This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 162: Xavier is ruined, Father Bai gains both fame and fortune

Chapter 162: Xavier is ruined, Father Bai gains both fame and fortune

Bai Bin's words made everyone present suddenly realize!


Since the enemy hiding in the dark did not escape, we only need to find this person out to solve the problem of the secretary.

"Don't worry, everyone. I will also join in the search process, and I will regularly heal the secretary's life, delay the onset of the disease, and strive to find the enemy before dawn."

Bai Bin's promise was like a shot in the arm, making everyone present extremely excited.

With Father Bai, they are no longer afraid of the evil spellcaster Lao Shizi.

Bai Bin continued to dominate everyone's thoughts, looking at several night watchmen who were at the first scene when the situation occurred.

"Did you see or hear anything at the first scene?"

The first reaction of the three night watchmen was that they had seen a sudden cloud of fog.

"That mist is three to four hundred meters in diameter. We didn't even think about the caster's hidden mist technique..." The night watchman also felt aggrieved.


Which caster's hidden mist spell can have a diameter of 400 meters?It's simply unheard of.

Others present were also speechless.

Reprimanding the three of them for not being sensitive enough, but honestly, who has ever seen the Hidden Mist Technique with a range of 400 meters?

This kind of thing is completely outrageous.

Bai Bin put his hand on his chin, frowned and said to himself: "It's not seems that the caster of this attack is quite powerful! It can be considered that it was planned for a long time." Otherwise, how could he have sneaked into the city hall in a short period of time, and after he succeeded, he even arrogantly left with the cover of the Hidden Mist Technique, which is clearly a provocation!"

Everyone present nodded in agreement with Father Bai's analysis.

In a huge mystery, Father Bai is leading them to peel off the cocoons and extract the most useful bits of information.

Now everyone present is looking at Bai Bin, hoping that Father Bai will continue to analyze some useful information that can help them quickly find the murderer.

inside the room.

Lilith suppressed a smile, her shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

What this guy is doing now is really making everyone in Shanxia Town play tricks on them!
He is clearly the culprit and the chief culprit.

If he is analyzing it seriously now, is it possible that he will eventually analyze it on himself?
Certainly not.

I just don’t know who will be the scapegoat, the unlucky guy.

In the corridor, Bai Bin half-crouched, approached the clerk Xavier, and asked: "This man did not attack the mayor who was going home to rest, but wanted to break in despite the risk of being discovered by the night watchman and being besieged." Entering the city hall and attacking the clerk must have a deep hatred for the clerk.

Contacted by the secretary's reputation and deeds, he has been committed to eradicating the Blood God Cult and restoring peace and stability to Shanxia Town.The scribe has been working day and night recently, dealing with a large number of cultists and destroying their hidden hideouts and relationship networks. This is definitely a huge blow to the Blood God Religion!
Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that a senior executive of the Blood God Religion, who happened to have extraordinary strength, learned of the situation and decided to give the secretary a slap in the face.

The reason why the other party didn't kill the secretary directly was because they wanted to give us a blow.He wants us to watch the scribe die in pain. The shock this brings is much stronger than killing him directly!
Just imagine, after seeing this horrific scene, will you still dare to act as resolutely as before when facing the Blood God Sect in the future? "

Bai Bin's analysis was quite accurate. Everyone present was speechless and did not dare to answer in the affirmative.

Yes, if the enemy is eyeing the enemy and acts extremely cruelly, they will definitely think twice about facing the Blood God Religion.

Yes, only this logic can explain why the other party did not kill Xavier directly despite having super strength.

At this moment, Xavier, lying on the stretcher, was physically and mentally exhausted.The believers who had heard that they had been secretly transferred to Chenxi Village had finally accumulated enough energy in the blood array that lasted for a full month and summoned the demon guards. They could have taken down Shanxia Town by cooperating internally and externally, but they were killed by Bai Bin who was passing by.

This makes people vomit blood.

But now, Father Bai is still boasting and giving advice.

I'm still sure that the one who did it must be the Blood God Sect!

Could he, Xavier, not know whether it was the Blood God Cult?

He is the secret behind the development of the Blood God Sect in Shanxia Town and the surrounding villages, and is also the highest commander of the nearby Blood God Sect!
He was not crazy enough to hire someone to act and assassinate him.

Now it’s a serious infection and disease technique!
Originally, Xavier was extremely suspicious of Father Bai.

How could it be such a coincidence?
As soon as he pushed past Chenxi Village with his front foot and reached Shanxia Town with his back foot, he was attacked by a powerful and inexplicable enemy.

But after Father White cast Cure Slander on him, Xavier put the outrageous idea behind him.

As we all know, light pastors must act in accordance with the Lord's will and cannot do anything that goes against the light's intentions.

Only dark casters can master the plague spell, including but not limited to classes such as dark priests, plague warlocks, and corrupt druids.

Once a light priest learns dark spells such as disease, he will be abandoned by the light and become a corrupted spellcaster.

But Father Bai can use the super powerful light spell to cure slander, which can completely rule out it is him.

It's just... Although it has been ruled out, this person's idea is really heart-breaking.

There are so many possibilities, why would you choose the Blood God Cult!Why can't it be anything else!
Xavier was extremely panicked at the moment.

There are indeed believers he left to help in the city, and these believers have been placed in key positions.

If we really start investigating, once one of them is found, it will be like pulling out the carrot and bringing out the mud, no one can escape!
Xavier was extremely anxious at the moment, but if he expressed it directly, something would definitely be discovered.

After thinking for a long time, Xavier dragged his body with difficulty and endured the pain and said: "I... really can't bear to make everyone spend so much time on my affairs! The enemy... is so powerful, if everyone is harmed in any way... I feel uneasy! Otherwise..."

But before Xavier could say anything, Bai Bin held his shoulders and pressed him down again.

"Secretary, please rest assured, as long as I am here, I will never let the enemy escape!"

"You have worked so hard and painstakingly for the town at the foot of the mountain. These feelings have deeply infected me! Although I am just a passer-by, in the face of such evil spirits as the Blood God Cult, we do not distinguish between Landenburg, Helm City, and There is no distinction between the Ontario Province and the Eastern Province. Right now, we are all citizens of the Zion Empire who long for peace, and I am willing to do my part for Yamashita Town!" [Justice Value +300]

Bai Bin's words were so righteous that everyone present was moved and deeply inspired.

The corners of Bai Bin's mouth rose slightly.

If Xavier's eyes were intact at this moment, he could see the deep meaning in Bai Bin's smile, and he would definitely be alert.

It's a pity that he is blind now and can't see at all.

Now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

Bai Bin has already written the script, and it's called "Xavier is ruined, and Father Bai gains both fame and fortune."

Now it's almost impossible to execute.

 "Behead Your Loved One Before Rebirth" is an experienced author who knows how to drive, can love purely, has rich knowledge and solid skills!
(End of this chapter)

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