This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 229 Incarnation of Light, Apostle of Dawn

Chapter 229 Incarnation of Light, Apostle of Dawn

Bai Bin's body was surrounded by the light of illumination, like a god covered in holy light.

His eyes shone with divine light, and his body began to radiate a dazzling light!

This ray of light didn't just stay on his body surface, but radiated around him.

The light was not born from the cane, but started from the tips of Bai Bin's fingers, and then extended to his whole body, like a cloak.

This cloak exudes a brilliant golden light, which is extremely dazzling.

His body seemed to be integrated with the light, like a living embodiment of the Holy Light.

His eyes glowed with bright golden light, and there seemed to be two suns embedded in his pupils.His skin glowed with a soft golden glow, as if woven from pure energy.

Bai Bin stood there like a holy lord, full of majesty and divine power.

His existence itself is the strongest resistance to darkness!
His very existence is a symbol of hope and justice!

At this moment, Bai Bin finally understood the meaning of "coming like a saint" under [Illumination Technique (Super Level)].

Now he is no longer a priest who uses illumination, but the incarnation of light, the apostle of dawn!
He is the spokesperson of the Holy Lord of Light in the human world!
It illuminates every corner of Sunny Harbor and gradually pushes the darkness into the distance.

The bloody night was illuminated, and this light was on par with the bloody light in the snake valley!
The stars twinkled in the night sky again, and the moon was clearly visible, as if wrapped in a thin veil.The dirt and ruins created by people fleeing the streets disappeared instantly, replaced by cleanliness and new life.

The vegetation grows wildly under the light, the flowers bloom in brilliant colors, and the trees are tall and lush.

The building has been restored to its former glory, and the walls and roofs shimmer with mysterious textures, as if they are treasures of civilization.

The militiamen who stood firm in Sunny Sky Harbor felt that the darkness in their hearts was completely washed away by the light, their fear and despair were driven away, and they were replaced by courage, hope and tenacity!

Bai Bin's existence is like a towering beacon, guiding them out of darkness and towards victory.

They felt endless strength, courage and hope rising in their hearts.

They are willing to fight for the light, no matter how powerful the darkness is!
Just like the name Sunny Port, people look forward to a sunny day when fishing and traveling.

Now, Sunny Harbor is shrouded in darkness, and Bai Bin will use his own efforts to restore Sunny Harbor's light!
The refugees from Baga Village who were still fleeing on the road saw the demons coming in large numbers, and their fear had reached its peak.

Some people have even begun to abandon their luggage and run like crazy to the north toward the Lyme River, thinking that it will be safer as long as they cross the river.

Lilith and Helen, as well as the clerk and security guards, were trying their best to maintain the team and avoid being stampeded, but this trend was almost forming.

Even they were carried away by the people and submerged in the crowd, as if they had fallen into the sea and were drifting with the current.

Despair, despair is spreading rapidly.

But before large-scale riots broke out, their eyes were invaded by countless holy lights.

No matter men, women, old or young, tall or short, fat or thin, or hiding behind the bunker, without exception, they were completely enveloped by the holy light, with nowhere to hide.

At this moment, they felt the same as the militiamen in Sunny Harbor, despair and fear were driven away.

Even the coward who is most greedy for life and afraid of death has hope and courage in his heart, and he is determined on one thing -

Humanity must win!

Justice must prevail!

Light will prevail!

But for the demon vanguard, this ray of holy light was like the sharpest sword of light, thrusting towards them who were unprepared.

All the demons were immediately obscured by the dazzling light.

A heartbreaking pain shot into his eyes, piercing them and giving them a splitting headache.Then, all consciousness dissipated, and I seemed to see their breasts in a trance.

After that, even their consciousness was completely erased. They only felt that they were quickly moving away from the holy light, and perceived the red light of hell, and their souls were re-projected back to hell.

From Bai Bin's perspective, he can see the changes in the demons most clearly and comprehensively.

First, the light directly pierced the demon's armor.

The demon's skin began to crack, as if the earth was burned by fire.

A disgusting black liquid oozed from these cracks, giving off a foul odor.The demon's screams became more piercing, and the cry of pain filled the entire battlefield.

Then the demon's skin began to burn, flames spurting from the cracks and engulfing their flesh.The burning flame is a dazzling golden color, which complements the light of illumination and looks like a judgment from myths and legends.

The demon's body began to twist, its horns and sharp claws twisting and deforming in pain.

They kept roaring, but their voices gradually became hoarse and replaced by pain.

The demons tried to escape the shackles of light, but the power of illumination followed them everywhere, and there was nowhere to escape.

In the end, the demon's body completely disintegrated and turned into a pool of black blood, like a dark tear.

This dark liquid was swallowed up by the light and turned into a clear drop of water. As the wind blew, it spread on the earth and soaked the land.

Bai Bin quickly searched the battlefield, but could not find the commander of this demon advance army.

But after the demon in the front row completely "evaporated", a figure caught Bai Bin's attention.

It was a clergyman wearing a "blood robe".

The crown on his head was long gone, and his hair was curled with scabbed blood, making him look like a bloody fanatic.

However, the staff in his hand and his body were soaked in blood, but from the vaguely visible style and color of the ribbon, Bai Bin still recognized this person's identity——

It was the dean of St. John's Seminary who was attending the meeting, Dean Culler.

Under the powerful light energy, Dean Kule gradually regained his consciousness, and the purple energy in his eyes was forcibly expelled from the body.

Dean Culler suddenly realized what he was doing, and when he looked in front of him, he saw an extremely bright light.

The wounds on his body gradually began to heal under this light, and the light power lost in his body was completely restored at this moment.

Dean Kule looked at the dazzling holy light and his breathing became easier.

He had never seen such fierce holy light, and in this light, he vaguely saw a figure.

"Yes... it's the appearance of the Holy Lord of Light!"

Dean Kuler burst into tears, and the memories of the time he was controlled flooded into his brain.

Because of his research, his mind was accidentally damaged, and the mind flayer took advantage of it and took control of him.

He also personally opened the boundary between the world and hell, allowing the demons from hell to invade the human world.

His hands were already stained with the blood of countless innocent people.

"Holy Lord, I am guilty!" Dean Kule knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

Actually... Bai Bin really wants to say, it's okay for you to repent all the time, but can you pay attention to the occasion.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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