This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 235: Inspiration?

Chapter 235: Inspiration?
"Cough cough..."

Bai Binzhan coughed.

Then he said: "Of course I remember. I was in a state of confusion at the time and created the worst record in the history of the academy, and it was precisely because of Victor."

Bai Bin asked without leaving any trace: "Dean, are you studying the things left by Victor?"

Kuler sighed again: "I just want to know what the child was studying that caused the spellcasting error and his arms were destroyed. Although he didn't tell me much, he just said a few words vaguely, but as a Dean, I am heartbroken to see the college’s most promising star fall!”

"Afterwards, I checked Victor's browsing records in the library, combined with his notes and other things, and slowly determined the direction of his research. On the surface, he was studying the repair of the body by the Holy Light, but in fact he was Research a spell similar to soul travel.

It is precisely because the soul is consumed too much by traveling abroad that the Holy Light is needed to repair and nourish the body and soul. "

When Kuller said this, Bai Bin felt huge waves in his heart.

Sure enough, the wise men of the empire should not be underestimated.

Although Culler was quite mentally retarded when it came to rash research, he was quite smart when it came to analyzing and extracting important information.

Almost one person completed the research on Victor in a piecemeal manner.

And Bai Bin, even on the first floor, was misled by Victor's library borrowing records and failed to touch the really important part.

But from Kuller, Bai Bin learned the truth about Victor's research, which was actually a spell for the soul to leave the body.

This inexplicable... is somewhat similar to what his predecessor was studying!
The weird spell notes of Bai Bin's predecessor happened to be researching energy aggregation.

As we all know, the soul is a stable state of energy.

The two people’s research immediately confirmed it!
Bai Bin remained motionless on the surface, but in fact, huge waves had already been stirred up in his heart.

Fortunately, he didn't show off when he was in the academy. The only impression left on others was that he was Victor's only close friend. He failed all the graduation exams with No. 1.

The first impression will not cause any disturbance. After all, Bai Bin himself is also a problem student, so the two people's sympathy for each other will not arouse suspicion.

As for the surprising second point, since they all graduated and went their separate ways, it just became a topic of conversation and there was no chance to delve into it.

On the contrary, he became Bai Bin's protective color. Even the old dean did not suspect him during the investigation. The concealment was not unsuccessful.

"Oh? This is the first time I've heard of the spell of soul release. But he once asked me a lot of energy questions. Dean, you know me. My grades are average and I don't have Victor's talent, so I can only Go to the library to look up information and see if I can do my best to help him."

Bai Bin quietly revealed the information that he had borrowed energy-related books.

First, it was to use Victor to get closer to the old dean so that he could ask more questions.

Secondly, I didn't intend to hide something that could be easily investigated, which would only increase suspicion.

As expected, Dean Culler had no doubts and continued: "Based on some clues and records he left behind, I roughly restored the spell-casting process. Although I found the dangers of this spell, it was far from the danger of a failed spell. To the extent of breaking an arm.”

"But after I perfected this spell, I tried to cast it. The soul did leave the body, but it did not act according to my ideas. Instead, it began to passively float around, and finally entered the plane of the twisted void, and was Captured by a mind flayer..."

Good guy, this is equivalent to results delivered directly to your door!
Kuler's expression was tangled, and finally he squatted down with his head in his hands: "I just want to find out what happened to Victor, and I just want to help him. I really didn't expect that it would lead to such a tragedy and consequences..." As a result, it was the old man Culler couldn't bear it.

A dean of the most powerful seminary in the empire, he has a respected position and is full of talents.

As a result, in his later years, due to magic experiments, he became the culprit of Hell's invasion of the Zion Empire. Waterdam Theological Seminary was removed from the map, and thousands of innocent people in Waterdam Village died.

Belief in light in this life has also led people to do good, and has countless followers, but in the last stage of life, it has caused countless evil forces.

What a blow this is to a clergyman.

If Bai Bin hadn't used holy light to lure Kule here, I'm afraid he would have chosen to commit suicide at that time!

Bai Bin frowned slightly, but his doubts were about that spell.

"Old Dean, you said that you can't control the soul's out-of-body spell after it's out of the body, and it's passively swimming? Is it possible that there is a specific location set in the original spell?"

Bai Bin thought keenly.

Because Bai Bin's weird magic notes contain dragon language, supernatural language and shamanic symbols. These things are all so profound that even some related races cannot completely decipher them.

Since there is no contact environment in the college, it is natural to have learning contact through some form of contact.

Bai Bin was still wondering what the method was before.

But from the old dean's dictation, Bai Bin thought of a possibility!
It was because Victor's soul left his body and then went to a certain place or places, or his soul met someone, that he was able to impart such profound writing and language.

So... is he the second teaching from Victor, or does he also know the same out-of-body magic?
Bai Bin had new doubts.

"It was all the fault of this inspiration technique, and it was also my own lack of caution that caused so many innocent people to lose their lives. I feel sorry for them!" Old Dean Culler growled in a low voice.

Bai Bin sighed lightly, knowing some information clearly and indirectly.

But why does it feel more and more confusing?
"But the matter is at this point. Any self-torture and self-deprecation will only make your own life easier. Old dean, do you still remember the purpose of the Guangming Sect? To make believers in the world and all people who yearn for the light People, feel the light.”

"But now, people in Ontario are still living under the covetousness of the devil. As the instigator, how can you have the nerve to watch hundreds of thousands of people struggling and commit suicide alone to escape?" [Justice value + 400 】

"Yeah...what qualifications do I have to die to escape from everything? I am obviously your dean, but now I want you to teach me..." Dean Kuler said helplessly to himself.

I made one mistake at a time, and now it's time for students to point out my faults.

"Then I will order you, as the actual Cardinal Archbishop of the Diocese of Ontario and the Eastern Territory, to temporarily merge into the Landenburg Cathedral. Follow my command and win this fierce battle with the devil! When will the devil be defeated? Only when you are completely driven out of the Zion Empire can you return to St. John’s Seminary and resume your life!”

Bai Bin said loudly.

Dean Kuller did not make any rebuttal, his eyes were full of remorseful fighting spirit.

"As ordered!"

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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