This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 296 Demon King Belial Appears

Chapter 296 Demon King Belial Appears ([-]-in-[-])

After entrusting Graven and Sorkin to the old Dean Culler, Bai Bin took a carriage and rushed to Constantine overnight.

With the tunnels dug by Chief Gali and the kobolds, there is no need to take a hard detour when leaving Waterdam. Instead, you can directly follow the tunnels through the Demon-Slaying Valley and head west.

When Greven and Sorkin saw Bai Bin leaving in a hurry, their hearts sank to the bottom.

When they were abandoned by Bai Bin as soon as they arrived in the human world, and they were handed over to a dean of the seminary who seemed to hate evil, their future could be imagined.

The two people who had prepared themselves mentally and planned to be shackled and imprisoned did not wait for the human guards to arrive.

Old Kule smiled, feeling the evil aura on the two of them, and then said with a smile: "You have also heard that the devil Belial plans to be detrimental to the king of the Zion Empire. Bai Bin must hurry up and rush to Constantinople. Ding. There is a central Holy See in Constantine. When the time comes to really fight, the Holy Light will surely be stirred up. You will only be affected if you go, so it is better to stay here."

After Lao Kule finished speaking, the tangled and lost expressions of the two people suddenly glowed again.

"You can move freely in Waterdam, and your freedom will not be restricted. But you cannot leave Waterdam. After all, the news of your surrender has not been fully disclosed yet. Once you go out, you will definitely be targeted and hunted. It’s not good for you.”

Graven and Thor King's moods, which had sunk to the bottom, suddenly became active again.

"Without restricting our freedom?" Sorkin couldn't help but ask again.

Old Culler nodded firmly.

In the past, his attitude towards demons in hell was "never let one go", but after learning that Bai Bin could transform demonic creatures and coming into contact with Lilith, Lao Kule's attitude towards demons changed greatly.

Since Bai Bin could bring these two demons back from hell, it must have been evaluated and measured. Old Kule naturally put down his guard and regarded them as his own.

When Graven and Sorkin were assigned to the room, no one really stared at them anymore.

Sorkin opened the door and looked left and right outside the door, but he did not see a guard.

"I'm really unprepared..." Sorkin muttered to himself, leaning on his bone staff.

Compared with the cautious Sorkin, Graven is much more open-minded.

Although they could only move around in Waterdam, they were not imprisoned or even considered for their sake. The Iron Guards and clergymen they met along the way did not look at them with hatred, which made Graven's experience excellent. , it seems that the human world is not as scary as those people in hell say.

Graven lay on the bed and said with emotion: "It seems that this time I made the right choice. Have a good rest tonight, and take a walk around Waterdam tomorrow to see this place where tens of thousands of demons were slaughtered."

Sorkin was extremely cautious, and couldn't help but remind him: "It's okay to wander around, but don't wander around in the valley, otherwise you will fall into a trap and die, and your soul will be tortured when it returns to the first hell. I don't need to say more. , you should know it yourself, right?"

Graven got up from the bed in a hurry. Of course he knew the torture methods of the First Hell, but what does this have to do with traps?
"Are there many traps in the valley?" Greven asked in confusion.

Sorkin shook his head helplessly. Graven was like a "greenhouse flower" in hell. He had never experienced war personally, so naturally he didn't know the dangers involved.

"Waterdam's defense is extremely tight. There are all kinds of trigger traps and magic circles in the Demon Slaughter Valley. The density is staggering. There are also many vicious compound magic circles and chain magic circles among them. Rare! The army of the First Hell is coming, but there is no good fruit to eat."

Graven couldn't help but shudder, and his whole body trembled when he thought of the terrifying power of the magic circles he just saw.

"Right now all we can do is wait. Only when the Demon Lord Belial is completely destroyed and the First Hell is completely shattered will the shackles on our bodies truly disappear."


On the other side, Bai Bin rushed to Constantine.

Demon King Belial revealed his intention to directly occupy the body of the second prince Lucas, and then directly initiated a blood purge within the royal family in Constantine.

You must know that the blood of Zion's royal family is already thin. If Belial succeeds in killing the old king and the eldest prince, Lucas will definitely ascend the throne.Even if its conspiracy is exposed, the Zion Empire without the royal bloodline will completely fall apart.

The various vassals, towns and forces that had previously sworn allegiance to the royal family now had no promises to keep and would definitely show their fangs.

