This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 165 Let’s set off, heading to Constantine!

Chapter 165 Let’s set off and drive all the way to Constantine! (200 monthly tickets plus updates)

Soul-sucking cane, Constitution +2, Intelligence +2, Charisma +2
[Grappling]: The Mind Flayer tentacles grab the target, suck the brains, and cause damage.
[Magic Frenzy]: All spell levels +1
[Soul Resonance (2): Grappling can restore a little vitality]

When Bai Bin tried it before, he only tried out the attributes of the soul-sucking cane, grappling, and the two-piece effect of the soul bracelet.

But who would have thought that this cane also hides a super powerful effect that can even be said to be enough to confer a god—magic frenzy!
'Yes, mithril is so precious and is regarded as the best magic material. How could the soul-sucking cane made from it not have any spell-enhancing capabilities. '

Bai Bin looked at the magic craze ability of the soul-sucking cane and finally discovered the problem.

The fundamental reason why he didn't notice the effect of the magic craze was that his abilities were all at full level.The full level of divine spells has reached the upper limit, and the full spell level +1 effect of Magic Frenzy cannot take effect.

The only one that is not fully leveled is the 3rd level spell Disease.

But Bai Bin used the justice value to upgrade the disease spell to lv6, and coupled with the spell level +1 effect of the magic frenzy, the actual release effect was lv7.But the level 7 disease spell did not activate the fourth effect, so Bai Bin did not notice that the spell was inexplicably upgraded by one level.

It wasn't until he used the identification technique on his most convenient weapon that Bai Bin discovered the most powerful effect of this weapon.

In other words, all new spells obtained in the future only need to be upgraded to level 9. There is no need to spend more on wronged justice points to increase the level to full level to have full level effects.

Over time, what a huge amount of justice it will be!

This trip to Shanxia Town provided Bai Bin with more than 1000 justice points. He simply took this opportunity to directly upgrade the disease technique from lv6 to lv9.

In this way, combined with the magic frenzy special effects of the soul-sucking staff, the disease spell can trigger all five special effects.Just this one spell saved 300 points of justice.

Early the next morning.

When Bai Bin woke up, he found that the hotel was full of people.

The mayor, security captain, church pastor, as well as the town's councilors, nobles, bosses, etc., all stayed on the first floor of the hotel, occupying almost all the empty seats.

When Bai Bin came downstairs, everyone stood up, the admiration and respect in their eyes almost overflowing.

"Father Bai, thank you for turning the tide and exposing the ugly face of this villain, Xavier. Otherwise, all of us would still be kept in the dark." The mayor interrogated him all night, with dark circles under his eyes and exhaustion on his face. The cut with Clerk Xavier was quickly completed.

Bai Bin raised his hand easily: "Mayor, don't think too much. I really want to help the secretary find the enemy, but who would have thought that he himself is a big tiger. This is something I didn't expect. I and you all They were all equally confused, and it took them a long time to accept this reality.”

As long as you get the benefits, Bai Bin doesn't want to cause any more trouble.

If he said that he knew this early on, he would still have to explain the disease technique. The more he describes it, the darker it gets~
The mayor continued: "We conducted surprise interrogations overnight and have compiled all of Xavier's crimes into a book, and are preparing to send people to report to Helm City early in the morning. The ability to uncover Xavier's shocking conspiracy this time is all thanks to Father Bai. These We are all represented in the report..."

Originally, the mayor and other people prepared many return gifts and thanks for Bai Bin, but they were all politely rejected by Bai Bin.

"I appreciate everyone's kindness. But as a clergyman, it is my duty to fight against darkness and protect the people. If I accept these gifts, it will appear that my motives are impure. I can help Shanxia Town eliminate darkness and evil spirits. I am extremely happy, this is the greatest reward for me.

If you insist on sending it, you can arrange some food.After coming all the way from Landenburg, the food prepared was almost eaten.There are still three to five days to go to Constantine..." [Justice Value +300]

"Arrangements! Make perfect arrangements for Father Bai! I guarantee that you will have different meals every day before arriving in Constantine!" The mayor waved his hand and immediately arranged for people to prepare.Father Bai is upright and upright, and does not accept any gifts or rewards. He only asks for a few meals on the road, which must be arranged and fully equipped for him.

Bai Bin knew very well that if he took advantage of this, when there was a problem in Shanxia Town or Helm City in the future, he would inevitably come to him for help.

When the time comes, it will be difficult to refuse if someone is short-handed.

Besides, the mission has been completed, I have obtained appraisal skills and experience, and collected nearly two thousand points of justice in Shanxia Town in one day. This is already so exciting that I need a bicycle.

Although the mayor and others repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay, Bai Bin still chose to set off at noon.

Things in Chenxi Village and Shanxia Town have delayed the trip for a day, and Bai Bin must speed up his efforts in the second half of the journey!
"Master Father, where are we going next?" Facing the bifurcated official road in front of her, Lilith asked with a hint of teasing in her tone.

Bai Bin was sitting in the carriage, tasting the dried beef from Shanxia Town, and said in a gulp: "It's okay for the residents of this town to be ignorant and call them random names. Why do you even make such a joke to this orthodox nun?"

Bai Bin's words "orthodox nun" made Lilith's cheeks turn red, and she didn't know how to refute.

Sure enough, in terms of speaking skills, Lilith was still a dozen breeding teachers away from Bai Bin's level.

Bai Bin thought for a moment and replied: "Go directly to Fengyunding, bypass Jerusalem, and go directly to Constantine."

When she heard that she was going to avoid Jerusalem, the gloomy look on Lilith's face immediately dissipated, but she still asked timidly: "Ah? Aren't you going to Jerusalem? Then Miss Weier is eagerly looking forward to your going! If this is bypassed, Wei'er will be so disappointed!"

Bai Bin was speechless. Women just like to speak insincerely.

Although I am already happy in my heart, I still have to show that I care about you and think about you.

Although Bai Bin didn't know the situation in Jerusalem, he could know from the letters Weier sent back before and from his exchanges with Zola and Pons that the big shot in Jerusalem was very wary of Bai Bin.

It's possible that some important figure has read the letters Bai Bin wrote to Weier word for word.

If this goes to Jerusalem, wouldn't it be equivalent to a flying dragon riding on the face to ridicule?
Bai Bin still knows how much he weighs.

Of course, this does not mean that Bai Bin is afraid.

I must go to Jerusalem.

Weier had helped him so much, but if she didn't go to meet him when there was a chance to meet him, how would he be able to carry out his work in the future?
Without giving him any benefits, how could Weier be willing to steal the inside information of the Holy See for him?

After he completed his ordination as a priest in Constantine, he passed through Jerusalem on his way back.

By then he would be an official priest, the presiding pastor of Landenburg and the Province of Ontario, and he would also be a lord father and teacher. He could straighten his back when he saw that big shot.

 Please give me monthly votes and recommend votes!There is another chapter in the evening, around 12 o'clock~
(End of this chapter)

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