This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 288 You translate for me, what a fucking surprise!

Chapter 288 You translate for me, what a fucking surprise!
Therefore, demon vigilantes and patrols are extremely important.

Even after the working hours are extended in the future, there will definitely be young and energetic lower-level devils making trouble. At this time, they will be required to threaten, coerce, and block their mouths to prevent this additional mining plan from leaking out.

Once told in advance, the entire secret plan will be completely aborted.

The futures of dozens of middle-level demons and low-level little bosses will be wiped out.

Therefore, it is imperative to arrest the talkative and resentful low-level miners. Thunder is high-pressure!
It is even more necessary to supervise and monitor this group of low-level miners and take the time to report to Baron Moton. This is absolutely unacceptable!

All avenues must be sealed, and the middle-level demons from all lines must unite to form an airtight network to keep Baron Moton and the Demon King in the dark.

Only in this way, when the war really comes and the First Hell begins to fall into financial crisis, the emergence of huge amounts of aberrations will be a help in times of need, and will the First Hell launch a clarion call for counterattack and become their supreme achievement!

The demons are already self-taught and know what to do next.

The corners of Bai Bin's mouth also turned upward, because he knew that the plan was successful.

Once these middle-level demons unite, hiding the truth is the simplest thing.

And because the workload at the bottom has increased, but the income of the company has not increased, there will definitely be complaints.

This kind of complaint will continue to ferment among the miners at the bottom, until one day it can no longer be suppressed.

And because they are greedy and want more meritorious achievements, the middle-level devils will definitely intensify their efforts.

At first, they were asked to work overtime for one hour, then it would be two hours, three hours or even more!

There are only 24 hours in a day in hell. Extra overtime work without any increase in pay will be the last straw for the devil at the bottom.

When the sky-high resentment gathers, it will eventually burst out, sounding the clarion call for the demonic uprising at the bottom!

What a fucking surprise!

This is!
On the one hand, the middle class has been completely corrupted and embarked on a path of no return, while the bottom class is full of resentment.

Soldanthem is the awakening of the underlying devil, pursuing free will.

When the oppression of the body and the freedom of the will collide with each other, it is like a gorgeous and beautiful firework.

The first hell at this time must be particularly gorgeous.

Bai Bin couldn't wait.

Not to mention that after Ember City loses all its middle layers, the management of the entire city will become a big problem.

Chaos will become the biggest problem in the Lawful Hell.

In this case, if the main militant faction of the Second Hell lights another fire, or causes trouble again, the agreement will be torn up.

The battle between the First Hell and the Second Hell is about to begin!

When the time comes, Demon King Belial will focus on his head and not his ass, and one of the head and tail will have to be fucked hard!
Or they can be penetrated at the same time!

The whole salon was full of fun for both guests and hosts.

What Bai Bin didn't expect was that after tonight, something even more exciting was waiting for him.

After finishing the salon, Bai Bin returned to the hotel.

There are more important things waiting for him at midnight tonight.

The new member of Rose Castle, "Prophet", will be officially introduced to the Bliss Banquet. As the most important guest of decision, he will be the one to introduce the newcomer and bring him to everyone.

Naturally, as the guest who receives people, he needs to arrive in advance, meet and communicate with the "prophet", master his basic information, and then introduce him to the other Six Saints.After Bai Bin returned to the hotel, he went to bed on the pretext of having an early rest.

With his current ability, the inspiration spell only lasts for more than 6 minutes. This is already the result of his incomparable efforts.

He needs to understand the information about the "Prophet" and some conditions in the restricted area of ​​life within these 6 minutes, and at the same time introduce the "Prophet" to the other Six Saints.

This in itself is extremely challenging.

Bai Bin must think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

When the time came to 58:[-] at night, Bai Bin decisively used his inspiration technique, and his soul came to Rose Castle.

This time, Bai Bin's soul did not directly enter the Banquet of Bliss, but appeared in the living room of Rose Castle.

Without the mask in the Banquet of Paradise, Bai Bin found that his face was blurry, as if it was covered with a layer of something, and his facial features could not be seen clearly.

In the living room, a man wearing a black robe and his face also covered with a layer of fog was sitting neatly.

Although covered in fog, Bai Bin could still vaguely see that the other party's face seemed to have a metallic feel.

Bai Bin understood clearly when he thought of the components of the restricted area of ​​life.

They are all a group of paranoid guys who are good at replacing flesh and blood with cold metal and pursue eternal life.

And the "prophet" in front of him is an outlier among them.

While studying the eternity of life and mechanical ascension, he can actually have extraordinary attainments in a variety of encrypted languages ​​and spells.Using the clues left behind by the Banquet of Bliss, one can actually learn the inspiration technique on one's own, and it is really surprising that one's soul has entered a stage recognized by the Rose Castle.

But among those who can enter the living room, who is not a genius?
Bai Bin said: "Are you a 'prophet'?"

The slightly restrained man in front of him nodded.

"I am your guide, Hermit."

Bai Bin did not rush to take the other party to the feast of bliss. Instead, he sat down on the sofa in the living room, taking his time.

"I am your new mentor at the Feast of Bliss. It's just that my approach is different from the mentors you understand. You can regard it as a test or a challenge."

"Because of your code name, I am very curious about you.

Since you call yourself a 'prophet', here is your first challenge to integrate into the Feast of Bliss...

These are the nameplates of the Bliss Banquet seats, with their code names written on them.The nameplate is completely blank except for the code name.What you need to do is to make a one-to-one correspondence between the code names and the characters after observation, and then record all the information about them that you got at the banquet on the nameplate. These things can be stored in the castle, I will judge your results. "

Bai Bin intends to use his hands empty-handed to defeat the wolf.

Since he is currently experiencing a crisis of confidence, having a fully accepted "prophet" as his spy is the best choice.

The "Prophet" took the seven blank nameplates and stretched out a mechanical-jointed finger from under his thick, long-sleeved black robe.

Looking at the seven names on the nameplate: Mad, Hermit, Queen, Clown, Candle, Moon God and Wailing, the corner of his mouth rose:
"Interesting challenge, I'll take it."

"Next, I need to know some information about you. I want to know how you deal with the soul after the transformation of the restricted area of ​​life and the replacement of flesh and blood with cold machinery."

As a priest of the Light Sect, Bai Bin knows the energy and power carried by the soul.

If the soul is parasitic in a cold machine, this will be a big problem for the entire Illuminati Religion.

He also wanted to get answers from the "prophet".

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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