This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 293: Words are used to vent failure, and things are accomplished in secret

Chapter 293: Words are used to vent failure, and things are accomplished through secrets (two in one)

Since he has to go directly to the Demon Cave Lair, it is definitely inconvenient to use inspiration under the nose of Demon King Belial. Therefore, Bai Bin must go to the Rose Castle again before arriving at the Demon Cave Lair to complete the agreement with the "Prophet".

After the convoy settled down to rest that night, Bai Bin decisively used inspiration to arrive at Rose Castle.

And the information stored by the "Prophet" was found in the castle.

These materials record in detail the "prophet's" analysis and intelligence on several other people.

First there is information about the most active "mads".

According to chatting with him, it is very likely that it comes from the Spine of the World in the northwest of the continent.

Judging from the information about the "Queen" and her relationship with Kuang, the analysis of the "Prophet" is very likely to be a member of the Creation Sect, and also very likely to be a vampire.

The "Joker" was the only "blank" among the others because of his jumping thinking and failure to see the background situation.

On the contrary, "Zhu" is most likely a dragon from the Dragon Island.

"Moon God" comes from the Crescent Elf Kingdom.

"Wail", with a perverse and eccentric personality.

And he has done a lot of research on the soul during the discussion.Giving "Prophet" a familiar feel.

The style is extremely evil and seems to be similar to hell.

The "Prophet" even analyzed Bai Bin.

It is deduced that the "hermit" is human and of the lawful alignment.

As for the rest, there isn’t much information.

After reading the "Prophet's" background analysis and information collection of everyone, Bai Bin couldn't help but feel surprised.

Unexpectedly, the "Prophet" has such a strong ability to collect information, and he even analyzed most of the information on the Six Saints.

This information is quite useful to Bai Bin!
Especially the information about Bai Bin himself was surprisingly consistent.

In this way, Bai Bin also roughly knew the information about the other Six Saints.

In particular, Bai Bin noticed the "prophet's" message and comments about "wailing".

It shows that "Wailing" has a perverse and violent temperament, and he has a lot of research on the soul. In particular, his style has many similarities with hell, which attracted Bai Bin's attention.

With the "prophet's" familiarity with hell, [-]% of the time he wouldn't admit his mistake.

It would be interesting if "Wail" were the people of Hell.

If it can still be confirmed which person is from hell, then Bai Bin will have a new round of ideas for the hell plan.

No matter who he is, as long as he is not from the First Hell, he can become his partner.

But Bai Bin also discovered that the clown turned out to be the most hidden person.

In this case, his identity was not revealed.

Bai Bin stored these information separately, and then left a message to the "Prophet", asking him to help investigate which hell person "Wailing" belonged to.

The information currently investigated is enough to surprise Bai Bin. There are people from all over the world.

It is indeed the Rose Castle, the banquet of bliss, which includes weirdos and geniuses from all over the continent.

In this way, they cooperate and trade with each other all over the world, but rarely have any conflicts of interest, and their true identity is hidden. It is really wonderful!

After doing this, Bai Bincai's soul returned.

It was a smooth journey from the Ember City to the Demon Cave Lair.

Bai Bin was still a little uneasy about meeting the Demon Lord Belial in person.

This is the core area of ​​the First Hell. There are thousands of demons in it, especially Demon King Belial, who is a rival to the Pope of Illuminati. Is your disguise skill flawless and can you withstand Demon King Belial? "Test", all this is unknown.

But Bai Bin wasn't afraid.

At present, he already has three Penitents, as well as the Hidden Mist Technique, Super Light Technique, Invisibility Technique, Death Cloud Technique and Epidemic Technique. Even if he is discovered, he will just cause a big fuss in the First Hell and then use the rift to escape.

If successful, it will subvert the first hell!

Of course, Belial, the demon king of cooperation, will definitely not be involved in the whole process. You must know that there is a lot of content that needs to be pushed back and forth. The dignified demon king of hell will end up personally, fighting for trivial interests, and his face will be red. Thinking about it, it is funny to think about it.

The person mainly responsible for the negotiations must be Francis, and the devil Belial can control it from behind the scenes.

In this way, the opportunity to truly meet is to greet and finally leave.

As long as these two links are ensured, there will be no problem in the entire trip.

The days when you can't show off are always so short.

In the blink of an eye, everyone was escorted to the Devil's Nest.

The raging flames and the clearly visible Doomsday volcano opposite the lair give people a feeling of the end of the world.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the green inverted bucket-shaped soul vortex on the dome.

