This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 160 As long as my lower limit is low enough, morality cannot judge me

Chapter 160 As long as my lower limit is low enough, morality cannot judge me
"Father Bai, we have something urgent to ask for!" The mayor, the night watchman, and the security guard who had met Bai Bin before at the entrance of the town gathered at the door of Bai Bin's hotel room.

Seeing Clerk Xavier whimpering in pain, the skin and muscles were slowly dissolving under the disease technique. One can imagine the torture and pain.

The church priest kept wiping the sweat from his forehead and dripping holy water on the bleeding muscles of his body. Seeing that he could not control the speed, he used the Cure Minor Injury spell to relieve the clerk's pain.

But even so, Xavier's body was still dissolving faster than it could be repaired.

The sight of torture and pain touched everyone's heart.

Before Bai Bin came out, Lilith and Helen in the next room were woken up first.

"Why are you looking for Pastor Bai so late at night?" Lilith took a closer look, but she didn't expect so many people gathered in the corridor.

"Hello, Sister, we have something urgent to do with Father Bai! Our clerk was cast by a thief using the disease spell, and his life is in danger. Only Father Bai can remove such dark spells at the moment. But... Father Bai seems to have taken a rest." Security The member looked anxious.

On the one hand, Secretary Xavier's situation is urgent, but on the other hand, he is afraid that his reckless behavior will displease Father Bai, thus affecting the other party's attitude.

Lilith glanced at Clerk Xavier and saw the state of decay all over his body. Under the dual-wielding of disease spells, holy water, and treatment of minor injuries, his body was in a strange transition between life and death.

But earlier in Morningside Village, she heard from the woman that the mastermind behind the scenes was Clerk Xavier. Looking at the disease spell, it was clear that it was Bai Bin who put it there himself. Lilith immediately knew what to do.

"It's already so late, and Pastor Bai has been traveling all day. If that doesn't work, let's do it tomorrow morning." Lilith refused with blunt words, which immediately chilled the hearts of everyone present.

Bai Bin and Lilith have a perfect understanding.

Now that Bai Bin is so noisy and hasn't come out yet, it's obvious that he wants to create an atmosphere and let Lilith sing this white face.

"But... the secretary's injury may not make it to tomorrow morning!" The mayor was anxious and worried. This was his right-hand man and a good brother who had cooperated with him for many years!
The night watchmen and security guards also looked anxious, and said in a pleading tone: "The clerk is working hard and has put in a lot of effort for Shanxia Town. Please also ask the nun to inform us that we can pay any price!"

As he spoke, several people actually knelt down on one knee, and the blocked corridor was suddenly filled with kneeling figures, which was particularly spectacular.

Lilith put her hands on her chest, completely undisturbed by the moral kidnapping, and snorted coldly: "Pastor Bai has been exhausted a lot. When passing through Chenxi Village, he found that there were cultists from the Blood God Sect who were carrying out evil acts in the village. The ritual also summoned the demon guards from hell..."

"Pastor Bai spent a lot of effort to kill the demon guards and deal with the cultists in Chenxi Village. His body is already in a state of overdraft. How can he have the energy to eliminate diseases for the secretary now?"

Lilith's tone was aggrieved, with tears in her words.

But everyone in Shanxia Town sounded like a thunderbolt from the blue, their eyes widening with expressions of disbelief.

They have obviously sorted out the cultists of the Blood God Sect, so why are there so many cultists in Chenxi Village? They even successfully performed the Blood Sacrifice Ceremony and summoned the Demon Guard.

Right under their noses...

If we want to say that the one who caused the biggest stir among all was the secretary, Xavier, who was currently lying on a stretcher and suffering from torture.

As the largest cult leader in Shanxia Town, Xavier secretly arranged to send many people to Chenxi Village.

Anyway, he is in charge of the town at the foot of the mountain. When to go to the village below for inspection, he, the town mayor and the security captain discuss it together, and always have first-hand information.

The believers in Chenxi Village can be notified in advance and disguised to ensure that no flaws are exposed.

I finally gathered a group of cultists, and I planned to start working together to cause trouble inside and outside after the blood array was full in the near future, but I didn't expect that I was suddenly attacked by thieves!
Coincidentally, I learned from the passing nun that Chenxi Village had been completely eradicated by Bai Bin.The demon guards and a group of cultists all surrendered, and no one was spared.

Clerk Xavier was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood!

If possible, he wanted to immediately turn over and rush into the room, then grab Bai Bin's collar and ask, "How dare you!"
It's just that right now he is suffering from the disease spell and is worse than dead.

Every inch of his body felt like it was on fire. Above the scorching heat was the melting skin texture. It was as if he was being roasted directly on the fire. The pain hit his mind all the time.

But what hurts most now is Xavier's heart.

He tried his best, found various excuses, and took the risk of being exposed to transfer so many followers of the Blood God Cult, but now Bai Bin swept them all under his control!
All the efforts were in vain and evaporated.

This Bai Bin!

Damn him!
But even though he was so angry that he was itching his teeth, he still had to place all his hopes on Father Bai, hoping that he could take action to remove the disease.

This is what makes Xavier most uncomfortable.

If Father Bai had taken a break before, they could still have asked Father Bai to come out and treat Clerk Xavier with increased pressure and intensity.

But now when he passed by Chenxi Village, he solved a big crisis for Shanxia Town, nipped the coming back cultists in the bud, and even eliminated a demon guard who was summoned to the world!

You can already imagine what a fierce battle it was.

Under such circumstances, how could they have the nerve to ask Father Bai to take action!
Lilith was even filled with righteous indignation, pointing to the backyard of the hotel and saying: "If you don't believe it, you can go to the backyard and have a look! We still have the head of the devil guard hanging on our carriage! The blood hasn't solidified yet!"

This sentence made the people present who knelt down and used moral pressure not to continue to kneel or to stand, and they were suffering in their hearts.

On one side is Father Bai, who is exhausted from exertion, and on the other side is Xavier, the secretary who is suffering from the disease.

Everyone present was in a dilemma.

"Alas! Lilith, let them in!" A tired voice came from the room.

"The teachings of the Illuminati Sect are that light warms the world. If you see people suffering and stand by and put your own preservation above saving the world, then you are completely divorced from the Lord's thoughts and will. If I avoid the important and take the easy, and try to save my life, what face will I have? Go to the Central Holy See of Constantine and be crowned a priest under the statue of the Lord?" [Justice Value +500]

Bai Bin's words were deafening.

Everyone present was excited.

Father Bai has a noble character, pure and pure, and is simply a role model for the Light Sect.

Being able to have such an awareness was shocking and made everyone present feel inferior.

This is the clergy who truly care about the world!
Just when everyone was shocked by Bai Bin's words, Bai Bin was in the room, looking at the large amount of justice points gained, pinching his thighs hard, for fear that his laughter would leak out of his throat.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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