This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 190 Priest?How is this possible, at least the elder!

Chapter 190 Priest?How is this possible, at least the elder!
Chancellor Frank and the Countess, who were also sitting at the head table, were the closest viewers and felt the shock even more intensely.

Even the two sons of King Hasanti did not have such treatment and opportunities.

Now Consultant Bai can get it easily.

In other words, from the time of His Majesty's death to the election of the new king, Bai Bin will become the most powerful person in the empire.

As the wisest king of the Zion Empire, even though his physical functions have declined now, no one will think that His Majesty and others are also fatuous.

He can balance the many forces in such a huge empire, and can also win over him. Anyone who really regards Hasanti as the "old king" will suffer a big loss!

The countess recalled the past when she asked prophets and fortune tellers to search for Bai Bin, but they were betrayed.

You must know that her two prophets and diviners have calculated many things for her before, and their detection methods are superb. Even if someone deliberately uses evasion detection to cover up, they can still detect something.

But when it was Bai Bin's turn, this kind of prophecy was completely ineffective. Even the two masters were injured and had to rest for several weeks to recover.

This level of cover-up is no longer something ordinary people can afford.

This made the countess think of her previous guess. is gradually developing in that direction!
His Majesty's bottomless preference for Bai Bin seems to have made up for all the guilt of more than ten years at once.

The second prince Lucas in the audience recalled the words of the countess at the gate of the palace, and couldn't help but look at the countess.

His Majesty's decision made Lucas feel more and more frightened and dangerous.

Things seemed to be going in the direction he least wanted.

But now, the king announced the news in front of almost all Constantine's distinguished guests, which was almost completely confirmed.

Bai Bin restrained his cynical expression, stared at King Hasanti seriously and said: "Your Majesty, are you serious?"

Hasanti nodded heavily: "Do you think I will joke with you here in front of all the guests of Constantine? You will understand the meaning of this on the day of the actual funeral."

In this regard, Bai Bin just wanted to say——

Riddler get out of Constantine!
Again, we will find out later.

All of his inquiries and Hasanti's answers were more or less ones that would be known later.

Did Hassanti have a premonition that the two princes would fall apart due to the fight for the crown prince, and that Bai Bin would eventually need to be balanced or used as a buffer?
Or maybe Hasanti itself has important things, and only Bai Bin can do it.

In other words, Hassanti has seen through the nature of the Holy See. In order to avoid the integration of politics and religion in the Zion Empire, he is now beginning to suppress the separation, and Bai Bin is this sharp knife that can peel away, and also acts as a buffering sponge.

"Life and death are the two most important aspects of life. Since Your Majesty is willing to leave the death ceremony to me, I will naturally not let down your trust." Bai Bin responded seriously and no longer hesitated.

No matter what the reason is, now Bai Bin is gaining momentum under the "favor" of King Hasanti and has reached unprecedented heights.

This is also very helpful for Bai Bin to complete his plan.

Just think of it as helping a dying old man fulfill his last wish!
The banquet officially opened, and everyone at the banquet was in various moods.

The news delivered at today's reception banquet was so exciting.

Whether the old king wanted to use Bai Bin to check the Holy See, or he really favored Bai Bin, or he used Bai Bin's hand to start the battle for the crown prince.

From today on, Constantine is going to be amazing.The two brothers, who were originally wrestling in secret, will officially start fighting in the future.

They, Constantine's family and forces, will also start to choose sides.

In the eating and drinking room, Bai Bin glanced at the table where he was sitting. The seat containing the head of the Assassin family was always vacant, which made Bai Bin a little confused.

Constantine was only a day's journey from Jerusalem, and with one day's notice, Issandra should have arrived a long time ago. Why was it that no one had arrived yet after the banquet started.

"What, are you worried about Sandro?" Hassanti said with a hint of cunning on his eyebrows.

"That's not true. After all, the Sandru family is the number one assassin in the empire, so there is nothing to worry about. I'm just curious about why we haven't arrived yet, even though the journey is not far. I don't think he will break the appointment without giving His Majesty the honor."

"Haha, I'm afraid it's not Sandru you're worried about, but his little daughter Wei'er, right?" Hasanti hit the nail on the head.After all, he had read Bai Bin’s information, and as the leader of the empire, he had the most complete information and channels at his disposal.

Hasanti knew everything about Wei'er's trip to Snowfield Town and everything that happened with Bai Bin.

"Ahem, Miss Wei'er and I are just comrades-in-arms who share weal and woe. Your Majesty, don't think too much about it." Bai Bin's explanation was more like a cover-up.

Everyone else on the table lowered their heads to eat the food on their plates with knives and forks, but their ears were raised high.

Does Bai Bin still have this kind of relationship with the youngest daughter of the Assassin family?

Almost no one found out about this news.

Now that Hassan mentioned it, everyone took it to heart.

She was even more shocked that Bai Bin actually had such a relationship.

Even the youngest daughter of Sandro, the Templar Assassin, can be dealt with, and Bai Bin's relationship network has become much deeper.

"Given the character of that girl Wei'er, I'm afraid she's already made a secret promise, right?" Hassanti just kept saying it without surprising her. This kind of behavior is undoubtedly exposing Bai Bin's underwear.

How can she tease girls and use her as a tool in the future?
Fortunately, Lilith and Helen did not attend today's occasion. Otherwise, with Lilith's fiery personality, she would have had to quarrel with Hasanti on the spot to make him speak clearly.

"Your Majesty, the Zion Empire still has many important matters to deal with, so there is no need for you to waste your time on me."

Besides, Bai Bin was completely exposed.

"How can this be called a waste of time? You must know that the royal adviser occupies an important position and is the only three important ministers in the empire who have the right to vote for the crown prince. If you don't understand every aspect in detail, how can you dare to implement such an important position?"

Hassan paused and looked at the 'taciturn' high priest Galian.

"But since you don't want to talk about personal matters, we can talk about working together for a while. Do you think the Holy See will give in and re-engage this time? With your resume and contribution this time, what position will the Holy See give you?"

The topic returned to Bai Bin and the Holy See again.

Now, as the representative of the Holy See, the great priest Gallian cannot hang up OB during the whole process. This is his fault.

"According to the application, it is naturally the position of priest. Is it possible that the Holy See will increase the position?" Bai Bin asked rhetorically.

"When you entered the city, you were naturally a priest. But today is no longer yesterday. If you were just a priest, many presbyters and bishops in the Holy See would have trouble sleeping and eating if you were not mentioned. Do you believe it? Not talking about priests Position, this time your position is at least elder!"

(End of this chapter)

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