All souls gather here. Hell souls and souls recycled in the human world enter the first hell through here and become the energy of the soul furnace, or become part of the first hell.

Souls gather here and then disperse everywhere.

The intact soul is cast into the body of a hellish demon to be reborn.

The incomplete souls were thrown into the furnace and became the energy that drove the furnace.

Bai Bin stopped and watched for a long time, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's really magnificent!"

What I want in my heart is that when I have the opportunity in the future, I must completely break this death cycle and destroy the soul furnace!

The people accompanying them all sighed when they looked at the layout of the Devil's Nest and the surrounding wonders.

Stepping into the Demon Cave's lair, everyone immediately felt a strong negative aura.

Entering a realm full of darkness, terror, and evil.

Its architectural style is full of an atmosphere of decadence and death.

The entrance to the lair is guarded by huge stone statues or demonic statues, which seem even more terrifying amid the endless wailing.

Once you step into this area, the strong smell of sulfur and the eerie atmosphere make you feel suffocating.

Entering the Demon Cave Lair, various outrageous transformation experiments are taking place.

Dark corridors are filled with burning candles and bloody runes. These transformation experiments are designed to turn all kinds of creatures into servants of evil, causing them to lose all traces of kindness and humanity.

Wails resounded in the cell, and the creatures imprisoned by the Demon King Belial were experiencing endless pain and became part of the terrible legions under his rule.

In the core area of ​​the lair, the bone throne of Demon King Belial stands on a blood-red floor tile.Behind the throne is a huge black curtain, which is engraved with ancient runes written in blood.The demon king Belial himself sat on the throne. His body was made of darkness and fierce fire, and his eyes were shining with blood-red light.The armrests of the throne are decorated with inlaid soul gems, each of which is extracted from an innocent soul and shines with a strange green light.

Around Belial, evil servants and demons stood, waiting for the devil's orders.

The entire throne area is shrouded in the light of white bones and fierce fire, as if it is a symbol of terror and chaos, all demonstrating the rule of the Hell Demon King and the power of evil.

However, the most mysterious and attractive thing is sitting on the bone throne and looking down at the devil himself.

Demon Lord Belial is wearing a form-fitting dark armor, which is a jet-black armor specially made from a fusion of aberration embers and special ores.

The black face, with only bones and skin remaining, fits the armor perfectly.The sharp undercut is breathtaking, and the huge devil's horns, which symbolize status and strength, are also perfectly wrapped and integrated by the helmet.

The sinister teeth and the eyes radiating the light of lava all give people a strong sense of oppression.

And at the Demon King's forehead, the spike of a lava light pillar stuck out like a third horn.This is the soul stone of the Demon King, the embodiment of its powerful dominance and domain rules.

There is a lava-colored halo hanging above the head of Demon King Belial, which fully demonstrates his demonic "divinity".

"I have seen Lord Demon King!"

Bai Bin restrained his light power, and instead exuded the evil aura of death brought about by the study of disease and death cloud techniques.

Bai Bin put one hand on his chest and nodded slightly to show respect.

As an apostle of the Fourth Hell, representing the Dark Lord Theskar himself, he does not need to kneel down after seeing the Demon King.

However, the five people behind Bai Bin knelt down on one knee due to their status or due to the natural pressure of a hell demon king.

Demon King Belial couldn't help but smile when he saw Barong who looked like a hell guard.

"This is the first time that Lone King, the Dark Apostle of Seskar, has been seen in the First Hell."

Bai Bin did not show any stage fright, and responded immediately to Demon Lord Belial's speech: "This action shows that the Lord of Darkness attaches great importance to the cooperation between the two parties!"

Belial, the demon king, laughed.

Although the First Hell's combat power is currently stretched thin, it cannot show it in front of outsiders.

"Well said! But now that the First Hell has strong troops, why must it cooperate with the Fourth Hell?" Demon King Belial asked.

Bai Bin did not directly refute the words of Demon King Belial, but said: "Because the consequence of seclusion is to be controlled by others and fall behind in all aspects! And those who fall behind will definitely be beaten!"

"The Third Hell is like a natural chasm across the sky, completely blocking the opportunities for the First Hell and the Second Hell to communicate with the outside world. Even on the dangerous sea, the Third Hell has set up a fleet with the intention of cutting off all possibilities. Trapped alive in the first hell and the second hell.”

