This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 158 Crazy harvesting of justice in Shanxia Town

Chapter 158 Crazy harvesting of justice in Shanxia Town

Bai Bin rushed to Shanxia Town overnight.

Stand out and enter the village quietly, no need to shoot.

The town at the foot of the mountain is brightly lit, but not many people are wandering the streets late at night.

Some are just night watchmen patrolling the streets of small towns and security guards standing guard at the beginning and end of the town.

When the carriage with flashing lights approached from a distance, the town's security guard stood behind the giant deer and stopped the carriage with a gas lamp in one hand and another in the other.

"There is a curfew in Shanxia Town, and identity verification is required to enter the city!"

The guiding light on the carriage went out, and the dazzling light dissipated, revealing the true appearance of the coachman driving the carriage.

However, the appearance of Lilith and Helen obviously shocked the security officer.

It’s no exaggeration to describe her with crescent eyebrows and starry eyes.

Just the next second, the security guard saw the nun's robe on Lilith, and his attitude suddenly became serious.

"We are from Landenburg Cathedral, heading to Constantine to crown Pastor Bai as a priest. Here are the documents and letters of passage." Lilith took out the documents and handed them to the security officer.

The security officer of Shanxia Town visibly trembled when he heard that it was the title of crowned priest.

Official pastors and priests are two completely different concepts.

You must know that the church in Shanxia Town is only the official pastor.

Only big cities like Helm City have priests in charge.And when the name of the priest is mentioned, it is a presence that everyone respects and awes.

Now inside the carriage is a noble priest who is about to be awarded the title of priest. How can people not be very energetic?

Bai Bin opened the curtains of the car window and gave a warm and kind smile that he had practiced thousands of times: "Sorry to trouble you all, I rushed to your town overnight. I apologize for causing unnecessary trouble to you."

Bai Bin handed over his official priest certificate from the window. When the security officer saw Bai Bin wearing a black embroidered gold consecrated priest's uniform, an emerald ring, and a sandalwood pendant around his neck, he felt extraordinarily graceful and precious.

"Father, you are joking. It is our honor to serve you personally."

The security officer had never seen a priest at such a close distance.

As the security officer of Shanxia Town, even the priest of Helm City, which they govern, has never experienced it up close. Today, on an ordinary night, he actually received a priest who went to Constantine for the coronation. This said Who will believe it if you go out?

There is no need to carefully examine it. Just the brilliance radiating from Bai Bin's body is enough to prove its authenticity.

But when he opened the certification document and saw the contents, the security officer took a deep breath. not just a crowned priest!

He is actually the godfather and master of Tin En, the little lord of Landenburg, and the brother-in-law of the lord’s wife!
It’s truly priceless!

With such an identity, if he were to visit officially, even the Lord of Helm City would have to rush to welcome him.

Now he came here all night long, he was approachable and approachable, and he didn't have the feeling of being superior to others that ordinary nobles have when traveling.

"This priest... your identity verification has been completed, please enter the city. Do you need us to send someone to guide you?" the security guard on guard at night asked tremblingly.Bai Bin pointed to the bright cross that was lit alone in the air in the dark in the distance, and said with a smile: "It's already late at night, and the abbot of the church here must have been asleep, so there's no need to bother him. Just stay in a hotel for one night. Given his position, It will cause trouble to others, which is inconsistent with my principles of life." [Justice Value +200]

The eyes of several security guards changed.

If a normal distinguished guest of this level were to visit Shanxia Town, even the mayor and secretary would definitely have to be dragged up all night to receive the reception.

But Father Bai didn't even want to go to church, for fear of disturbing the pastor who was already asleep.

His subordinates who are lower in rank than him are so considerate and respectful, and this attitude is admirable.

"By the way, do you guys know the location of the Yamashita Town Hall? I plan to visit tomorrow." Bai Bin changed the topic and asked.

"This is impossible! Father, I will personally go to the city hall to inform you during the handover in the morning!"

The security guard was Men Qing'er. Given Bai Bin's identity and background, even if he went to Helm City, the city lord would personally welcome him and entertain him.In this small mountain town, how could Bai Bin come to the door on his own initiative? This is breaking the rules!

"Hey! I am still just a priest, and I have not been officially awarded the position of priest. I have to act according to the rules, how can I be arrogant and arrogant and exercise my privileges?" [Justice Value +200]

Bai Bin's words made the three security officers present even more respectful, and they looked at Bai Bin with admiration in their eyes.

This lord priest is so noble and upright, with a moonlit wind, which is admirable!
"The city hall is in the garden square of the town. Father Bai, you only need to walk along the main road of the town, turn right at the second intersection, and you will arrive soon..." The security guard paused and continued. :
"It's just that the Blood God Cult chaos has just been put down in Yamashita Town recently. The mayor and secretary are very busy and have been dealing with the follow-up and finishing matters. The mayor will go home after working overtime every day, but the secretary has been living in the city hall and has to work overtime every day. Very late.”

Bai Bin nodded and praised: "Shanxia Town has two administrative officials who are dedicated to their duties. No wonder they can recover from the disaster so quickly."

If Bai Bin hadn't known that Secretary Xavier was actually a cultist of the Blood God Cult, he might have been moved by his spirit of sacrificing himself for others and handling government affairs.

Working overtime so late every day is probably just to make it easier to deal with things that are inconvenient during the day!

"Okay, thank you for your answers. I will go to the hotel in town to check in. Thank you for your hard work."

The carriage drove smoothly into Shanxia Town. The security guard at the entrance of the town looked solemn as he watched the carriage leave.

When the slow-moving carriage entered the town, several security guards at the door sighed with emotion: "As expected of a high-ranking clergyman, he was kind and pleasant throughout the process and did not make things difficult for us."

"This is a truly precious and precious position! He is actually the godfather of a young lord and the new priest of Landenburg Cathedral. Doesn't this mean that all political and religious power is in the hands of this lord?"

"And have you seen that this gentleman is not very old, only in his twenties... but his level is higher than those old clergymen who are decades old! He is so high that I don't know where he is!"

While the security guards were busy discussing, Lilith had already driven to the hotel in Shanxia Town.

Although the hotel clerk was surprised to see a priest visiting late at night, he respectfully arranged two bedrooms for the three of them and arranged them neatly.

Bai Bin opened the window of the room and looked into the distance. He could clearly see the bright office lights on the second floor of the city hall.

The corners of Bai Bin's mouth rose slightly.

No one could have imagined that a priest of light who was about to be awarded the position of priest would launch a sneak attack on the clerk of Shanxia Town at night, using a very vicious disease technique that only the dark and evil profession could master.

"It's hard to get rid of the poison in the front legs. I'm afraid the back legs will come to the door for help, right?" Bai Bin's lips curled up slightly.

What Bai Bin has to do is to make Secretary Xavier willingly reveal the mastermind and accomplices!
You can take advantage of the reputation yourself. As for the work of eradicating the cultists, that must be handled by the City of Helm!

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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