This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 177: Did this person fight his way through hell?

Chapter 177: Did this person fight his way through hell?
Constantine is open and tolerant, and is located in the center of the Zion Empire. Various institutions, forces, and powerful people gather in the city.

In front of the huge city, there are no gates or sentry posts.

No darkness or evil would be foolish enough to come to this place with the Imperial Guard and the Central Holy See to cause trouble.

The Central Holy See, where the Pope of Illumination Sect personally sits, even if the Demon King of Hell comes here, he will only bring humiliation to himself.

The eight city gates on all sides welcome visitors from all directions.

There was an endless stream of caravans and people entering the city, and the thriving appearance gave no hint that the empire was suffering from the threat of war and the ravages of cults.

But the moment Bai Bin's carriage entered the city gate, it became the most eye-catching presence in Constantine today.

The huge heads, strong hearts, and used weapons of the huge hell creatures on the carriage were all hung on the carriage by chains and stuffed to the brim.

Such a heavy trophy really attracts attention.

Even those who don't understand know that the level of this hell demon is definitely not low when they see the huge demon horns.There are also weapons with exaggerated shapes and sizes. Whether it is weight, sharpness, or the evil and dark aura exuding from it, it makes passers-by feel palpitations.

If it weren't for the logo of the Illuminati Sect on this carved lacquer carriage, many people would probably have thought that it was the devil's carriage from hell driving into Constantine with such swagger!

But even so, it caused an uproar.

Anyone who doesn't know how to do this can see how extraordinary these demons are, let alone those who understand.

"Who is in this carriage? Has this person fought his way through hell? Otherwise, why would there be so many heads and trophies of hell lords hanging there?"

"What!? You said these demons are all lords of hell?" The voice of the people around him couldn't help but raise his voice two or three times, obviously very shocked.

"Not entirely... among them is the head of a demon guard. His body is covered with chains, and his limbs are tied to the carriage like a victim. It seems like..."

Brother Dong did not answer immediately, but instead squinted his eyes to see more clearly.

But in the next second, Brother Dong's whole body went numb. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and his eyes became dull: "That one seems to be a Hellboy! A serious old hellboy!"

"What's the difference between Hellboy and Hell Lord?" The companions around him obviously didn't know much about the structure and composition of hell. At most, they knew how to judge the strength of a demon by the size of its horns.

But Hellboy, who is chained like a victim, has no horns either...

"Ahem, as a demon hunter, I naturally know more about the demons in hell." The young demon hunter looked at the carriages passing through the streets and talked.

There are also levels of demons in hell.

The lowest level are the Sinking Demon, the Skinned Demon, and the Lemo Demon.Both physically and mentally, he is quite weak.

Slightly higher demons are imps, thorn demons, and succubi, who are good in a single aspect.

Then there are medium-sized demons such as Oni, Hedgehog Demon, Bearded Demon, and Demon Guard.

Above this is the mainstay of Hell, the Lord of Hell.

These lords are usually demons from the previous levels. They have improved through military exploits and have a bunch of subordinates and subordinates, but most demons are limited to this.

But Hellboy is different.

Once you reach this level, you will leave the category of "consumables" and officially enter the "enjoyment" system of hell.The title of hell is more of a status, and can only be awarded by the supreme leader of the hell system, the "Devil King".Being awarded a title means officially entering the ruling class of hell, owning territory and subordinates, and also having partial autonomy.

Even if the mission fails, there is no need to worry about being challenged by his subordinates or having his status replaced during the weak recovery period after returning to hell.

In short, becoming a baron is equivalent to having an extra death-free card.

Further up are the earls and dukes, and finally the supreme ruler of hell, the Demon King of Hell.

Being able to become a baron, his strength is comparable to that of the Guangming Sect, and he is even at the level of an elder!
After understanding the system of hell, the friends around the demon hunter breathed a sigh of relief, and their hearts were even more shocked.

"That is to say... the Illuminati priest just now, a cart full of trophies, isn't it equivalent to a lot of priests, deacons and elders?"

The young silver-haired demon hunter nodded, his eyes solemn and solemn: "This is the most shocking thing. People who don't understand hell have no idea what this car of demon heads and trophies really means..."

The young silver-haired witcher couldn't help but become interested in the identity of the clergyman in the carriage.

A small carriage, a nun in black robes, a girl who is not a clergyman, and the owner of the carriage.

What level of clergy does this have to be that can single-handedly overthrow so many high-level demons?

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's the devil's hometown.

The same shock quickly occurred in Constantine.

Compared to the people who didn't know what was going on, all the forces in the city were shocked when they caught a glimpse of this scene intentionally or unintentionally.

The doubts in my heart are even worse.

'Has the devil already come to your door?Judging from the heads and corpses of the trophies, these hell lords obviously came in full form, and their strength was as strong as those in hell.If there are mostly demon guards and a small number of lords and barons, this ratio is normal. '

'But now there is only one demon guard, six hell lords and one baron. With such a lineup, it can attack any big city in the Zion Empire except Constantine and Jerusalem! '

You must know that there are many cults everywhere. The Blood God Cult confuses residents and holds blood sacrifice rituals to summon demons. The ability to summon demon guards is already the result of absorbing a large amount of blood.

Normally summoning a little devil, a sinking devil or a skinned devil would be difficult enough.

A series of six Hell Lords and one Hellboy.

This kind of lineup is enough to shake the Central Holy See!
No special publicity was needed. When Bai Bin's carriage slowly entered the city and headed towards the Central Holy See, almost everyone had seen this terrifying and spectacular scene.

From the beginning of the turmoil in the Zion Empire to the present, so many Hell Lords have not been killed in the entire empire's four provinces combined, let alone a Hellboy among them!
Who is the priest in the carriage?
How could one man collect so much loot from the Lords and Barons of Hell?

Could it be that the Pope or a certain cardinal took action personally?

Straight through hell and back?

For a time, the whole of Constantine was shrouded in huge doubts.

Everyone wants to know the identity of the person in the carriage and the detailed history of these hell lords’ trophies!

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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