This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 153: Your distinguished servant, please help us eliminate the monsters of the Illuminati Sec

Chapter 153: Your distinguished servant, please help us eliminate the monsters of the Illuminati Sect!

Seeing the blood dripping into the blood formation, the fervor in the eyes of the village believers almost overflowed.

"I am His most loyal believer and I am willing to dedicate everything to Him!"

The blood array greedily sucked the blood. A lot of blood had obviously been poured into it, but the level of the blood array filled with blood could not be seen to improve much.

Not enough, not enough, still worse!
The longing in the eyes of the red-robed man sitting cross-legged on the altar flashed, and was immediately suppressed by reason.

At present, the City of Helm is being purged, and many believers have been imprisoned or directly executed.

The nobles restrained themselves and went underground.

Even the funding is done secretly through shackles and trade transactions.

For the Blood Sacrifice Array, the blood of believers has become the most precious resource.

In the past, it would have been possible to beat people to death directly, and still be given the title of honorary dedication.

But now, it is impossible to preach openly and openly, the number of believers is developing slowly, and they have to be careful about being overrun by the guards of Helm City. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the life of every believer and ensure a sustainable and stable blood supply to prevent the plan from stalling.

"He senses your sincerity and rewards you with strength!" The man in red robe hooked his hand, and a fishy black energy surged out from the blood array and poured into the believer's body.

The originally sluggish spirit of the believer suddenly swelled and swelled, and his sluggish eyes regained their vitality.

"Power! I feel the power given by Him! I will be loyal to Him and follow His will as the direction..."

After the man was filled with strength, his whole spirit and spirit were different. He was trembling all the way, but suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and exited.

Then, the second and third believers stepped forward one after another and sprinkled their blood on the blood array.

The man in red robe looked at the gradually rising blood line, and finally a smile appeared on his lips.

As long as the blood formation is completed, he can summon his warriors, and under the leadership of the warriors and his waiters, he can overthrow the current corrupt rule!
At this moment, a fanatical believer hurriedly walked in from the door, came close to the man in red robe and whispered a few words.

The man in red robe looked surprised, and panic flashed in his eyes.

"Are you exposed?"

The fanatic followers shook their heads repeatedly: "After discovering that they were priests and nuns from the Illuminati Religion, we restrained our actions. I led them to my home and asked my wife to entertain them and stabilize them."

"You have done well. When His attendants arrive, they will reward you in His name."

The believer's face was full of excitement and his voice was trembling: "It is my honor to contribute to His coming."

The man in red robe looked at the blood that was about to overflow in the blood array, and suddenly came up with an idea: "Keep them as a great gift for your distinguished attendant after his arrival."

'When your Excellency the Waiter arrives, he must be very happy to see the hypocrites of the Illuminati Sect! The man in red robe grinned, congratulating himself on his wise decision.

After the fanatical believers left, the man in red robe became more and more excited.

As the summoner who presides over this blood formation, once his servants are summoned, he is the one who can get the most benefits!Now that there is such a good sacrifice as the pastor of the Light Sect, he will receive more rewards and gifts!
The red-robed summoner's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he scanned the crowd in the queue. He raised his hand and pointed: "You, come forward! Enjoy the glory that belongs to you! I feel His strong request, God's attendant. It’s coming soon, and I need you to complete your final dedication!”

The person who was pointed out was a mother with withered hair. Her eyes were dull for a moment and then burst into intense light. She immediately knelt down and banged her head twice.

"Thank you, sir, and thank God for your favor!"

The young mother walked into the blood array, skillfully found a clean spot on her scarred arm, and then cut it open with a dagger.

Under the withered skin were skinny muscles. The blood condensed for a while, then gradually swelled and dripped into the blood array.

Like a stream that is about to dry up, it flows down weakly.

How much quality blood can be squeezed out of such a "barren" body?
Others are going crazy with jealousy!

Obviously their blood is more and thicker, but why did God choose such a dry, stinky woman?Why would the blood master give such honor to a woman who can't bleed anymore?
The answer lies in...

The red-robed summoner stared closely at the baby in the woman's arms, stretched out his tongue, licked his lips, and said, "You are too slow! Take your child with you and enjoy the glory!"

The woman who had already fallen into madness suddenly had panic in her eyes.

The right arm holding the child tightened involuntarily.

"Sir, I can do this alone. My child... he is still too young..." the woman begged with a tearful voice. The brilliance of her mother's motherhood suppressed her blind faith at this moment.

The red-robed summoner looked at the blood array that was gradually accumulating. Now he only needed the last high-quality blood to activate the blood sacrifice array, allowing his attendants to descend and lead them to destroy this hopeless world.

"Don't you understand yet? He is the chosen one. Instead of letting him continue to suffer in this environment, it is better to be the glory, give his own blood, and let God's will come. He will follow God's will , destroy this decadent and hopeless world, and build an utopia where there is no oppression, no hunger, and everyone can have enough to eat and clothing to wear!”

The red-robed summoner opened his hands and stood up in excitement.

The words are very tempting, and the utopia constructed has made all the believers present look forward to it.

Overthrow this decadent dynasty and era and build a new era that belongs to them!
This new era was built with their own blood, and they will receive preferential treatment!

"Donate blood!"

"Donate blood!"

"Donate blood!"

The surrounding believers' eyes were crimson and fanatical, and they all chanted slogans in low voices.

These slogans are like poison, constantly eroding the young mother's brain.

On the one hand, it is the beauty of the new world, and on the other hand, it is the maternal protective instinct of a mother.

When beliefs and instincts compete for control in the brain, the whole person will collapse.

However, the atmosphere is made more and more sacred, and motherhood is completely corroded by this "crazy sacredness".

Eventually, the mother picked up the knife and reached for the baby in her arms.

When the knife cut open the baby's delicate skin, the child's cry suddenly sounded.

Fresh blood drips into the blood array, containing energy.

The red-robed summoner looked at the gradually filling blood array and began to chant.

In the rhythmic and melodic spells, all the blood in the blood array rose and gathered to form a blood ball.The hollowed-out bloodstain formation emitted a scarlet light, illuminating the entire underground gathering with an eerie atmosphere.

There was a phantom-like sound coming from the blood cell, which seemed to be echoing.

"I answer your call and come to earth!"

The blood cells condensed into blood fetuses, and the pure blood began to condense into flesh and blood, from which arms, legs, and horns were born...

When the blood fetus expands, it grows from the size of a fist to a blood cocoon more than two meters high.

The blood cocoon shattered little by little, revealing the demon guard with scarlet skin and huge horns!
Seeing such a strong and powerful creature, the red-robed summoner fell to his knees in front of him.

"Servant of God, welcome to the world and lead us out of suffering!"

"To this end, we have specially prepared three priests and nuns from the Illuminati Religion for you. We hope you can help us deal with the monsters of the Illuminati Religion!"

When the demon guard Babel heard this, he forced a smile on his ferocious face and said, "Well done, a weak priest is the best tonic!"

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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