This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 301 The King of Lies? Just an old dog!

Chapter 301 The King of Lies?Just an old dog!

Without the intact body of Lucas, all the plans of the Demon Lord Belial came to nothing.

Knowing that everything was irreversible, the demon king Belial completely entered a state of madness.

Demon King Belial, who had been extremely restrained and restrained before, trying to turn back the tide of public opinion after the incident, now had eyes that were splitting, and his whole body exuded an aura of madness.

Everything was destroyed, and Lucas's idea of ​​controlling the Zion Empire was completely shattered by Bai Bin's ruthless sword.

If you can't get it, destroy it!

Demon King Belial's eyes burst into hell flames, and the soul stone on his forehead exuded evil and fiery energy, gathering above his head.

With a long roar, Demon King Belial's soul suddenly grew in size and broke out of the dead Lucas' body.

The body with its soul detached suddenly felt as if its spinal cord had been removed, and it turned into a pile of flesh and mud and lay paralyzed on the ground.

Demon King Belial's soul broke through the range of the hidden fog technique, and his huge body directly pushed aside the thick fog.

The tower in the palace is more than twenty meters high.

Demon King Belial was surrounded by flames, and the fierce fire of hell burned away the dense fog.

The huge body was completely liberated, revealing its ferocious and abominable soul.

A pair of huge horns are several meters long, covered with a shiny hard shell similar to black chitin, and in the center of the forehead is a soul spike that is no less than the length of the horns, forming a right-angled triangle. The shape of a halberd.

The original soul's hands and feet also changed.

The hands expanded and turned into giant objects similar to sickles. The appearance was also a hard shell with tiny cracks exuding a dark green color.It is a full four to five meters long and can easily cut through a building with a single horizontal slash.

Below the waist, it has completely turned into a ghost state, converging in a V shape, like a gradually narrowing stream, showing a wisp of air.

The sky, which was originally bright and sunny, had become overcast with clouds at some point, blocking out the sun.

The quiet and peaceful Constantine, the capital of the Zion Empire, suddenly became howling and cold.

This is the true form of Demon King Belial, and it is also the semi-descendant state of the body except for the soul.

Different from the armor-clad King of Lies in the Demon's Lair, the current gigantic state, which is huge and exudes hellfire and churning demonic energy, is the true form of Demon King Belial.

"You ruined my perfect plan, rat!" Demon King Belial's eyes were filled with flames, and his voice was like a rolling thundercloud, floating in the sky above Constantine.

Demon King Belial was furious. After his plan was completely ruined by Bai Bin, he now just wanted Bai Bin and Constantine to disappear from here.

Regardless of paying a huge price, he allowed his true form to descend into the world, suppressed everything with supreme power, and crushed everything in Bai Bin and Constantine, making these ants and rats pay a heavy price for their actions!

Bai Bin saw Demon King Belial reveal his true form. Although he was shocked, a smile appeared on his lips.

Belial was so anxious that he even descended part of his true body.

It seems that the destruction of Lucas' body prevented his plan from being carried out, causing the demon Lord Belial to lose his face.

In his rage, Belial, the demon king, had lost part of his sanity and was preparing to crush Bai Bin to ashes.

But even so, Demon King Belial still kept a hand and did not completely get carried away, allowing his true form to fully descend.

After all, Constantine is the seat of the central church of the Illuminati Church, and there is a pope who has not been here for a long time.

If he comes in full form, the Pope will be happy to do whatever it takes to keep the King of Lies in the First Hell here!

Although it is only half the strength of the complete body, it is completely enough to kill Bai Bin and sweep away the royal court!
Demon King Belial waved his sickle-like arms without hesitation. The place where he swept was filled with strong energy, dust, mist and black air. The houses wherever he passed were destroyed and roared.

Such a large-scale attack forced Bai Bin to dodge.

"Ants!" The Imperial Guards who were not far away were all knocked down by the powerful impact before they even got close, and they lay on the ground making a sound of pain.

There were screams in the palace, and the guards and maids all ran away in panic.

The three penitents crossed their arms, like an iron mountain standing in front of Bai Bin, blocking the flying rubble and stones.

Before that, the three penitents were like three insurmountable mountains in the eyes of Demon King Belial, forcing him into a dilemma.

As a result, he lost the best identity of Lucas, who has the royal blood of the Zion Empire.

At present, Joshua is killed, the old king Hasanti's last effort is exhausted, Lucas is beheaded by Bai Bin and his head is missing, and the royal bloodline of the Zion Empire is broken.

It also made Belial's plan completely in vain.

Belial, whose demon heart was shattered, was crazy and irritable. Now he just wanted to destroy this damn iron lump and Bai Bin to vent his inner anger and let Constantine know what the devil's anger is!

Demon King Belial waved his arm again and blasted straight towards the three penitents.

Now in the semi-advent state, Penitent's attacks can take effect on his body, making him the most threatening person on the field.

Bai Bin seized the opportunity and once again released the [Disease Technique] on Demon King Belial.

The full-level [Disease Spell] gave Demon King Belial no room to resist or dodge.

Just because it is not a complete body, the physical mass is much less, and the [Plague Spell] takes effect and spreads twice as slowly.

This time, Bai Bin was not blinded.

You must know that Demon King Belial is a complete soul plus half of the body. Being blind to the body will not affect the perception of the soul at all, but directly affects the epileptic effect with control. This effect will start to occur without knowing when and restrict the movement. , more useful than any other effect.

After releasing the [Plague Spell], Bai Bin immediately used the [Invisibility Spell] on himself and completely disappeared from the Demon King Belial.

There was a dull metal sound, and the image of the penitent being smashed into scrap metal did not appear. Instead, three penitents blocked the attack of the devil Belial.

The penitent forcefully resisted Demon King Belial's arm, causing long friction on the ground. He was forcefully forced back three or four meters before he stopped.

The penitent's metal body creaked with acid teeth.

This intensity of attack is still the strongest blow that the Penitent has suffered since it was created and launched decades ago——

A furious blow from Belial, the Seven Demon Lords of Hell and the King of Lies!
Demon King Belial shouted loudly, and then used strength again.

It's just that although these forces can push the penitents, they only push them back about one meter. All the energy is lost in the sea and disappears, and there is no way to continue.

When Demon Lord Belial glanced over and saw no sign of Bai Bin behind the penitent, he was suddenly shocked.

But at this time, Bai Bin had already used [Invisibility Technique] to kill him.

Then he jumped up high, with the Royal Sword and Hell Chain Hammer in his hands, he opened his bows from the left and right, and struck at Demon King Belial.

When the attack starts, [Invisibility Technique] automatically expires.

Bai Bin's figure suddenly appeared in front of Demon King Belial, very close at hand.

The expression on his face and the weapon in his hand were clearly visible, less than two meters away from him.

Demon King Belial's first reaction was to raise his hand and cut Bai Bin in half, then swept him away.

But right now!
Bai Bin's whole body suddenly erupted with brilliance again, like a rising sun, with a shadow of the Holy Light of the Holy Lord behind him!

(End of this chapter)

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