By then, this land will be completely engulfed in war and blood will flow like rivers.

Therefore, the devil Belial must be stopped!

But Bai Bin also knew that it was unrealistic to deal with the Demon King Belial alone, and he had to bring in reinforcements.

"Weier, when we get to Jerusalem, I will put you down, and you will go to your father Sandro to explain the situation and move rescue troops to help Constantine."

Wei'er also knew the seriousness of the situation, nodded firmly and said: "Don't worry, leave the Temple Assassin Group to me."

Then Bai Bin said to Lilith: "When Constantine arrives, I will go to the palace as soon as possible to mobilize people to protect the old king. You go to the Holy See to call for reinforcements. It is best to pull the pope out of seclusion."

Bai Bin knew that this time, the Demon King Belial would definitely risk everything to come and take control of the Zion Empire with an extremely determined attitude. Otherwise, he would not be able to explain to the next Hell coalition and would be ridiculed by the Fourth Hell. In the mirror The human realm cannot be linked to the restricted area of ​​life.

The big words have been spoken, and if the devil Belial is not completed, his reputation will be ruined.

As a demon king of hell who values ​​face extremely important, Bai Bin knew that this time Demon King Belial would use all his strength to promote the success of Li Daitao's plan.

Lilith also nodded heavily: "Leave the Central Holy See to me."

Helen was also eager to give it a try. During her time in hell, she practiced secretly, but as a result she had no room to show off.

Although the pursuit of her by those demons from hell is very satisfying, her pearls are covered in dust and cannot be displayed even though she has been promoted, just like walking in brocade at night, which is worrying!
"What about me, what about me?"

Bai Bin glanced at Helen, who was eager to try, and said, "Just stay with me and be responsible for providing control when the time comes."

"Okay!" Helen's nasal voice rose and she looked extremely excited.

With everything arranged, the only thing Bai Bin needs to do now is to race against time.

One day, when the carriage came to Jerusalem, Weier jumped off and ran towards the location of the Temple Assassins in the city without looking back.

Bai Bin pulled the reins, reined in the horse and continued to move forward.

After arriving in Jerusalem, we can reach Constantine in half a day.

'I hope it's not too late! '

..."You mean, the Demon King Belial has something important to discuss with me in person?" After the second prince Lucas had a private meeting with the herald, the little demon Pizlin, he could not help but frown and expressed his deepest worries.

"The Demon King has come to the world in person. With such a strong dark aura, it is difficult not to attract attention. How will I cover it up and explain it when the time comes?"

The herald Pizlin laughed sharply in his throat: "If Lord Demon King doesn't come forward in person, I'm afraid you will be completely exposed in your current situation. Bai Bin has not shown up for so long, and he must be trying to find ways to bring you down. Lord Demon King is here This time, I am here to help you and completely eliminate any future troubles!"

Lucas' heart was pounding wildly, and he was completely struck by what he was thinking.

Bai Bin has always been a lingering nightmare in his mind.

Especially this time, he teamed up with the Countess and secretly ordered Bai Bin to be captured under the pretext of having mastered black magic.Unexpectedly, Bai Bin directly disobeyed the order and penetrated the demon advance army of tens of thousands of people.

Now that the devil's advance army has been dealt with, we can free up our hands to investigate the incident.

As a result, none of the people Lucas arranged to steal intelligence or ordered Bai Bin to be recalled came back.

This also made him even more panicked, and he couldn't even sleep well these days.

The thought of the Royal Sword in Bai Bin's hand and the identity of the royal adviser who could mobilize the Guards made Lucas panic all day long.

Bai Bin may appear at any time, may come at any time, and may depose him as the second prince at any time, causing him to completely lose the opportunity to compete for the crown prince.

Now the demon king Belial has come in person to deal with a white guest, and it's not easy to capture him!
But when Constantine came, he completely ignored the Illuminati and the Pope!

Lucas was even more afraid. Bai Bin solved it, but his collusion with the hell forces was exposed, and he would also lose the chance to compete for the crown prince.

Lucas was struggling in his heart, and after much hesitation he said: "We can meet, but we have to go outside the city. I also have a private castle outside the city, and we can only meet there!"

That night, Lucas arrived at the castle that he had not visited for a long time and dismissed his servants. Only his trusted confidants and the demon herald Pizlin remained in the entire castle.

