This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 238 New 4-ring magic!

Chapter 238 New 4-ring magic!
Dig a tunnel to the Snake Valley!
Everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

Based on what Bai Bin said before, the Terror Rift is temporarily unstable, so only low-level demons have appeared, and not many intermediate-level demons have appeared yet.

The current digging of the tunnel leading to the Snake Valley is clearly aimed at directly destroying this passage and leaving the demons who enter the human world in an isolated and helpless situation.

Taking the initiative to attack is already very exciting, but now we have to go straight to Huanglong!Everyone present went from being anxious when they were gathering to now having green eyes, and they wanted to lead their troops out immediately!

This is not a battle of defense, it is clearly a matter of making achievements!
If we seize this opportunity, we will definitely get promoted, not to mention being promoted to a noble title!
And following Priest Bai, the demons that they once feared like tigers were nothing more than paper tigers, unable to make any waves.

"However, the information must be kept strictly confidential. Give us another two hours of rest. After two hours, we will secretly march towards Waterdam! Try to arrive before dawn and give the enemy a head-on blow!"

Bai Bin's order was sonorous and powerful, and a blazing flame ignited in the hearts of everyone present.

It is an irresistible impulse to make achievements.


After everyone left, Dean Kule understood Bai Bin's good intentions.

It turns out that there are enemy spies among the refugees!

This poor information will definitely make the devil's advance army paralyzed and careless. Although there is no guarantee that they will not be discovered by the enemy, it can definitely catch the opponent off guard.

Bai Bin raised his head seriously, looked at Lilith and said, "Thank you for your hard work. If you hadn't made this discovery, I'm afraid all our arrangements and arrangements would have been exposed."

Bai Bin held Lilith's hand tightly, letting the other party clearly feel the sincerity of his words.

Bai Bin does not hesitate to reward those who have made meritorious deeds.

Lilith Xiafei's cheeks were filled with joy, but on the surface she was sullen and said: "Helen is still here..."

Helen looked at Bai Bin and Lilith, who were holding hands tenderly, and then looked at their eyes, and her hair suddenly stood up.

"Then I'll go?"

"That's not necessary. You two have worked hard. Take a rest quickly. There will be a fierce battle soon." Bai Bin let go of Lilith's hands.

Just give her some benefits and be ambiguous. Lilith's coquettishness is obviously filled with lust.

This thing is the same as feeding fish, you have to feed it, but you can’t feed it to fullness.

You have to keep hanging on to the emotions that are neither up nor down.

Sure enough, after Bai Bin let go of his hand, he saw from the corner of his eye a lost Lilith, biting her lip lightly with her teeth, and the tension brewing in her eyes gradually spread.

Bai Bin was quiet for a while, and took advantage of this time to focus on the completed task.

[You have completed the task [Light in the Dark], you have gained 3000 experience points, and obtained the 4th level spell [Expulsion]]

Three thousand experience points made Bai Bin full. The key was another 4-level spell.

When Bai Bin saw this 4-level spell, his eyes lit up and he was even more happy.

He had thought about what level 4 spells he could get before, but all he thought about were things like flying through the air, divine energy, spell infusion, and advanced magical weapons.He didn't expect that the system was so powerful that it could give him such a useful spell, expulsion.

For other scenarios, banishment can be said to be a cumulative spell.

Its function is to directly drive away creatures that do not belong to this plane and return them to their original plane.

But now is the period of hell invasion. Hell demons have come to the human plane that does not belong to them. Bai Bin can use this hand to force them back to their original plane!

Of course, the most powerful use of this move is not against hell demons, but against mind flayers!

Although the Mind Flayer surrendered to the Demon King Belial and was even named the Lord of Hell, the Mind Flayer's original plane is the Twisting Nether.

As long as the timing is right, Bai Bin can use the expulsion spell to expel the mind flayer to the twisted void plane directly when they meet.

You know, the current commander of Hell's advance army is this mind flayer who looks exactly like Ulysses.

Once expelled, the Hell's advance army will have no command on the frontal battlefield!

Soldiers without an owner, just stragglers!
By then, countless low-level demons will be trapped and killed in the Snake Valley.

Similarly, no matter who takes the command of the hell army in the future, Bai Bin can use the expulsion technique to send him back intact!
Once there is no commander-in-chief on the battlefield, all layouts and arrangements will be impossible!
Arrange for deputy commander?

Unless you can arrange a lot at once, Bai Bin will find a way to send you back!
Although casting a 4th level spell consumes a lot of money, the benefits brought by expulsion are really great!
You know, there is a price for the devil to come to the world.

How can we do something like crossing planes without paying a price?
But compared to the cost, the consumption of the expulsion spell is simply negligible!
Mastering such a skill gives you almost complete control!
It just so happened that today, Dean Kuler was hard-pressed, and the justice value was just enough to upgrade the expulsion spell to level 9.

Bai Bin spent 3200 points of justice to directly upgrade the expulsion technique to level 9 in one go. It was so powerful that there was even a chance of expelling level 9 alien creatures!
Even if the demon king Belial comes in person, Bai Bin has the "power to fight".

With such a highly targeted spell, when he met the Mind Flayer again, Bai Bin would just kick him away!
At the same time, after completing the task and receiving the reward, Bai Bin's system was updated again with new tasks.

[Mission: quell the invasion of hell
Mission description: Your arrangement is extremely smart, giving everyone great hope to wipe out the advance army of hell.
Mission goal: eliminate the hell demons in the Waterdam area and drive them all back to the hell world
Mission reward: A huge amount of experience points, a random full-level spell below level 3 and a super-level upgrade]

After Bai Bin saw the mission, he was stunned.

Super level, see super level again!
He was already full from the last super-level benefit.

He single-handedly resisted tens of thousands of demonic advance troops and did not fail. This gave the minions of hell their first defeat, and they fled back to Waterdam to defend themselves in disgrace.

As long as the demon is completely driven out of Waterdam, you can get huge rewards and random super levels below level 3!
This reward is so generous!
Bai Bin has already experienced the power of super-level illumination, and he is full of experience.

This time, you can randomly select a super level, with endless possibilities.

Hidden Mist, Sanctuary, Psychic Weapon, Cure Wounds, Reverence, Realm of Honesty, Invisibility!

From these spells, another super level will be born!
As long as it's not the area of ​​​​healing slander or honesty, Bai Bin can accept other super-level spells!

Bai Bin has already started rubbing his hands in anticipation.

As for the group of hell demons, Bai Bin has completely regarded them as a stepping stone to complete the mission!
For the first time, Bai Bin felt that two hours was so difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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