This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 216: 3rd Line Operation, Shaman Supernatural Dragon, I want them all!

Chapter 216: Third Front Operation, Shaman Supernatural Dragon, I want them all!

Bai Bin didn't make any secrets, but directly took out the strange magic notes and handed them to Perlo.

After all, it is a combination of three rare scripts. Even if Perlo can understand Dragon Language, he cannot understand the other two parts, so he is not afraid of leaking it at all.

Perlo took the black note and saw the dragon symbol in the note.

There are several on just one page!

Quickly flipping through it, she found that the notes contained more text symbols that she couldn't understand, mixed with dragon language, forming a masterpiece-level research note.

Perlo just took a quick glance and came to a conclusion.

"I understand most of the dragon language here and can translate it. But there are still some dragon languages ​​that are too difficult and profound to understand at all."

Bai Bin didn't expect Perlo, an awakened kobold dragonborn, to be able to understand all the dragon language runes.

Being able to understand most of it now is already an unexpected surprise, exceeding Bai Bin's expectations.

"Come on, Laupero, please help me translate what you can understand in the notes."

Perlo asked curiously: "Pastor Bai, this note is..."

This note is made of human paper at first glance, and the content uses a lot of dragon language. Even the kobold leader Perlo, who is a dragon descendant, cannot fully explain it, which shows the writer's mastery and proficiency in this language.

"This is what I obtained at the Central Holy See of Constantine. It is a work left by a senior. Because it uses a variety of esoteric words for encryption, I can only ask relevant people for advice." Bai Bin beautified the origin of the note.

After all, if you say it's yours, then what's the point of asking for advice now?
Perlo shook his short body, climbed onto the stool, and stood on it.

Then he took out a brand new piece of paper and placed it halfway under the notebook.

The explanation starts from the first page of the Weird Spell Note.

"Dragon language itself has no modal particles, and each word has a complex meaning. And only when creatures with dragon bloodline speak these words can the corresponding effect be achieved. If it is written on words, the dragon language formed has More complex meanings.”

"Dragon-shaped characters usually consist of three large claw marks and a point called a 'hanging toe'. All characters consist of at most three drawings, and some characters have hanging toes."

"For example, the first dragon-shaped text refers to the unique chest resonance sound of dragons. Although I can't understand the previous content, it is probably using the pronunciation of simulated dragons to pronounce the content described above..."

After Perlo finished speaking, he frowned.

Regardless of whether Bai Bin believed it or not, she herself doubted it first.

"That's not right... Dragon-shaped characters are a unique way of making sounds in dragon language. It is a resonance of blood energy output. How can it be effective if other sounds can be made in this way?"

This time, Perlo won't be able to deal with it.

Although he was confused, the quill in Perlo's hand did not stop.

Continue to write the second and third dragon-shaped text interpretations on the paper.

"Pastor Bai, is this note really written by a powerful senior from the Central Holy See?" Perlo couldn't help but wonder.

"Yes, it was handed over to me by the bishop himself." Bai Bin said.

Perlo took a deep breath and said: "If this level of notes is not made up randomly, then this bishop's mastery and familiarity with dragon language is far better than that of ordinary dragon-born creatures, and he is relatively advanced among the direct dragon clan. levels!”

Bai Bin's heart skipped a beat.

I didn’t expect Perlow’s rating to be so high.This couldn't help but make Bai Bin beat in his heart.

I originally thought that it was possible for Perlo to interpret everything, but I didn't expect that even ordinary dragonborn could only translate it, but not explain and understand it.

According to Perlo, Bai Bin's original attainment in dragon language was quite profound.

But this guy was obviously an orphan and had been in the academy. How did he come into contact with such a profound and pure dragon language?

Perlo's thoughts continued, and he expressed his own opinions on almost every word.

The main reason is that this dragon language is really unreasonable.

Even as a "master of dragon language", Perlo can only write the meaning of the expression for Bai Bin.

But even she, a descendant of the dragon clan, couldn't understand the meaning when it was connected into a sentence, which was even more contrary to common sense.

But an explanation is enough. When Bai Bin deciphers the shamanic runes and supernatural language and reconnects the notes, he should be able to get closer to the truth.

Regarding the supernatural language, he has ordered Sunny Port to monitor closely and report immediately if there is any situation.

Of course, that's not enough.

Bai Bin should take the initiative to go fishing instead of just waiting for something to happen!
"Perlo, there is one more thing. I need your father and the kobolds to help me."

Perlo stopped writing and looked up, curiously asking: "Do you need my father and the kobolds to intervene? If Pastor Bai has something to do, you might as well tell him. We are allies after all, and we are here to help each other."

"This time I went to Constantine and learned that Samarkand in the north was ready to move and wanted to send his army south through the Twin Towers of Morea. Although the main battlefield will be in the west, our Landenburg is located in the northeast, and the critical moment is not Can’t let go of the chain.”

Bai Bin paused and continued: "Although there is a natural chasm in the Darkwood Forest, there is no guarantee that the enemy will send a small force to infiltrate and cause trouble. Therefore, I would like to ask Chief Gali to arrange for some kobolds to travel through the Darkwood Forest. Activities in the Samarkand area, attract the enemy's attention, capture some live tickets, and see if you can pry out any useful information from their mouths."

Bai Bin killed two birds with one stone.

On the one hand, you can get the main movements of Samarkand, and on the other hand, you can pry out the meaning of shamanic runes from the mouths of these shamans.

Naturally, Perlo kept Bai Bin's plan in mind and agreed on the spot.

If Samarkand really breaks through from the east, which is theoretically impossible, then her kobold clan in the Darkwood Forest will definitely be the first to suffer.

This move was also of great help to the kobold clan and attracted Perlo's attention.

"Don't worry, Pastor Bai. I will entrust the kobold guards to send my opinions back later and let dad take action immediately. At the same time, we will arrange a mine tunnel in the Darkwood Forest in advance and make preparations in advance!"

With Perlo's guarantee, Bai Bin felt relieved.

After leaving Perlow's room, Bai Bin found Pastor Marshall and arranged for him to lead Helen, the Landenburg Iron Guard, and the security guards to the Lime River for fortification.

Use Helen as bait to attract the Siren Siren's elite enforcers, and most importantly - capture them alive!

That's right!

Bai Bin is planning to move on three fronts!

Shaman, supernatural and dragon language, he wants them all and wants to crack them as quickly as possible.

At the same time, Pons Darkblade of the Templar Assassin Group was already on his way to Naville to investigate Victor's traces.

This is not just a three-front attack, it is an all-out attack!
(End of this chapter)

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