This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 325 Before Dawn

Chapter 325 Before Dawn
  Banks City.

The two towering towers of Moriah on the northern border can be clearly seen in the city.

A high tower shines with brilliance like stars on a moonlit night, like a beacon in the dark night, guiding people who are confused in the darkness.

At the tip of another tall tower is the blue eye of thundercloud. The surging current forms an unstable eyeball shape. Under the tremor of the current, it swings back and forth, as if it is scanning the entire land.

Two tall towers stand opposite each other at the two ends of the Moriah Canyon, facing each other from a distance in the south and north, restraining each other.

At this moment, it is quiet late at night and everything is sounding.

But whether it was the people near the border or the garrison in Banks dozens of miles away, they were all prepared, and the expressions on their faces were not optimistic.

Because they clearly saw that on the other side of the Moriah Canyon, under the cover of the dark night, they could clearly see a long line of fire winding on the ground, converging towards Fort Cook in the north.

The long line of fire in the dark night meandered like a bifurcated magma flow, converging into one stream from several places, and finally flowing to Fort Cook.

"How many troops does this require..." The scout hiding in the bunker on the hillside of Moria Canyon looked at the "Fire Dragon" that had not stopped all night, and couldn't help but sigh to his teammates around him.

In the past two days, Samarkand has been mobilizing troops on a large scale, both during the day and at night.

These people who gathered from the east and north of the more bitter and cold places all gathered at Fort Cook, an important town in the southwest, pretending to gather the entire country's troops and march south for revenge.

The scout let out a few breaths, which quickly condensed into white steam in the cold night, and disappeared into the darkness in a moment.

"The number of people gathering tonight is at least [-]... plus those from the past few days, Fort Cook may have accumulated [-] troops now."

The word "one hundred thousand" came out of the Banks City scout's mouth with trembling.

You know, as the gateway town in the northwest against Samarkand, the current total combat power in the city is only [-].

The number of enemies is ten times theirs, and they are even continuing to expand. There is no end of the expansion limit in sight. The situation is heavy and desperate.

Every time there are more enemies, the more gloom weighs on their hearts.


Some low and melodious sounds sounded from a distance, and there was some commotion in the bright "Fire Dragon" team, and the torches flickered brightly and dimly.

The scout's heart sank and his expression became increasingly ugly.

"These are all secondary. Once an elephant team composed of so many wilderness mammoths attacks in the wilderness, who can stop it..."

Of course, the scout still had something to say.

In addition to the tamed wilderness mammoths, Samarkand also tamed other wild beasts.

Nowadays, the deterrence brought by these wild beasts is even more exaggerated than that of Samarkand's elite soldiers.

Once the war begins, they can't think of any means to stop these mad beasts.

"Okay, we can send the news so far back to Banks."

The scout lifted up the black cloth on the side. The cage inside the black cloth contained homing pigeons specially used to deliver intelligence.

The scout compiled the information and coordinate codes collected tonight on the paper, then rolled it up and tied it to the pigeon's paw.

Hey, hey, hey~
  The scout fed the homing pigeon a handful of coarse grains and then threw it up. The homing pigeon flapped its wings and soon disappeared into the night sky.

At this moment, a long roar suddenly appeared in the night sky, tearing the night apart.

An obscure figure swooped down like sharp lightning, killing the homing pigeon that had just taken off.

"It's broken. It's the Iron Eagle of Samarkand. Our news can't be spread." The scouts looked up and squinted. At some point, dozens of Iron Eagles were already hovering in the sky, circling silently. Near the Twin Towers of Moria.

Like a huge iron net, it stares eagerly at any flying bird that takes off.

The domesticated iron eagle has extremely strong dynamic vision. It can not only block the carrier pigeons delivering messages in the air, but also scan the scouts on the mountains and the layout of the Zion Empire in the dark.

It can be said that Samarkand directly set his eyes on the territory of the Zion Empire and started deterrence and investigation in advance.

If you want to send the news back, the scout can only make a trip in person.

As a result, the number of scouts will have to be reduced by half...

This was a difficult question before the scouts.

Samarkand has begun to show its strength unscrupulously and suppress the front line.

The scouts had no choice but to run as fast as they could back to Banks City and inform the city guards of their discovery.

When the city guard learned the news, his face turned pale.

With the huge gap in numbers and combat power, coupled with the unbalanced aerial vision, Tie Ying can see all their movements and formations. This is equivalent to being completely exposed to the enemy's vision. The enemy knows all the changes and actions!
  "It's over, Banks can't hold it anymore. One hundred thousand troops... and all kinds of strange beasts. Counting the militia, we Banks can barely gather [-]... The people in the surrounding villages and towns have also been gathered. No more fighting power can be squeezed out." Banks City was guarded as if it were mourning.

In many places in the city, you can clearly see the enemy gathering troops around the clock.

A feeling of despair permeated Banks City.

"Sir, Constantine should come to support, right?" the deputy general beside him couldn't help but ask.

"Constantine is in the process of enthroning the new king. After the new king ascends the throne, he has to familiarize himself with various departments or power agencies. If he wants to get reinforcements in the short term... I'm afraid it will be difficult!" Banks City's city guard Banks is also a veteran of the empire. , based on his understanding of the efficiency and speed of various departments after the new king ascended the throne, I am afraid that the more than [-] of them will have to persist for a long time.

"I just hope that the enemy's attack will be launched as late as possible." Banks stood at the top of the city, looking at Fort Cook behind the Twin Towers of Moria.

The sky turned white, and the night was pierced by the dawn.

In the early morning light, the gears of war began to turn slowly.

In Fort Cook, an important town on the southern border of Samarkand, there were exciting shouts.

The sound of Fort Cook's horn echoed across the land like the roar of a dragon.

The cold blades were sharpened, the armor shone firmly in the sun, and all the troops of Samarkand gathered here.

The "Fire Dragon" team in the dark night reveals its original colors under the light of dawn.

A black tide surged on the plains, forming a huge and terrifying revenge army. Their target was the Twin Towers of Moria, the fortress that witnessed the humiliation thirty years ago!

At Fort Cook, shamanistic practitioners and believers gathered like a boiling volcano, forging their own destiny.

Weapons were born with the sound of hammers and anvils, and courage rose in their hearts. They were fully prepared for the upcoming war!
  (End of this chapter)

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