This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 286 Lord Barong, please show the way to the younger ones!

Chapter 286 Lord Barong, please show the way to the younger ones! ([-]-in-[-])

Graven's words made everyone else present's expressions instantly darken.

Indeed it is.

As an apostle of the Fourth Hell, Lord Baron only came to discuss the alliance.

The identity has not been fully announced at this time, and it is a private and unannounced visit.

At this time, if you have close contact with other members of the hell camp in private, you will indeed leave a source of gossip for others, and you may even be suspected of liaison and treason!

But this is the leader of Graven. If they don't meet him, they will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Greven's words were like bad news.

The fine wine and delicacies just now are no longer as good as chewing wax.Everyone felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching their hearts.

You know, although Graven pointed out a big deal to them, it was only a logical analysis.They can't figure out how to operate it specifically. At this time, there still needs to be someone who can provide effective suggestions.

And this person is Lord Barong.

Since the other party can see the benefits, he will lead the cooperation between the First Hell and the Fourth Hell in the future. It can be said that he has seen the major events in the future clearly in advance.

If they can get the guidance of this adult, they will definitely rise to the top in the future. It is equivalent to being a team member and getting the guidance of the referee. How can they not be popular?
It's just that due to the current situation, they are about to lose this opportunity.

It is equivalent to watching the achievements in front of them disappear in vain, how can this make them not anxious!
"Brother, can you think of a way? We really respect Master Barong very much. We just want to see his true face and bathe in the magnanimity of a strong man from the fourth hell."

Graven frowned slightly, as if he was in a difficult situation.

With a struggling expression, he considered for a moment and said: "It's not completely impossible..."

One sentence completely aroused everyone's emotions.

"If we meet in private, we will definitely be criticized. But if we change the nature of this private meeting and turn it into a business meeting, then even if we are caught by someone who is interested, we can still say that it is a discussion before a formal meeting." and understanding!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone present brightened up.

Yes, as long as they make this meeting formal enough, even if some people want to frame him, they can produce reasonable and reliable evidence.

On the contrary, they are the ones who framed him, and they have reason to file a counter-claim on the grounds of undermining the cooperation and development of the First and Fourth Hells!
In this way, all problems will be solved!

These devils with a little authority at the grassroots level all have their mouths turned up like fishes with curled mouths. They can't be suppressed, they can't be suppressed at all!

But after a moment of joy, everyone's expressions became stagnant again.

If it is a more formal meeting, it is obviously not enough to rely on them alone at the moment.

They are all small bosses at the grassroots level, not even the middle level.

If they want to cooperate, they can only bring in all their immediate superiors!

But new problems have arisen.

If their respective superiors are brought here, what will the leader of the superiors do?
This goes on endlessly until Baron Moton is brought in together!Doesn’t it mean that their contributions will be shared infinitely?
Graven saw the worry on everyone's eyebrows, but he didn't say anything.

Now that we have given them hope, it is appropriate to give them a little more anxiety.

As for how to solve the doubts in their hearts, it would naturally require Master Barong to appear like a god descending from the earth, easily solve these problems, and win their respect and admiration.

Bai Bin's plan is linked to each other.

Use the temptation of fame and profit to lead these demons away.

The demons present had completely fallen into fantasies of future glory.

Graven said at the right time: "Don't worry, since my Lord Baron has this idea, he must have thought of a solution for you."

This sentence made everyone's eyes light up again.

This is the truth!

Since this gentleman can come up with this idea, he must have already considered the direction.Why worry about them?

Having solved the biggest problem at the moment, everyone was extremely excited. After sweeping away the previous haze, it seemed as if honor and power were already within easy reach.

Graven picked up the wine glass and smiled at everyone: "Then I'll wait for the good news from you all!"

Now that they have driving force, these demons are very motivated and can't wait to recruit people into their group.

Assigning tasks is the lowest form of education.

Bai Bin used the method of provoking the desires of demons.

Bai Bin is more like a whispering devil than a priest who leads people to do good.

