This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 304 The Regent of the Zion Empire

Chapter 304 The Regent of the Zion Empire
What Bai Bin was most worried about happened.

Lucas's soul was captured and destroyed by the devil Belial, and he occupied the magpie's nest.

Joshua was killed on the spot. The demonic energy destroyed his heart and he was completely dead.

Now the life of the old king Hasanti has come to an end.

All bloodlines of the Zion Empire were wiped out in just one hour.

While lamenting that the old king who had been kind to him should not have such an ending, Bai Bin couldn't help but feel worried about the future of the Zion Empire.

Samarkand is watching with eager eyes. Demon King Belial was severely injured and escaped this time. If he knew about the internal strife in the Zion Empire, he would definitely intervene and make small moves behind the scenes to make the Blood God Cult, which had been suppressed, come back again.

Bai Bin walked up to the elder who knew him well, knelt down on one knee, held King Hasanti's shoulder and said: "Old King, did you know about Lucas early on..."

Bai Bin thought about today when he was holding the Royal Sword and beheaded Lucas without hesitation. He suddenly thought of what the old king said when he gave the sword to him. Bai Bin would know when to pull out the Royal Sword.

Bai Bin didn't understand it before, but now he understands it somewhat.

Hasanti breathed heavily, but there was no trace of loss or reluctance on his face. Instead, he squeezed out a smile: "Yeah, I was expecting Lucas to turn around, or maybe he was just temporarily obsessed. In the end, I was able to repent with my own will. But I was still wrong. You and Wang Quanjian were the ones I left behind to finally prove the truth for the empire."

As a royal advisor, he is not only a royal advisor, but also a pillar of the Zion Empire, the last pillar that maintains the empire!

Hasanti glanced around, and the light in his eyes dimmed a bit.

Finally, his eyes focused on Bai Bin again, looking at his somewhat confused eyes, he squeezed out a smile.

"After my death, you will be the regent of the Zion Empire, assisting the new king to ascend the throne and rule. Pope Catherine, as well as the Praetorian Guards, will all bear witness." Hasanti's breathing became stronger and stronger, as if A pair of invisible hands grabbed his throat, preventing him from speaking.

Bai Bin knew that this was the last breath of King Hasanti.

"But Your Majesty, the empire has no bloodline anymore..." Now that all three members of the empire's bloodline are dead, what Bai Bin is most worried about is that the various forces in the Zion Empire are starting to make moves, split the empire, and fall into civil strife.

"You can ask Sandro for details about this matter. I have made arrangements."

Hassanti stretched out his hand with difficulty and patted Bai Bin on the arm, with approval and relief in his eyes.

Two heavy blows, using up all the strength.

Then, the arm stopped moving and his eyes closed peacefully.

No regrets, no resentment, no regrets, even the corners of the mouth slightly raised, looking satisfied?
Sandro, the leader of the Temple Assassins, does this matter have something to do with him?

It's just that this matter doesn't allow Bai Bin to think too much about it.

King Hasanti put his arm on his shoulders and left peacefully, and gave Bai Bin the last amulet - the Regent of the Zion Empire!

Pope Catherine also bowed her head in silence and recited the Gospel of Light. The solemn Gospel floated over the palace and spread to the entire Constantine.

Then, the bright halberd in Catherine's hand was firmly placed on the ground, and a holy light enveloped King Hasanti's body.

The old king, who was originally unkempt and covered in blood, now has spotless hair and the blood on his body has completely disappeared.

Catherine Pope arranged for King Hasanti to leave in the most honorable way.

At this time, some nobles and power leaders also arrived at the palace.When I saw the scene where the old king put his hand on Bai Bin's shoulder and left peacefully, speculations arose in his heart.

"I heard that Hasanti had specifically ordered you to preside over his funeral before, so I won't overstep it." Seeing the nobles and leaders of forces, Pope Catherine took a step back, leaving the home court to Bai Bin.

Bai Bin put away his sorrow and doubts, gently folded the old king's arms with his hands, and placed his hands in an overlapping manner on his chest.

Then he stood up and said: "The old king said before his death that I would be the one to preside over the funeral. The old king had planned for the continuation of the empire before his death, and had already made a clear explanation. Now we just have to wait for Sandro, the leader of the Temple Assassin Group, to come and then he can read it out... …”

Bai Bin arranged various matters in an orderly manner.

From the funerals of the old king Hasanti, the eldest prince Joshua, and the second prince Lucas, to the repair of the palace and the comfort of the residents, a series of things were arranged.

Soon, the other two "ministers who care about life", Countess Margaret and Finance Minister Frank, also arrived at the scene.

When they learned that the eldest prince Joshua and the second prince Lucas were both dead, their expressions were exactly the same, and their faces turned pale.

Especially Countess Margaret, after knowing that Lucas had colluded with Hell and even become a vessel for the devil Belial, she killed Joshua with her own hands and fought a fierce battle with the old king Hasanti, forcing Hasanti to burst out his final blood essence. His last lifespan was expended abruptly, and his whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

As the members they supported, they never expected that none of the princes they supported would ascend to the throne.

At present, the blood of the Zion Empire has been lost, and the empire is in danger.

Countess Margaret's hopes and pillars of life were all destroyed.

She regarded Lucas as her biological son, carefully cultivated and educated him, and even passed on her ideas completely.

Although she knew that the second prince was jealous, Margaret didn't think it was a bad thing.

Anyone who threatens the throne must arouse sufficient vigilance.

Jealousy is, in a way, more like ambition.

This is what the countess likes about Lucas. Compared to Joshua, he is gentle and gentle on the surface, but he refuses to give in at all on the throne, and he often uses the guise of family affection to decorate himself. It is disgusting!

The Countess was well-groomed when she arrived, but within a few moments her hair was disheveled and she was as crazy as a lunatic.

"All the heirs are dead and the royal bloodline is cut off. What future does the Zion Empire have?" The Countess was devastated, and all her dreams were shattered.

Others were also affected by this sentence.

Yes, all royal bloodlines have been cut off. The Zion Empire no longer has the name of Zion. They have no one to swear allegiance to, and this country has no legitimacy and justice. It is falling apart now.

But at this moment, a thick voice sounded in the distance.

"Who said that the royal bloodline of the Zion Empire has been cut off!?"

Sandro, the leader of the Temple Assassin Group, marched vigorously and led the elite Assassin Group to file in with a terrifying momentum.

And in Sandro's hand, there is also a lacquer-sealed book order.

"This is the arrangement made by His Majesty before his death, and the clear heir to the empire is recorded in it!"

(End of this chapter)

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