long as you charm the priest in front of you, you can stop his summons and kill Helen to complete the mission!

However, the idea of ​​a Kraken Executor is doomed to fail.

The two of them sang together. Logically speaking, Bai Bin should have been completely attracted by the Siren's song at this moment and controlled by the rhythm in the singing voice.

But Bai Bin stood where he was, not affected at all.

Instead, he played the rhythm with his soul-sucking cane with great interest, as if he was really enjoying the song of the Siren.

Completely ignoring the attraction of the Siren's Song, the Siren Executor's eyes flashed with panic.

"how is this possible!?"

"Not affected at all?"

The Siren's Song is invincible, and the two stacked together are even more powerful, eliminating any possibility of escape.

But Bai Bin was not affected at all and was even enjoying the comments.

This situation immediately put the two Siren Sea Monsters in trouble.

You must know that Bai Bin is equipped with a charm attribute of up to 25 points.

With these two little Karami, they still want to seduce him through the Siren's song. Isn't that just a dream?

Unless they put on a live Crazy Horse show where they dance and undress, they might still be able to attract Bai Bin.

Helen didn't know. She could only see Bai Bin's back and was completely unaware of the current situation.

But she knew that once Bai Bin was attracted by the Siren's Song, she would be completely doomed!


Helen's heart sank: "You sang the Siren's song in front of me, you thought I wouldn't be..."

Helen took a deep breath and sang the Siren's song as well.

Just for a moment, a sharp scratching sound similar to fingernails picking at glass was heard.

Even for a person with extremely high attributes like Bai Bin, he could feel his head explode and go blank in an instant.

Not to mention the other two Kraken executors and Lilith who was arranged by Bai Bin to hide in the dark.

Lilith, who was the most able to endure hardships and endure pain, looked ferocious at this moment, and the hand holding the barbed whip was even more clenched red and purple. She wanted to throw out the flying whip immediately and use the barbs to tear Helen's mouth open.

Helen's Siren Song is the purest form of destructive sound waves.

The birds on the trees fainted and fell to the ground one after another, and even the insects and small animals in the tree trunks and shrubs all had their bellies raised, showing signs of pain.

The two Kraken executors held their heads and howled. The originally melodious and authentic Kraken song could slightly neutralize the unpleasant and eerie noise.

Now that it stops, all that's left is the unpleasant sound.

This terrible sound poured into the ears, not only causing psychological damage, but also physical damage.

"Stop singing..." Bai Bin now really wanted to lift his cane and give Helen a tackle to shut her up.

But how could Helen, who had fallen into PTSD, stop easily.

Bai Bin had no choice but to call Lilith to come on stage.

"Lilith, shut her up!"

After saying that, Bai Bin covered his head with one hand and staggered towards the Siren Executor.

Then he aimed the soul-sucking cane at one of the Kraken Executors, and the Mind Flayer tentacles popped out of the cane's mechanism.

Originally smelling the brain of a humanoid creature, the mind flayer's tentacles were particularly excited and wanted to pounce on it immediately.

But after coming out of the cane again, the Mind Flayer's tentacles heard a high-frequency noise. The tentacles that had just popped out were powerless when they were halfway in!Then it plummeted thousands of miles, jumped into the air with a parabola, and threw away the loneliness.

It's like he was so high-spirited before the game, and he said that he must kill seven in and seven out tonight!
But when I poked my head again after one time, it was already limp.

I had to find some excuses like being in a bad state or being a little tired to deal with it.

"This...even the nerve tentacles of the Mind Flayer can't withstand this noise?" Bai Bin was dumbfounded.

The only person at the scene who was not affected was the penitent made of metal. This was Bai Bin's only comfort.

The Penitent knocked away a Kraken Executor with a hammer blow, and then performed an ordinary A, killing him on the spot.

In order to prevent the last Kraken Executor from being killed, Bai Bin had no choice but to take back the Penitent.

Lilith used a barbed whip and struck it on the rope.

After breaking the rope, Helen fell from the air. However, Helen, who was singing the "Song of the Siren" with her eyes closed, aroused a stress response all over her body. She did not notice that she was rescued, nor did she see that the battlefield had been completely suppressed by Bai Bin. .

Feeling the cruel singing voice at close range, Lilith's scalp went numb.

Right now, the only way to make Helen stop was to control her.

So, that is to say, there is only one move...

Lilith's eyes were complicated, looking at the silver-haired, equally top-notch appearance after healing, I saw the pitiful Siren Siren Helen, her head slowly falling.

A comforting kiss!

Lilith lowered her head and blocked Helen's mouth!

The earth fell into silence.

The singing voice that was even more terrifying than the howling of hellish souls finally stopped, and everyone present, including the mind flayer tentacles that did not count humans, all breathed a sigh of relief.

The Mind Flayer Tentacle, which had been pretending to be dead before, now seems to have been restored to its glory after taking a drug, and began to clamor to regain its vitality, wanting to hug the Siren Executor's face.

Bai Bin just moved forward, and the mind flayer's tentacles swooped forward and continued to feast.

Bai Bin turned around and immediately saw a shocking scene.

Lilith held Helen in her arms.

Looking at Lilith and Helen, both of them had extremely embarrassed expressions on their faces.

"Everything is a stop-gap measure to silence Helen, yes! That's it!" Lilith comforted herself.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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