The Demon King Belial is not like other demons, requiring rituals or sacrifices to summon him.

When Belial came this time, in order to ensure that nothing went wrong, he directly sacrificed tens of thousands of souls to send his soul to the world intact.

The dark energy of hell in the original body is too rich, and will be noticed by the clergy of the Illuminati Religion as soon as it arrives. In addition, there is no need for the original body this time, what he wants to do is to occupy the magpie's nest, directly occupy Lucas's body, and use Lu Carry out the next thing in the name of Cass.

Demon Lord Belial and Lucas met in the secret room. When the secret room door reopened, only Lucas came out.

The soul of the Demon King Belial has now completely inhabited this young body with the blood of the royal family of Zion flowing through it.Lucas's soul has been completely swallowed and absorbed, becoming delicious food for the Demon King Belial, and also absorbing all of Lucas' memories.

From now on, Lucas's body will be completely controlled by the demon Lord Belial.

"Make an appointment for me with the eldest prince Joshua. Your majesty's health is getting worse day by day. Tomorrow, go to the palace with him to meet your majesty and visit your majesty together." Lucas walked out of the secret room resolutely.

The cronies beside him stretched their necks and looked in, only to find that the secret room was empty.

An evil light from the lava of hell flashed through the depths of Lucas's eyes.

Tomorrow will be the time when the bloodline of the Zion Empire will be extinct!
Of course, Belial also did not forget Countess Margaret, a die-hard supporter of Lucas.

This person who can be called Lucas' mother has always provided Lucas with all kinds of support.Especially in the aristocratic field, it has a strong appeal.

After the sudden death of the old king and Joshua tomorrow, the Demon King Belial still needs this help to help him stabilize the situation and push him to the throne!

Only his own bloodline is left, which is equivalent to automatically eliminating the royal adviser's right to choose. This power in Bai Bin's hands will be completely useless.

When he gains power, the first thing he will do is to remove Bai Bin for threatening the safety of the royal family, or force Bai Bin to take action against him, then throw dirty water on him, and completely dismiss him from office and exile him!
Once the hidden danger of Bai Bin is eliminated, the army of Hell and the army of the Zion Empire can move westward at the same time and launch an attack on the Third Hell and the Crescent Elf Kingdom.

At that time, a large number of souls will enter the First Hell to expand the strength of the First Hell.

When he thought about suppressing the Third Hell and opening up the way to the Western Hell, Demon King Belial felt a happy mood in his heart.

By then, the road will be wide open, and the aberration embers no longer need to be sold to the Second Hell at a low price. Instead, sales will be expanded and prices will skyrocket.

With strong support like the Fourth Hell, they can break the blockade of the Third Hell at sea, establish maritime trade, consolidate cooperation, and make the First Hell and the Fourth Hell great again!
Thinking of this, after the assassination of the old king Hasanti and the eldest prince Joshua tomorrow will come true, even the devil Belial is already trembling with pleasure at this moment!
Early the next morning.

Lucas met with the eldest prince Joshua as agreed in advance.

"I didn't expect you would specially invite me to come to see His Majesty. It's really not your style." Although the two of them were not at odds with each other in the fight for the crown prince, they saw that their younger brother Lucas still missed his father and wanted to get along with him. He went to visit him together, obviously with the intention of appeasing His Majesty.

This is not his style at all.

This makes Joshua, as the eldest brother, very happy.

Lucas snorted coldly, still maintaining his aloofness.

"What you see is not my whole picture. These are just your stereotypes."

Joshua just smiled. It seemed that in some aspects, his paranoid brother had not changed at all.

The two of them were followed by waiters and guards. After entering the palace, they went straight to the small courtyard where the old king was.

Joshua muttered to himself, his words full of worry: "Why do you still come here to cast when your health is obviously not good anymore..."

As soon as I arrived outside the yard, I heard the clanging sound of knocking in the yard.

Joshua raised his hand and waved away the waiters and guards who were following behind him: "Let's chat with our family, and you can just stay outside and watch."

Lucas also raised his hand and waved, telling the people following him to stay outside.

Without witnesses, wouldn't he be able to say whatever he wants later?
Lucas followed Joshua into the yard and immediately saw the haggard old king Joshua in front of the forge. He tremblingly picked up the hammer and struck on the red-hot utensils.

"What wind brought you here?" The old king Hasanti raised his head and glanced at the two brothers, feeling surprised that the two came together.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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