This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 314 The dual pressure from Samarkand and hell!

Chapter 314 The dual pressure from Samarkand and hell!

The lord's wife was still a little worried.

The royal power, which seems extremely important to outsiders, seems to be like a demon and a ghost in Bai Jie'er's eyes, and she is afraid to avoid it.

"I just want Ting En to grow up healthy and safe, and at most he can become a good lord like his father. I never thought that he could become the king of the Zion Empire and take charge of all the major events of the Zion Empire. To You know, in that position, you face great risks and more dangers..." Bai Jie'er said worriedly.

"But have you ever thought that now Ting En is the only remaining bloodline of the Zion royal family. Even if he refuses to ascend the throne and become the king of the Zion Empire, those with ulterior motives will not let him go. After all, the only way is to eliminate future troubles forever. Only by completely severing the royal bloodline can they dare to bare their fangs and show their ambitions unscrupulously."

Bai Bin's words made the lord's wife extremely frightened, and she trembled in Bai Bin's arms.

"Brother, what do you think we should do..." the lord's wife asked in confusion.

"Constantine has a better environment and defense. With the central Holy See and Royal Guards, there must be better security guarantees. Secondly, Constantine is located in the center of the empire and is protected from all directions. Strong men such as Yun, both you and Ting En will be safer.”

"Of course, the most important point is that the old king appointed me as the regent before his death. I will definitely stay in Constantine most of the time in the future. I am not at ease if only Bai Jiewen and Ting En are left in Landenburg. "

Bai Bin spent a lot of time to convince Bai Jie'er.

At this moment, Ting En ran over excitedly: "Teacher, you are back!"

Ting En also heard a lot of congratulations in the past two days, especially from the servants serving around him, many of whom had bright smiles on their faces. I thought I was serving the lord, but I didn't expect that I suddenly became serving the king. It can be said that one person has achieved enlightenment and ascended to heaven.

But Tinn cared nothing for these things, for him there was no difference between a lord and a king.

What he cares about is whether his godfather and teacher Bai Bin was injured during the confrontation with the devil Belial, and when he will return.

The teacher had previously fought against the demon army alone in Waterdam, and this was also the first time that Ting En stayed behind to take charge of dispatching and logistics matters.

This is Ting En's first contact with these. The huge data and figures, as well as the dispatch of materials, will cause a shortage of supplies on the front line if they are not careful, and the resulting impact may trigger a chain reaction.

But Ting En was not timid and faced the difficulties. If he didn't understand, he would ask and if he didn't understand, he would learn.

In just a few days, like a sponge that has never been soaked with water, it absorbed all kinds of experience and knowledge crazily, and in the end it became so handy that it was completely capable of planning proficiently.

In addition to this, Tin En also worked part-time to appease the people in the town of Landenburg, and he also did an impressive job.

The rear area was managed clearly, without Bai Bin's intervention this time, and Ting En also managed it in an orderly manner, which was praised endlessly.

Ting En hoped that the war on the front line would end soon, and wait until his teacher came back to hear his praise and praise in person.

This is the best compliment for Ting En’s efforts during this period!
  But Ting En waited and waited. Instead of waiting for his teacher to return, he instead waited for the news that he had become the sole heir to the Zion Empire...

Bai Bin naturally understood the boy's thoughts, and loosened his hand around the lord's wife's waist without leaving a trace, rubbed Ting En's little head and said: "I heard that you managed Landenburg in an orderly manner. I just came here. I heard many people say that the young lord Ting En is quite similar to the old lord Langdon."

Ting En heard the words he wanted to hear the most, and he couldn't hold back the raised corners of his mouth, which almost reached the base of his ears.

"Then now there is a more challenging task for you to complete."

Ting En pondered for a moment and asked: "Teacher, you want to take over the throne, become the king of the Zion Empire, and manage the entire country, right? As long as the teacher is there to help, I am confident that you can complete it!"

Bai Bin's eyes were blazing, and he was deeply moved by Ting En's trust in him.

"What if what I want you to do is more difficult and dangerous than this?"

When the word danger was mentioned, the face of the lord's wife Bai Jie'er suddenly showed a panic expression.

But Ting En raised his hand to interrupt his mother and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, mother, the teacher will not really put me in danger. Even if there is danger, he will definitely suppress the risk to a minimum. As for the remaining It is a danger that the king of a country must shoulder."

Ting En's trust in Bai Bin is almost unconditional. To Ting En, Bai Bin is not only a teacher, but also a father-like figure.

The lord's wife was stunned for a moment. Looking at her son's profile again, she didn't know when it gradually overlapped with her dead husband, Lord Langdon.

His speech and behavior already had the vague demeanor of Lord Langdon.

"Okay, let us master and apprentice join forces to deal with this crisis in the Zion Empire. Let this battle be a battle of proof after you ascend the throne."

Bai Bin's palms clapped together with Ting En's.

In Bai Bin's eyes, Ting En is no longer regarded as a child.

What Ting En needs is recognition and respect.


Just when Bai Bin and Ting En met, they were preparing to welcome Ting En to Constantine.

The first hell, inside the devil's lair.

The devil Belial was in a state of disarray. His wings were pierced by spears of light, and there are still two clear punctures to this day.

However, this is only the slightest injury on his body!

Looking at the soul stone on Demon King Belial's forehead, only half of it is left. His body was hit by Pope Catherine's light lightning, and his body appeared more or less cracks. Within these cracks, there is still light energy, which is everywhere. Bit by bit it eats away at and corrodes his body.

Belial had to use demonic energy to fight against this erosion!

"Bai Bin, Catherine, damn it, you all deserve to die!" Demon King Belial clenched his fists, constantly fighting against the pain in his body.

During this trip to Constantine, he never expected that he would encounter Bai Bin and Catherine, two people he least wanted to meet.

The first time I fought against Bai Bin, even though he was only half of the entity, he was still suppressed and beaten by Bai Bin. Demon King Belial had never suffered such a loss!
  The current plan to seize the throne of the Zion Empire has failed, which makes it clear that there is no way to launch an attack on the Crescent Elf Kingdom in the mirror human plane together with the Fourth Hell.

At that time, he will definitely be blamed by Theskar, the dark lord of the fourth hell.

Demon King Belial is naturally unwilling to be inferior to others. Now he must find a way to restore part of the decline and take revenge on Bai Bin and the Zion Empire!

Soon, the demon king Belial thought of Samarkand in the north.

This time, he killed all the royal blood of the Zion Empire. Even with Bai Bin's mediation, he could not survive alone.

Samarkand, who believes in shamanism in the north, will definitely send his army south to attack the Zion Empire.

If... Samarkand can capture the Zion Empire, then he can also let Samarkand replace the Zion Empire and attack the Crescent Elf Kingdom!

In the bitter cold land of the north, Samarkand, during the past thirty years, never thought about regaining its homeland.

There is a lot of room for manipulation in this!

Demon King Belial's eyes were burning. As the King of Lies, he had already weaved an offer that he could not refuse and a vision for a better future.

P.S: Finally insert the current attribute status of a white guest

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
  (End of this chapter)

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