This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 312 Holy Art of Light [Holy Light Falling]

Chapter 312 Holy Art of Light [Holy Light Falling]

When Bai Bin's energy was drained, the light of the super-level illumination technique completely dissipated.

The high-level paradise has regained its warmth and tranquility.

It seemed calm, without any impact or ripples.

But in fact, the shock and impact that the illumination technique that had just been transmitted from the Palace of Light had on everyone had already made the angels in the high-level heavens feel excited and no longer calm.

Bai Bin gasped unabashedly. This was his attempt to release all his holy light in one breath. He didn't know whether he could enter the eyes of the light angel Laris, or what level he would be rated at. What high-level heavenly magic is granted.

As the person closest to Bai Bin, Laris's mood is extremely complicated now.

He wants to say something now, asking you to show the magic of light, not asking you to transcend!
  The illumination technique that resonated with the entire high-level heaven was enough to shock him for hundreds of years!
  It's not that he can't recreate this miracle,
  But even if he wants to replicate this resonance and achieve the effect that Bai Bin exerted, he will still be exhausted and lose all his strength!

But the problem is that he is a high-level angel of light in heaven, one of the seven supreme archangels, who controls all the forces of light!
  And Bai Bin is just his descendant in name only, and does not have his bloodline. He is a mortal who comes from a lower plane looking for help!
  When a mortal's illumination can be compared to that of a supreme angel of light, isn't it obvious that he will win or lose?
  Laris looked at the ignorant Bai Bin and really wanted to ask this guy how he practiced the magic of light. He had walked in the human world three hundred years ago, and he knew very well what level of light magic the mortals there had.

But if the light magic in the lower planes has developed to this point in the past three hundred years, then why can no one successfully communicate with him?
  Therefore, it can only be said that Bai Bin is too strong. His personal attainments in light magic have even surpassed many high-level angels in heaven!

Already already a master, what else could Laris have to teach Bai Bin?

If it's too simple, I'm afraid Bai Bin will laugh at him if he takes it out. If he shows it backhand and beats him, there will be no room for Laris's face.

'right! You have to take out something difficult, otherwise this kid will think that the high-level heaven is nothing more than this and have no intention of ascending to the upper world. ’ Laris thought for a moment and finally made a decision.

Bai Bin looked at Laris who fell into silence, and couldn't help but murmur in his heart: Could it be that this cheap ancestor disliked his level of light magic and used some high-level holy magic?
  Originally, Bai Bin was very confident in himself. The ultra-level lighting technique had already surpassed the limit that could be achieved in the mortal world. It could be considered as a skill in high-level heaven!
  But seeing Laris frowning and saying nothing, Bai Bin lost his confidence.

Could it be that his magical skills were so low that Laris was so troubled that he couldn't take out anything?
  The two people were staring at each other at the moment, but their minds were playing tricks on each other.

After a while, Laris, who had already made up his mind, took the lead and said: "Okay, I already know your ability."

Laris did not praise Bai Bin.

At the moment, he is just a mortal. If he praises him too much, wouldn't it lower the standard of high-level heaven? If this kid really has the idea that "high-level heaven is nothing more than this", then who else will Laris cry to!

"I have a holy art of light here called Holy Light Falling, which just meets your requirements."

Laris stretched out a hand, and suddenly the energy in the Palace of Light appeared in the form of particles, condensing in one place, and after a moment, it formed an unconscious human body.

"Holy light falls!"

Laris raised his hand from the void, and saw a blazing sun filled with holy light and flames suddenly appearing directly above the human body.

The next second, the blazing sun hanging above the head suddenly projected a beam of holy light, which landed firmly on the human body.

In an instant, the unconscious human body was burned by the flame of the holy light, igniting a raging flame that was difficult to extinguish, burning the body and boiling the heart.

"Holy Light Falling can be used not only on demons, but also on any mortal being with darkness in their heart. This most direct attack spell is the most suitable for you to use in hell." Laris said, and with a wave of his hand, a golden light He jumped up to Bai Bin's eyebrows.

High-level heaven has its own form of information carrier. Important energy and classics are injected into crystals for safekeeping. These small-capacity knowledge can be directly transmitted using light as a carrier.

[It has been detected that Archangel Laris of Light is teaching you the high-level holy art of heaven [Holy Light Falling]. Do you want to accept the lesson? whether? 】

Bai Bin chose to accept it without saying anything! 【You have learned the high-level holy art of heaven [Holy Light Falling lv1]】

Bai Bin's first priority was to try out the quality of [Holy Light Falling].

Nothing is more accurate than a systematic review.

Bai Bin tried to upgrade the [Holy Light Falling] skill, and the system decisively popped up a message.

["Holy Light Falling" lv1 is upgraded to lv2, which requires 600 points of justice. Do you want to upgrade? whether】

It only takes 600 justice points to upgrade to a level, and Bai Bin fell into silence.

This justice value requirement is only equivalent to a 6-ring divine spell...

This time, Bai Bin really understood.

It seems that his strength is really average in Laris’s eyes!
  And the other party can clearly understand Bai Bin's details through the casting of a skill. It is indeed a high-level paradise!
  Bai Bin's own strength is a level 5 priest.

The bonus of the super-level lighting spell he cast made his evaluation a little higher, so the other party gave him a very suitable 6-level spell.

It must be said that Laris's vision is sharp and ruthless, and he has a clear understanding of Bai Bin's strength. He is worthy of being the Holy Lord of Light of the Zion Empire.

At this moment, Laris was also secretly speculating in his heart.

Could it be that Bai Bin dislikes the low effectiveness of this holy technique?
  You know, this is an offensive spell that he has studied painstakingly over the past hundreds of years.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the bottom of the box.

Now I'm making an exception and paying it to Bai Bin, but why does this guy's face look so calm?
  Do you think the demo you just released was mediocre?

Laris thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask.

If he asked, "Do you think this skill is average?"

If Bai Bin really nodded and said, "It's pretty average," then he wouldn't be able to take out anything, and his skills would be exhausted!
  How embarrassing that scene must have been!

The style of the high-end paradise suddenly fell to the bottom!

So you can't ask, and you can't ask Bai Bin to take the initiative!
  Laris waved his hand again, and a golden rune came from afar and landed on Bai Bin's chest.

"I have given you the key to the high-level heaven. The key is opened every three months. Your soul can directly reach the high-level heaven without being bound by location or environment."

The reason for setting the three months is that as long as Laris is afraid that this guy will come every day, he will clean up all his affairs within a week!
  But if it takes too long and the relationship fades, it will be difficult to win him over to a high-level paradise.

So it turns on once every three months and can come four times a year. This frequency is just right!
  "Okay, you should study seriously. I will look forward to your performance in the high-level heaven!" Laris waved his hand again, and Bai Bin's soul quickly exited the Palace of Light, crossed the plane turbulence, and returned to the original plane. .

Bai Bin was not given a chance to speak at all.

From Bai Bin's point of view, Laris really didn't take a fancy to his strength!
   Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
  (End of this chapter)

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