This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 310 My kind and charming Holy Lord ancestor

Chapter 310 My kind and charming Holy Lord ancestor~
  Bai Bin's heart was racing.

He just gave it a try and didn't want to miss any opportunity to become stronger.

I just didn’t expect it to be successful the first time I tried it!
  "In the past, many believers of the Illuminati Sect also tried to communicate with higher heavens. Why did they get nothing and no response?" Bai Bin couldn't help but ask.

Bai Bin wanted to know if this was a blood contract or a resonance caused by his Holy Light ability.

"It's your holy light energy that resonates with the higher heavens."

But after the blond angel finished speaking, he added: "Of course, when you were recognized by the higher heaven, we also felt the power related to Laris in you, so we guessed that you are Laris in the lower plane. Heirs."

Bai Bin got a clear answer.

It is when the power of the Holy Light is recognized by the higher heavens that it resonates.

Although many sages of the Guangming Sect have tried this method of contact in the past three hundred years, because their power of holy light was not recognized by the higher heavens, they did not come to the upper world at all, but were caught in the plane. It is impossible to enter the space-time turbulence of the gap.

"My name is Bai Bin, what do you call this angel sister?" As the first angel to talk to him in the high-level heaven, Bai Bin naturally used a friendly attitude to see what he could learn from this talkative angel sister. More information about the High Heavens.

The blond angel in front of me has four golden wings. Behind it, there is a disc-shaped back decoration, like a sun.

Wearing a gold and silver armor, the armor is dotted with light blue patterns, giving people a peaceful and mysterious feeling.

Her hair was long and soft, swaying gently with her movements. The face is soft and the eyes are deep and bright, revealing endless wisdom and kindness.

"My name is Eve, an angel of mercy from the higher heavens."

Bai Bin even hit the snake on the stick and said with a smile: "No wonder I feel so kind and kind when I see you, and I have a warm and warm feeling."

Eve smiled faintly. She originally thought that Holy Light would be an extremely pious and respectful person because of the resonance and recognition of the high-level heavens. But looking at Bai Bin's appearance and tone, he seemed to be out of touch, completely different from Laris. It’s the same feeling!
  "Let's go, I'll take you to see Laris, the Angel of Light."

After Eve said this, she raised her hand to perform the holy magic. Two holy wings suddenly grew out of Bai Bin's back, and he briefly had the ability to fly.

"Keep up."

Eve flapped her four-winged wings. Bai Bin was still a little uncomfortable at first and flew awkwardly, but after getting used to it for a while, he got the hang of it and could barely keep up with Eve's speed.

"Laris lives in the Palace of Light. You will see him later."

Bai Bin was not in a hurry and asked instead: "Miss Eve, how many named angels are there in this high-level heaven?"

In the Illuminati religion, everyone worships only one "Heavenly Father", that is, Laris.

The human world calls him the Holy Lord, but I don't know what his specific name is or what his name is in the higher heavens.

So in essence, the Illuminati Religion of the Zion Empire is just the product of faith belonging to the light angel Laris. I have never heard of the names of other angels, and I don't even know how many there are.

Eve is very patient, she is really like a big sister, she is not impatient at all when answering Bai Bin's questions, and her whole person exudes the intellectual charm of a mature woman.

"In the high heaven, there are seven named archangels. They are courage, wisdom, mercy, destiny, justice, hope, and light. In addition, there are eighteen named angels, but we all call them They are apostles. Apart from that, they are ordinary angels, but at least they have a pair of wings." The seven archangels correspond to the demon kings of the seven hells. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or intentional. ’ Bai Bin thought to himself.

"Then can we believers in lower planes have the opportunity to advance to higher heaven and transform from humans into angels?" Bai Bin continued to ask. It's not that he wants to advance to become an angel, he's just curious about the relationship between the high-level heaven and the lower plane. It would be best to test their attitude towards the lower plane.

"Those two-winged angels basically ascended from the lower world. It's just that in your plane, no one has ascended to the higher heaven for more than three hundred years since the light angel Laris preached. For this reason, he was attacked by other people. Much ridicule from angels.”

Eve turned her head and looked at Bai Bin, then the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and her tone was a little playful:
  "But this time, your appearance seems to bring him a big surprise." Not only is the first person in the Illuminati Religion likely to ascend, but he is also the bloodline of Laris, which in itself brings a double surprise.

Soon the two came to the Palace of Light.

This palace, which shines with light and luxury, is made entirely of pure gold. Just the gate of the palace is more than thirty meters high, giving it a full sense of oppression.

‘In spite of this magnificent level of luxury, I have to cheat a lot today! ’

When Eve and Bai Bin walked up the stairs to the entrance of Guangming Palace, the huge palace door slowly opened with a simple and heavy sound.

As the palace slowly opened, Bai Bin saw a red carpet about a kilometer long, leading all the way to the foot of the bright throne of the palace.

And the "ancestor" of the Holy Lord, whom he had never met before, was standing in front of the throne, looking down at him.

Bai Bin was also sizing up his cheap ancestor.

Unlike Eve, the Angel of Mercy, the Angel of Light, Larry, does not have the wings that symbolize an angel. Instead, he wears a fairy-like uniform embellished with gold threads. The silk and satin at the corners of his clothes are suspended in the air, wrapping around his body like clouds.

The only conspicuous and unique symbol is the suspended holy halo behind Laris' head. Exuding bright light, nourishing all things with light all the time, it is indeed worthy of the title of Angel of Light.

Looking at his face again, he has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and is handsome and bright. He looks like he is in his thirties, with a calm and handsome look, and it is completely impossible to tell that he is hundreds of years old.

Bai Bin was sizing up Laris, and Laris was sizing up Bai Bin.

However, there was no joy on his face, but his brows could not help but frown.

"Eve, thank you for your hard work. Next, I want to talk to this child alone." Laris spoke, his voice was steady and powerful, with a unique sacred rhythm that echoed in the Palace of Light.

Eve's nose twitched slightly, she left her hands behind her back, and explained to herself: "It's not hard, I'm just curious about what your descendants are like in the lower plane, so I went to pick them up for you. It's quite interesting. of……"

After Eve left, the golden door of the Guangming Palace slowly closed, and a dull sound echoed in the palace.

Laris stared at Bai Bin, and the two of them stared at each other for at least dozens of seconds, neither of them spoke first.

There were no other serving angels or apostles in the hall. It was obviously full of light, but it gave people an extremely depressing feeling.

At this time, Laris finally couldn't help it and was the first to speak: "You have traces of me on your body, but there is no my blood in your body. What is going on!"

Bai Bin let out a long sigh of relief. This ancestor finally couldn't help but speak first!

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
  (End of this chapter)

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