This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 175 The most ferocious tiger in the empire

Chapter 175 The most ferocious tiger in the empire

Bai Bin weighed it again and again, considering the situation he would face when he arrived in Constantine, and decisively chose the field of trickery.

Bai Bin must explain here that he did not choose the field of trickery because of "invisibility", "illusion" and "time stopping", absolutely!right!No!yes!
'Choose the field of trickery! ' Bai Bin thought silently in his heart.

After the system popped up a confirmation box, Bai Bin decisively confirmed.

[You chose the field of trickery, and you obtained the token of the trickery field, the Thousand-Change Mask]

[The God of Trickery grants you bluffing and hiding tricks (0-level spells)]

[You master the 1st-level spell "Disguise", the 2nd-level spell "Invisibility", the 3rd-level spell "Evasion from Detection", and the 4th-level spell "Confusion"]

Bai Bin was dazzled by what he saw.

After all the information was finished, Bai Bin took a look at his spell list.


Tricks: Illumination lv10, Appraisal, Bluff, Hide

Level 3 spells: Disease lv9 (blindness, high fever, rotten flesh, epilepsy, bleeding), wind wall lv1, avoid detection lv1
Level 4 spell: Confusion lv1

After reading the spell list, Bai Bin was satisfied but also felt overwhelmed.

Obtaining so many spells at one time, the justice value required for upgrading this spell is on the agenda.

Among the tricks, identification, bluff, and concealment are all linked to attributes and do not need to be upgraded.

The subsequent skills that need to be upgraded are disguise, invisibility, detection avoidance, wind wall and confusion.

Because of Bai Bin's system convenience, Qi Mimi transcended the rules and learned the dark spell disease.The epilepsy effect in the disease spell comes with the confusion spell effect, so there is no rush to level up as the only 4th level spell.

After all, level 4 spells consume a lot of justice points. To upgrade to a level, you need 400 justice points. If you want to reach level 9, you need 3200 justice points, which will make Bai Bin's tongue numb!

What Bai Bin urgently needs to improve now is the third-level spell "avoid detection" to prevent someone from using prophecy to explore some of Constantine's information.

A level 3 spell requires 300 points of justice for each level. Bai Bin's current justice point is just enough to increase the avoidance detection to level 5.Without hesitation, he improved and gave himself a shot.

Immediately, Bai Bin felt the power of trickery appear around him, covering his Qi and some inexplicable things.

After Bai Bin finished the task, he came back to his senses and looked at Lilith and Helen.

The two of them had finished their work. Lilith had a smile on her face that showed her success, while Helen lowered her head and her cheeks were as red as a kettle of boiling water.

Bai Bin glanced at the corpses of the Hell Lords on the ground, considered for a moment and said, "Take the heads of these corpses and hang them on the carriage."

With such a big thing happening in Fengyunding, Bai Bin naturally wanted to take advantage of the popularity to build momentum for himself.

What could be more shocking than one person destroying seven demons?

Zion Empire, Rhine Province, Banks City.As the overall person in charge of the war on the Western Front, Lucas held the top position.

On both sides of the long table were the persons in charge of various aspects of the entire Western Front war, including the lord of Banks City, representatives of the nobility, business leaders, and the chief and deputy chiefs of the Knights and a group of legions.

Lucas is tall and handsome, with thick blond hair cut into short pieces, which makes him extremely capable.

Blue eyes sparkle with intelligence and confidence.He wears a rich purple robe, detailed with golden patterns and jewels, and a gilt belt wrapped around his waist.His demeanor is majestic and noble, with a natural sense of superiority and the power of a ruler, making people surrender unconsciously, like a tiger that has not yet exerted its strength.

"The superiority of the war situation in the Rhine Province is inseparable from everyone's help. Now that the chaos in various places has subsided, the people behind it have been confirmed to be demons from hell, ready to come and cause harm to the world.

However, with the concerted efforts of everyone, many hell demons were finally killed and the foundation of the Blood God Sect on the Western Front was destroyed. "

Lucas spared no words of praise and attributed the victory of the Western Front to everyone.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lord Banks waved his hands with a smile and said, "Your Highness is flattering. Whether it is stripping away the cocoons to uncover the Bleeding God Cult, or planning to kill the devils in hell, it is all led by His Highness. We are just following His Highness, and follow your instructions." Just follow the orders."

"Yes, the reason why the Rhine Province was able to be pacified so quickly was entirely due to His Highness. We were just following orders, so it doesn't count as much credit."

Lucas had a faint smile on his face, but his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Now the disaster of hell has disappeared, but the enemies in the north are starting to make moves. The troops at Fort Cook are planning to move south from the Twin Towers of Morea. This time I returned to Constantine, firstly to report to His Majesty the war on the Western Front. The second is to ask for instructions on Samarkand’s intention to go south!”

Lucas clenched his fists, the fierceness in his eyes showing.

"Before I leave, there is one more thing I need you to help me with." Lucas leaned forward slightly, suppressing his smile, and the sharpness in his eyes seemed to be able to cut the air and pierce his eyes.

Everyone at the long table of the Western Front also put their hands on the long table and leaned forward involuntarily, agreeing with the Second Highness of the Empire, the most ferocious tiger in the empire.

Lucas tapped his knuckles on the table and said in a crisp voice: "Drive all the cultists captured this time to the Twin Towers of Moria and to Samarkand!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked. It was obvious that this news had exceeded the limit of what they could accept.

"Your Highness...if all the thousands of cultists are forced into Samarkand this time, with their hatred of the Zion Empire, they will definitely join forces with Samarkand to invade, and even use their blood sacrifice circle to create another If you summon the demons from hell, the war on the Western Front will become tense, and the pressure you will face will be greatly increased." City Lord Banks first advised.

But Lucas looked indifferent: "If Samarhan is willing to cooperate with the cultists, that would be the best thing. Let this group of people who do not work go to the front line to consume the other party's resources and food. With the Blood God The evil teachings of the religion conflict with shamanism and consume the enemy’s energy.”

"But... what if they both put aside their past grudges and work together to deal with the outside world?" Another person asked.

These thousands of people are not dozens or hundreds of people.

Moreover, gaining power from the Hell Demon and being able to summon demons is definitely a formidable power that no one can ignore.

A sinister and triumphant smile appeared on Lucas' face: "If I said that they only have less than two months to live, then would these problems that you are worried about still be a problem?"

Just one sentence shocked everyone present, and they were all shocked and speechless.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie.

(End of this chapter)

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