Constantly bewitching, dragging them down into the abyss in the false dream woven by language.

Today's demons, when everyone moves forward towards interests, will form a strong driving force, their desires have been opened, and then they will act based on instinct.

The interests not far away in front of them are like bait on a fishhook. Once they are hooked, it will be difficult to escape.

The desire caused Greven to see the demon's power of action for the first time.

In just one day, everyone who had previously hosted the banquet contacted their immediate superiors.

After just revealing the idea a little bit, his immediate boss agreed.

You must know that both sides have natural camp barriers!
The only thing that can quickly unite the two sides is common interests!

This driving force has the ability to envelop all obstacles in its path, swallowing them up and assimilating them.

It is no secret that Mourinho has a wealthy man who spends a lot of money.

Because of the momentum created by Bai Bin in front of him, there was no need to explain anything to these immediate superiors, they knew that this was an honored guest.

They also know that this cooperation will not only bring them wealth, but also power and honor!

And since he is an apostle from the fourth hell, there is no harm in meeting him.

So in just one day, under the surface calm, Mourinho successfully completed almost half of the aberration embers mining and summoning the city defense department.

Two demons who had a good relationship with Graven came to him that night and asked when they could meet Lord Baron.

Naturally, Bai Bin did not tempt the eager expectations of the Morinho demons like unscrupulous merchants.Instead, after Graven entered the room to ask, he quickly gave an answer.

When Graven came out again, he brought the latest news to everyone who was looking forward to it.

"Master Barong said that we can sit together and chat and discuss later today. The name of the salon is the 'First Hell and Fourth Hell Cooperation Memo Meeting'. Master Barong has already decided on a place. Come over then." That’s it.”

The two people responsible for coming forward immediately showed awkward smiles: "How can this be so embarrassing? Even though Mourinho is here, he still wants to be treated by Lord Barong. We haven't even finished our friendship as landlords..."

Graven smiled and waved his hand: "Master Barong said that there will be a long time to come. When everyone is collectively developed, it will not be too late to invite you."

Graven looked at the list handed over by the two and said: "Later, I will send the invitations to your door one by one. Please don't be anxious."

Just when Bai Bin arranged an evening salon with various mid-level officials of Mourinho, Francis's mouthpiece and messenger, the little devil, had also arrived at Mourinho.

The little devil immediately met with Baron Morton.

"Lord Baron, I am here to remind you on the orders of Lord Francis that Baron, the Dark Apostle of the Fourth Hell, has quietly arrived in Morinho.

Lord Francis means that the other party must not be allowed to come into contact with ordinary demons.

This person has a strong ability to confuse people and often preaches a set of fallacies.

Many demons in Soldansom have been led astray, shouting about fairness all day long, just a chance..." The little demon's tone was full of irritation.

Who would have thought that in just one or two days, Baron would have such a profound and lasting impact on Soldansom.

"But we can't let the other party see the signs of being monitored. Everything needs to be done in secret. Another point is to run Mourinho well and there can be no problems in all aspects! We can't let the other party seize the opportunity and negotiate. Use this as a bargaining chip to ask for more!"

After the little devil finished speaking, he solemnly said again: "This matter was personally explained by the Lord Demon King and he told me that it must be completed!"

Stone giant, Baron Morton.

He is one of the most loyal subordinates of the Demon Lord Belial.

Baron Morton didn't care about Francis' request.

He's just a Hell Lord, what qualifications do he have to command a Hellboy?
But when he heard that it was the Demon King himself who gave the order and supervised it, the expression on the face of the huge stone giant Baron Morton also became serious.

His fists were banging on his chest, and even rocks were flying.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Baron Mordo began to think that he could not let the other party get close to ordinary low-level demons.We must not let it notice, and we must ensure future cooperation between the two parties...

All these requirements add up to being demanding and cramped.

Anyone else would have complained.

But Baron Morton only has loyalty in his heart!
As long as it is a task assigned by Lord Belial, we will resolutely complete it!
Even if it is difficult, we must face the difficulties.