"This method seems extremely mild in the short term, and there will be no large-scale friction between the two sides. But over time, the effect will be fatal!
Because there has been no commercial and cultural exchanges with other hells for a long time, the first hell and the second hell cannot enjoy all the advanced technologies outside.On the other hand, the third hell will become stronger through continuous absorption, and the balance of victory and defeat between the two sides will become more and more obvious. "

"For the Third Hell, they are naturally happy to see time delay. After all, the longer it is delayed, the stronger they will be. In this way, the final losses during the battle will be smaller!"

Bai Bin did not refute the words of Demon King Belial, but just presented the facts to make sense.

Although he didn't know what the Third Hell was doing, as a royal advisor with a unique strategic vision, if Bai Bin was placed in this position, he would definitely make the First Hell and the Second Hell completely passive.

No other hells can lend a helping hand, and no material resources can be transported in.

Blocking off the only outlet to the sea will completely kill the development opportunities of the first and second hells.

The rest is just a matter of time.

While the third hell is developing rapidly, the first and second hells are standing still. The greater the gap, the smaller the loss will be if they are annexed in one fell swoop in the future.

This is an obvious truth, and Bai Bin doesn't believe that Demon King Belial, who is known for being good at lying, would not understand.

Sure enough, after Bai Bin finished speaking, Demon King Belial's originally playful expression turned serious.

In particular, a pair of eyes that exuded the light of lava fire were slightly squinted in deep thought.

Obviously, what Bai Bin just said has completely touched the worries in Demon King Belial's heart.

He himself suffered heavy losses in the attack on the human world. If the Third Hell is playing the "pig-raising" game at the moment, Demon King Belial really doesn't have a good way to break the situation if he only relies on his own strength.

He even said that... he could not break the situation!

For the first and second hells, this is tantamount to slow death.

No one may notice it now, but when the gap becomes wider and wider, friction will be inevitable.

Will the verbal agreement between the First Hell and the Second Hell be valid when faced with the terrifying pressure of the Third Hell?

Once the Second Hell stabs you in the back and captures the City of Embers, the First Hell will lose its most critical source of lattice...

If the offensive in the Zion Empire is successful, then Demon King Belial will successfully capture the human world, seize souls and resources, and break the shackles of the third hell in disguise!Let other hell demons stand in admiration!
But now, the attack failed.

The pressure brought by Bai Bin is even comparable to the third hell!

'Damn it!If it weren't for Bai Bin, none of this would be a problem now! Demon King Belial could not help but clenched his fists.

"Then after the alliance, how can the strategy of dividing the troops from the north and the south to attack them be guaranteed to be effective?" Demon King Belial asked again.

You must know that the two sides are thousands of miles apart and cannot be reached by land, only by sea.

The Fourth Hell took great pains to smuggle out Baron and three succubus guards.

How can we ensure communication when we launch a joint attack?
"We will set a time and launch an attack at the same time. With the Third Hell standing in front of us, if either of us falls into passivity, it is not good news for the other party. I believe that the Demon King must also understand the truth of death. "

Demon Lord Belial tapped his fingers lightly on the skeleton armrest of the Bone Throne, lost in thought.

The Third Hell is indeed powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, it cannot withstand two fronts fighting at the same time.

Moreover, the Third Hell never imagined that the two of them would join forces, and they would be in a hurry and caught off guard!
Demon King Belial now needs a big victory to stabilize the internal situation.

It is said that... because of the demon guard Baron in front of him, there have been a lot of noises in Soldentham recently.

If it drags on any longer and Baron learns that the First Hell suffered heavy losses and was defeated in its attack on the human world, the balance of negotiations will definitely tilt again...

"Then the formal negotiation will be left to you, Francis. We must discuss a cooperation that satisfies both parties, and finally sign the contract and put it on paper." Demon King Belial said.

But Bai Bin had already thought of this. Once the contract was signed and put on paper, he would be completely restricted by the contract.

So Bai Bin said again: "Dear Lord Demon King, before my dark lord sent me on a mission, he specifically emphasized that this alliance and cooperation will not sign any form of contract."

However, if a contract is not signed, the performance of the action will lack effectiveness and supervision, which is really disturbing.

Before Demon King Belial could speak, Bai Bin continued: "I believe that Demon King must be worried about performance issues. But my lord has said that by secretly arranging my mission this time, I have already taken a huge risk.

Words are used to vent failures, and things are accomplished through secrets!

Once an informant from the Third Hell appears among us, with this contract, the other party can launch unlimited counterattacks and become an excuse to attack!

This time, we will use a new way to maintain a non-existent contract. "

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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