This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 249 Hell Lingyuan Suit!

Chapter 249 Hell Lingyuan Suit!

"After failing to capture Sunny Port, I ordered a retreat, preparing to wait for the rift to stabilize and launch a new round of attacks with reinforcements. I used the ability of medium demons to harass the enemy's rear, making them ignore the head and tail..."

There was no problem with Francis's choice. After thinking about it, Demon King Belial made the same decision even if he was in the command position.

Bai Bin's illumination technique is too powerful to defeat low-level demons.

An incomprehensible light spell directly vaporized thousands of demons in the front row. This intensity was unprecedented and unheard of.

Preserving strength is the right choice.

"After that, I returned to Waterdam to monitor the stability of the Terror Rift. The scouts I inserted into the refugees came across the news that the other party was holding Sunny Harbor. As a result, not long after the intelligence came back, Bai Bin led the main force of the Ontario Province. The Iron Guard has reached Waterdam."

Thinking of Bai Bin's bottomless and unethical behavior, Francis clenched his fists and wanted to eat Bai Bin alive.

"It's just that I never expected that Bai Bin would actually master the high-level expulsion technique and expel me back to the twisting void as soon as he met me, without giving me a chance.

Without a command on the front line, and frightened by Bai Bin's illumination technique, one can imagine what kind of disastrous defeat the remaining demon advance army will suffer. "

It was indeed a disastrous defeat. Ninety-nine percent of the advance troops sent out were sent back.Only a few escaped.Some of the souls that were sent back were missing soul fragments and were no longer complete...

Demon King Belial did not explain this to Francis, who fell into self-blame.

To prevent the commander from having a complete mental breakdown.

What the hell is this illumination technique that can even hurt the soul!

After hearing this, the demon king Belial also found it more difficult.

Why does Bai Bin have so many trump cards!
If he had shown such a level of illumination at Storm Peak, the six Hell Lords and one Hellboy would have been instantly killed.

Even at that time, Bai Bin only announced his disease technique first and did not reveal other trump cards.

In order to prevent Bai Bin's disease from being targeted, Francis also deliberately disguised himself.

But who would have thought that he also mastered the high-level expulsion technique. Before Francis could finish speaking, he was driven back to the dangerous twisting void by Bai Bin.

When he thinks about showing up again next time, he will definitely end up being teleported by Bai Bin again.

Without the puppet Kuhler, even substitute command would be a problem.

Obviously, Belial, the king of lies, is also aware of this problem.

Both Francis and his men are alien creatures that invade human territory and will inevitably be expelled.

Without command, his subordinates will become a mess, with no clear instructions and no tactics. They can only be reduced to tools at the mercy of others, posing no threat.

The only solution is to send more deputy commanders to assist Francis.

If one is expelled, the second will come.

The second one is expelled, then the third one will be picked up, and so on!

However, before this idea could be expressed, it was rejected by Demon King Belial himself.

Don't forget, Bai Bin can not only use the expulsion technique, but also master the disease technique and the evil soul-destroying illumination technique.

This time Bai Bin deliberately used the expulsion spell on Francis, maybe it was a trap deliberately buried!

Just to trick more commanders out.

You know, the person who can serve as a commander is the Lord of Hell at the very least, and the next higher up is the Baron of Hell, the Viscount of Hell, and even the Earl!

These are the mainstays of the First Hell, the capable men of Demon King Belial!
If they are all sent out and Bai Bin catches them all, and their souls are damaged and reduced to dementia, that will be a serious loss to the First Hell!
In the past, it was only the devil Belial who used lies to deceive others, but this time he was almost deceived by Bai Bin!

Belial broke into a cold sweat behind his back.

Almost caught Bai Bin's way!
There was no way to send out a large number of commanders, but at the same time, he had to send out... Suddenly, Demon King Belial was in a dilemma.

In the first hell, there is nothing you can do to face a clergyman like Bai Bin from the Illuminati Sect!
'I didn't ask Lucas to find a way to contain Bai Bin before, but it didn't have any effect. This guy still appeared on the battlefield and was not taken away...'

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed across the eyes of Demon King Belial.

'Bin can appear here, it is obviously resisting the order from Constantine. '

'Since it's not convenient for Hell to take action, let Constantine put the pressure on him!In supporting Lucas to rise to power, he can't be of no use at all, right?In that case, what's the point of supporting him to rise to power? '

Demon King Belial suddenly opened his mind.

We can't just let Hell contribute. At this time in the human world, Lucas should use all his power and connections to put pressure on Bai Bin, force him to retreat, or remove his identity, and not give him the power to command troops or be on the frontline battlefield. !

Demon King Belial looked at Francis again and said meaningfully: "I allow my subordinates to make mistakes, but I do not allow my subordinates to make mistakes all the time. Francis, you have one more chance to win trust..."


Snake valley.

No, to be precise, it should be called Demon Slayer Valley now.

After Bai Bin led his army to slaughter tens of thousands of demons here, the remaining residents of Waterdam changed the name of the valley.

There are tens of thousands of corpses of low-level demons gathered here.

In order to prevent corruption and the spread of the plague, the surviving people dug huge pits, collected all the demon corpses, and planned to fill them up.

For the next half day, no demon emerged from the fissure.

Not even a peep.

It was obvious that he had already received the information and would not conduct unnecessary tests again.

Throughout the Demon-Slaying Valley, Kule led this group of clergymen to draw various magic circles.

Even later, I started to study the serial magic circle, and it became a completely forbidden area.

Chief Gali led his men to dig a tunnel, with the exit hidden, and professional kobold traps laid out.

Except for the sentries set up in the Demon-Slaying Valley, most of the Iron Guards have withdrawn from the valley and are waiting outside.

On the ruins of Waterdam Theological Seminary, the only entrance and exit from the Demon-Slaying Valley, Kuhler also led the clergy to build a temporary Tower of True Knowledge to monitor and detect invisible magic.

Several messages sent by Bai Bin received responses by the next day.

The first to arrive on the scene was Edward.

After driving a carriage alone from Landenburg and arriving at the ruins of Waterdam, there was even a thick layer of white frost on his eyebrows and hair, obviously he did not dare to stop for a moment.

The moment Edward arrived, Bai Bin's eyes lit up.

The anticipation has completely set in my mind.

Watching Edward unload a huge box from the carriage, he was already full of anticipation.

"I don't know if I'm late, but I've already built it according to your request."

Edward was not tired at all from running around all night, and his bloodshot eyes were filled with excitement and excitement.

"The combination of hell style and soul is the same as before, but there is an additional evil style of sacred equipment, which I call - Hell Lingyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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