But soon, Baron Moton, who was sitting on the Obsidian Throne, thought of a good idea.

"If I keep sending my middle-level demons to visit and entertain, killing the other party's time. In this case, will the apostle have no time to contact the lower-level demons and promote his set of bewitching words?"

The stone giant Baron Morton informed the little devil of this idea.

The little devil also felt that this was a good method within the maneuverable space, and immediately said: "I will inform Lord Francis of the news and ask him to make a decision."

Baron Moton retorted: "You are wrong, I want the Demon King to decide!"

The little devil looked at the serious-looking Baron Moton and quickly changed his words: "It was a slip of the tongue. Please forgive me, Lord Baron. It was handed over to Sir Francis and was reported to Lord Demon for his decision."

When the little devil left and returned to Francis, he informed Mourinho of the situation.

After learning that Baron Moton had thought of a way to contain Barong, Francis couldn't help but sigh: "I originally thought that Baron Moton was a big, unwieldy stone giant. But I didn't expect that he could actually come up with something like this." Good idea!

The reason why the devils at the bottom are jumping around and causing trouble is that they have nothing to offer and are single.I want to gain benefits by making a fuss.Even if there are no benefits, there will be no disadvantages!

But the middle-level demons are different.These demons have status and power in Hell.Today's status is achieved step by step through solid achievements and battles of blood and fire.

Naturally, he would not believe Balong's empty words and white teeth.

These middle-level demons take turns harassing Barong, allowing Barong to spend all his time doing it.If the other party shows impatience.After that, when they officially cooperate, they can use this as an excuse to attack and annihilate the mid-level officials of the First Hell and question their sincerity on the grounds of neglecting them.

And letting the middle-level cadres take turns can prevent Barong from making targeted breakthroughs on specific middle-level cadres!
After all, everyone has to visit, and the time for everyone's turn will be greatly compressed. It is completely impossible to poach someone through just a few words and a conversation!
What a great move!It seems that our Baron Moton is as wise as he is foolish!Many people are deceived by his appearance! "

Francis breathed a sigh of relief.

Now with the cooperation of Baron Moton, there is almost no doubt that he will successfully complete this diplomatic mission.

Francis clenched his fists secretly, suppressing the excitement and revengeful anger in his heart.

'After regaining the favor of the Demon King, I have to find a way to regain military power, supervise the Zion Empire, and kill Bai Bin to avenge my brother! '

It's just that Francis didn't know that while he was congratulating Baron Moton for his wise and foolish plan, Bai Bin, the city of Embers, Morinho, was already one step ahead, and was in advance with the middle-level demons who controlled key departments in Morinho City. Let’s raise a glass and drink.

"Thank you all for coming to this salon today. Today's salon is a small warm-up and understanding in advance for the formal discussion of cooperation and alliance with First Hell. Everyone here is the mainstay of Mourinho, and even the first hell Heroes of hell, pillars of the future.

So I want to have a chat with you so that I can get acquainted with the First Hell so that I won’t make a fool of myself in the upcoming formal talks. "

Bai Bin held a wine glass with a half-skull head and raised it above his head: "Cheers to the great friendship between the first and fourth hells!"

The standard of this salon was extremely high. Bai Bin had so many crystal lattice that he couldn't spend them all. He just spent money and arranged everything to be top-notch.

The group of middle-level demons in front of them had never seen such a battle before. They were so dazzled that they couldn't even leave.

There were some foods that they had never enjoyed even in Baron Morton's Obsidian Temple.

This treatment is sky-high.

Some people are even thinking that even the meals and standards of the Demon King Belial in the Demon Cave Lair are not necessarily higher than what they are seeing here.

Privilege, distinction, corrupt people.

"Everyone, it's hard to travel all the way, so it's not convenient to bring too many things. I purchased these things personally in Mourinho, and I will give them to you as a meeting gift today, as a testimony of the friendship between our two hells."

When the demon leaders took away precious collections and objects worth several years of their wages, the whole place gasped one after another.

Finally, someone couldn't help it and begged: "Master Barong, please give me some guidance!"

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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