This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 214 Waterdam’s Hell Feast

Chapter 214 Waterdam’s Hell Feast
Soon, Francis was brought up by the rusty chain.

Seeing the strong and raging flames of hatred in this man's eyes, Belial smiled with satisfaction.

"See Lord Demon King."

Francis had great respect for Belial.

After all, this Demon King is the master of the First Hell and holds the power of life and death for all creatures in the First Hell.

The tribesmen who live in the twisted void want to find a place to live, and their only support at the moment is this demon king.

"Francis, what happened to the things I asked you to do before?"

Belial sat high on the bone throne, tapping his fingers on the skeleton armrest.

The domineering posture showed no trace of the anger he had just released.

Francis put one hand on his chest: "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission. I have completely controlled a dean. With just one order from the Demon King, Waterdam will be completely reduced to a sea of ​​ash and fire, becoming the entrance to the extension of your will!" "

Belial had a satisfied smile on his face.

A person who is willing to work for the survival of his tribe is much more powerful in doing things than the trash under him.

"I feel your loyalty and recognize your strength. It just so happened that a hell lord committed suicide just now because he could not bear the failure. Are you willing to take his place and serve me?"

It was clear that Belial's soul was completely shattered by his momentum, but at this moment, he said that he could not bear the failure and committed suicide.

However, Xi Lian had seen this kind of scene too many times and just pretended that he didn't hear it.

On the contrary, Francis's face was filled with joy.

Being able to go from being a leader on a mission to becoming a hell lord in the First Hell means that his loyalty and actions have been recognized by Demon Lord Belial!It also means that he will have his own territory in the First Hell, a territory that is enough for his tribe to live in!
This was something that his brother Ulysses had been pursuing for half his life but could not get, and in the end even gave his life for it!

"Thank you Lord Demon King. I will dedicate my life and loyalty to you without reservation. I swear to be the sharpest sword in your hand, invincible wherever you point it!" Francis knelt on one knee, holding his hand close to his chest and heart, A pledge of allegiance was made.

There was no sadness or joy in Xi Lian's eyes, but in his heart he just sighed at the skill of Demon Lord Belial.

Just relying on the fact that the mind flayer tribe has no fixed place in the turbulence of the twisting void, they have gathered such a "loyal" subordinate.

Now the entire ethnic group will migrate to the first hell. From now on, Francis can only obey his orders and dare not disobey in any way.Because those Mind Flayer wanderers in the First Hell will be the biggest flaw of Francis, and the biggest flaw of the entire group in the future.

By combining kindness and power, we got an army of mind flayers who didn't dare to disobey. The demon king is really very powerful!
As the guilty general, Xiluan also knelt on one knee and said, "Congratulations, sir, for adding another sharp blade, like a tiger with wings."

Bilimo rubbed his fingers, focusing on the sharp nails on which he had just written the message, and said leisurely: "Then, let's officially begin! While many deans gathered together, let Waterdam sink in the roar of the earth and the flames, Let the Zion Empire feel the pain!”

It's going to be a big show.

The previously declining No. [-] Hell will make a grand debut in this performance.

Belial stood up, his aura surged again, and he was so angry that he swallowed mountains and rivers.

Rusty Chain and Rancis buried their heads deeper, feeling the powerful pressure of the Demon King.

Demon King Belial walked out of the Demon's Lair, stood on the edge of the cliff of the Demon's Lair, and opened his arms.

Suddenly, countless furious and sharp roars came from under the cliff, covering up the erupting Doomsday volcano and the shrill screams in the soul furnace.

Countless demon armies gathered together, densely packed like a bloody red river, filling the entire Hell Valley.

The lowest level of fallen demons, skinned demons, and lemure demons.

A slightly higher level of imp, thorn demon, and succubus.

Oni, Hedgehog Demon, Bearded Demon, Demon Guard.Then to the hell lords who are responsible for the leadership, and the lords who are responsible for the command.

Such a huge legion of demons from hell are driven by his will!

Demon King Belial admired the demon army in his first hell with an evil and fanatical smile on his face.

Soon, the Hell Demon Legion will ignite the Zion Empire with their fury, causing great pressure on the eastern part of the empire.

In addition, Bai Bin was deposed, and the entire east and west were exerting force at the same time. Both sides fought at the same time, but only one side could win. The winning side was naturally the new king of the Zion Empire!

And the demon king Belial can also harvest millions of souls and enrich the first hell!



Bai Bin attended the reception banquet.

There were people very close to him at the table, so he could talk freely.

Bai Bin told Helen's origins, his encounters in Chenxi Village and Shanxia Town, and the siege of Fengyunding.

In terms of intelligence, it was just a few sentences, but in Bai Bin's words, it turned into a series of thrilling adventures.

After drinking and eating, Bai Bin came to the research laboratory specially built for Edward in the prison.

Because Edward's research focuses on dark creatures, it is not convenient to place it in a church or a place where citizens can easily see it.

In addition, the ever-present light energy would affect the experimental results, so Edward found a place in the lake bottom prison to conduct research.

"There are two good news, which one do you want to hear?" Bai Bin gave Edward a big hug after seeing him.

Mainly thanks to the soul-sucking cane he bought before leaving, which played a big role in this trip.

Edward just smiled: "The first good news is that you have brought back new materials. The Hellboy Chain Demon has never appeared before and is worthy of careful study.

Then the second thing should be that you want to officially transfer me to Landenburg. "

The smile on Bai Bin's face suddenly fell.

"You are so smart, do you want to guess the characteristics of the Chain Demon?"

Edward adjusted his glasses, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with an ascetic smile: "In terms of research, I always base myself on facts and don't engage in speculation."

This guy really doesn't care about soft and hard things, and he has no interest in life.

Bai Bin was helpless and waved his hand to Tiewei to move in all the boxes of materials.

"Because of the long journey back and forth, the devil's body has begun to decay, so when I was in the Central Holy See, I asked the clergy of the Holy See to embalm and protect the bodies of these lords and barons."

Edward adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose again, and said with a flash of light: "Just in time, I can also learn the handling methods of the Central Holy See..."

Several boxes were placed on the console, and Edward opened them one by one.

Among them, the skin and muscles of the hell lord have been refined into a viscous substance similar to gravy. This is the maximum decomposition without destroying the energy.

Then Edward's eyes swept over the bones and other tissues, the light in his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

"Tell me, what are the requirements for this build."

(End of this chapter)

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