This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 156 The Power of Disease Spell

Chapter 156 The Power of Disease Spell
"Okay, I will take the child to the orphanage in Shanxia Town, and you... can die." Bai Bin raised the soul-sucking cane and pierced the woman's forehead with one stick, piercing the back of the skull and stabbing it all the way through.

This woman just had an idea when she was about to die, gained a moment of clarity, and said something regretful and guilty.But when the dark power in the body is completely gone, he will still beg for strength and pleasure like a mad dog, and even continue to hurt his own children.

Bai Bin only has four words to evaluate this kind of people - hopeless.

There is no pressure to take action.

As for the baby, as Bai Bin said, it was just the first time he experienced the power of darkness.And I'm still young, so I don't feel it so clearly, so there's still hope.

Helen picked up the child, looking at the blood still dripping from her wrist, and looked at Bai Bin with pleading eyes.

Bai Bin casually hit [Cure Slander], and the baby's wound stopped bleeding, and the baby's pale face also regained some rosiness.

At this time, Bai Bin took the time to check out the new skill he had just acquired [Disease Technique].

[Disease Spell] There are five disease states in total. Every time the spell level increases by 2 levels, a new disease state can be added.When casting, you can select the disease state to be triggered.

And if the target cannot be exempted, or cannot be relieved of the disease within a certain period of time, the second disease effect will be triggered until it is infected with all five disease effects!

To put it simply, five disease effect activation options are optional, and subsequent chain-triggered effects are random.

The five effects are blindness, high fever, rotten flesh, epilepsy, and bleeding.

The blindness effect is similar to the blindness spell, which will cause visual impairment based on the perception attribute test;
The high fever effect will heat up the body, reducing the opponent's strength with a strength attribute test;
The rotten flesh effect will corrode the target's skin and muscles, making all subsequent injuries vulnerable to damage based on the Charisma attribute test;

The effect of epilepsy is based on intelligence test, and the effect of confusion is affected in combat;

The final bleeding effect is literally what it means. If you take a physical test, you will bleed uncontrollably.

These five effects correspond to perception, strength, charm, intelligence and physical attributes respectively.The higher Bai Bin's five attributes are, the higher the attribute difference between Bai Bin and the target is, and the stronger the effect will be.If a single attribute is inferior to the target, the target will be immune to the single effect.

"Although it is not a direct damaging spell such as causing serious injuries, crushing sound waves and sonic explosions, one spell has five effects, and its effect on the enemy is much stronger than a single spell."

Just imagine all five effects bursting out on one person, the picture is simply beautiful.

And this spell can be regarded as the first "unlimited" spell that Bai Bin has harvested so far.

The reason why it is said to be "unlimited" is because the spell effect is linked to the attributes.

As long as Bai Bin's attributes can increase, the effect of the spell will increase accordingly.

Level 3 spells, especially offensive spells, require 300 justice points for each level. Bai Bin upgraded the disease spell to level 6 in one go, mastering the three abnormal effects of blindness, high fever and rotten flesh.

'The justice points I finally saved were all used up in one breath.It seems that in the future, we will have to work hard to collect more from Lilith and Helen, and strive to upgrade the disease spell to the full level and activate the five effects. '

Outside the abandoned church, the penitents are on a killing spree.

These frantic villagers had no means at all. The butcher's knives, sickles and long poles in their hands fell on the penitent's metal shell without even leaving a scratch.

With one swing of the spiked hammer in his hand, he could knock away five or six people.

The believers chanted fanatical slogans to encourage themselves.

But they were greeted only by ruthless spiked hammers.

After a while, there were not many followers of the Blood God Sect left in the entire Chenxi Village.

The believer who was beaten by the penitent did not even shed much blood, leaving only a shriveled corpse.

Some believers who were not within the scope of the reverence technique found a new attack target after seeing Bai Bin's figure, and rushed forward with roars.

Helen was just about to stand in front of Pastor Bai and gain a sense of presence, but was grabbed by Lilith.

The way Bai Bin raised the soul-sucking cane made it clear that he wanted to do it himself.

At this time, standing in front of Bai Bin and interrupting him, isn't this the behavior of "I chatter when the leader is talking, and I turn tables when the leader is picking up food"? It is simply a taboo in the workplace!Bai Bin aimed at a person not far away and directly used the disease technique.

The blinding effect of the disease spell takes effect immediately under Bai Bin's perception attribute of 20 points.

Within two steps, the believer covered his face and shouted in horror: "My eyes, my eyes, can't be seen! Can't be seen!"

In less than two steps, he stumbled onto the ruins, his head badly bruised.

Helen looked dumbfounded.

Just by raising his hand, he directly controlled a person without even reciting any spells.

Shouldn't this kind of blinding technique require reciting a spell?

The priests of Sunny Harbor that she had seen needed to recite incantations to use this kind of magic, but Pastor Bai completed the release of the magic without saying a word. It was so terrifying and unfathomable!

The other believers around who were not trapped by the reverence technique all rushed over when they heard the movement.

Bai Bin then ordered two more people, one with the high fever effect and the other with the rotten meat effect.

The face of a person with a high fever turns red at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a small stove on fire.

The strength of his body quickly disappeared, and his legs weakened and he fell to the ground.

The effect was most obvious on the person who was in the state of rotten flesh.

In the process of running towards Bai Bin, the skin all over his body eroded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if corroded by the air. The bloodless cheeks and skin made a sizzling sound and turned into blood. .

The muscles inside cannot escape the fate of being corroded, like boiled noodles, with tendons ruptured and muscle granules dissolving little by little, revealing the dense white bones inside.

'The effect is so strong? '

Even Bai Bin himself was shocked.

Charisma is the highest attribute among all his attributes, reaching 25 points, and the difference between it and ordinary people's charm attribute is also the largest. Therefore, the rotten flesh effect is the most powerful among the three effects of disease currently mastered.

Helen, who was being pulled by Lilith, didn't dare to take a breath.

The methods Pastor Bai used were terrible.

At this moment, the three people fell to the ground together. The symptoms of the attack were different, but one thing was the same, that is, they were all in pain.

After about a minute, the second effect appeared on the blind and high fever cultist.As for the cultist who was initially affected by the rotten flesh effect, his skin and muscles had all turned into blood and juice, leaving only some fascial bones that could not be melted.

This method doesn't look like a serious pastor of light!

Lilith was equally shocked, but she concealed the surprise between her brows very well.

She and Bai Bin are one and the same. The more methods Bai Bin has, the more at ease she feels.

Seeing more and more people rushing around, Bai Bin took a step back, took the earplugs from Lilith's hand, and said: "Helen, these cultists are left to you to deal with. They can be regarded as converting to the Guangming Sect. First achievement."

In Helen's ears, Bai Bin's words were "I allow you to speak."

 The end of the world is coming, and zombies are alienated around the world.

  In this world where both order and morality have collapsed, Lu Cheng must follow his true heart and become the strongest step by step.

  This time, he will do whatever he wants!

  But looking at more and more coquettish female zombies around him, Lu Cheng fell into deep thought:
  "There seems to be something wrong with the direction in which I am doing whatever I want."

(End of this chapter)

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