This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 328 The Carnival of the Hussars

Chapter 328 The Carnival of the Hussars

Bai Bin believes in Culler's ability.

Culler is a level 7 priest with the strength of a bishop.

The reason why he was controlled by Francis before was to find out the truth about his beloved disciple Victor's spell casting error, and then he was controlled by Francis after he took advantage of the loophole.

But right now, Kuhler is suffering from inner pain all day long.

Now give him a chance to personally avenge and redeem his sins, and he will definitely sacrifice his life to fulfill his promise and complete the plan that has been deduced hundreds of times in his mind.

And this opponent is, not surprisingly, Francis.

Bai Bin now knows that Francis is the younger brother of the former mind flayer Ulysses. Because of this hatred of killing his brother, Francis was extremely hostile to Bai Bin and the Zion Empire, and wanted to use various methods to personally avenge him.

The last time Francis led the demon advance army was an example.

With Francis's mind, taking advantage of Samarkand's march south this time, he will definitely find an opportunity to make some trouble.

Demon King Belial will focus on the attack on the third hell. The other demons in the first hell will only focus on fighting the third hell. There is a high probability that Rancis, who is also eager for revenge, will lead the team out of the rift. .

Let the remorseful old dean face the nightmare that caused everything, let him get rid of his inner demons, and successfully kill Francis and come out.

"Can Dean Cooler really kill Francis?" Helen asked in confusion.

You must know that Helen has also been to the first hell and knows the deeds of Francis.

This mind flayer from the Twisting Nether is far more powerful than his brother.

Moreover, he has the ability to teleport to another world. As long as he is not restricted in advance, he can come and go almost freely. How can he be killed easily?

Bai Bin smiled: "Your understanding of Francis is indeed profound. But you must always believe in an old man's determination to atone for his sins and repent. Nothing is more persevering than this, and no one thinks more completely than Old Culler. If it were anyone else, he might let Francis run away, but old Culler would never do it."

Bai Bin's eyes are profound. When he lives to atone for his sins and repent, he can pay more in the face of revenge.

Pons Darkblade asked curiously: "You arranged a disguise on the front line, and now you are rushing back to Landenburg in the opposite direction. Do you have any plan?"

Bai Bin looked at Pons, then at Zola Feiying, who had the same curious look on his face. Looking at Landenburg, whose shape had risen on the distant horizon, he simply said: "I had a hunch before, Sa Markand would launch an attack on the Zion Empire, so he arranged for the kobold tribe to dig a tunnel leading to Samarkand in the Darkwood Forest..."

Bai Bin's face was filled with a bright smile: "Samarkand came out in full force, preparing to capture the Zion Empire from the Twin Towers of Moria. They must not have expected that a main force would enter Samarkand from behind at this time and attack their Samarkand." The High Council of Manchuria launched an attack."

Pons and Zola couldn't help but take a deep breath, and now they finally reacted.

Bai Bin is going to lead a force and attack directly into the hinterland of Samarkand from behind!

You must know that Samarkand has mobilized the whole nation on the front line. At present, only the old, weak, sick and disabled are left in the towns in the hinterland. Even in the high-level shaman council, there are probably only one or two elders left in charge. All the others with combat effectiveness are People were sent to the front lines to participate in the restoration and counterattack.

"This is simply draining the firepower!" Pang said with emotion.

Wash away the blood of those old, weak, women and children, and only men will be left in Samarkand, staring at each other, and the number will only become smaller and smaller. It is simply a way of exterminating the entire family.

"Those are secondary. The main thing is the elders in the Shaman High Council. Once we start the bloodbath in the rear, do you think those fighting on the front are still in the mood to continue fighting?"

Psychological offensive is always more effective than physical destruction and the fastest way to spread. Bai Bin wanted to use this method to tug at the hearts and minds of the soldiers of Samarkand, causing their heartstrings to be affected, from anxiety to despair, and then to mutiny.

Once the morale of the military is weakened, the war will end prematurely.

Bai Bin returned to Landenburg in disguise, and the cavalry that had been prepared before were also arranged by Ma Shuoer to wait deep in the mountains of Snowfield Town in advance.

This news was hidden from all the locals, and the people of Landenburg thought that these cavalry were going to the Banks City front line to participate in the battle in support of King Tinn's call.

In fact, after coming out of Landenburg, the iron cavalry took a circle after dark and arrived at Snowfield Town Mountain.

Here, the kobolds arranged by Chief Gali have met in advance and live in caves arranged in advance, hiding the truth from the sea.

When Bai Bin came to the cave, he met Tiewei.

"Do you know your mission?" Bai Bin looked at these five hundred hussars. They had all prepared a lot of dry food. They were not equipped with heavy armor. They were all wearing thick cotton clothes with a layer of chain mail underneath. It's a bit bulky, but there's no hindrance to movement.

The five hundred hussars looked confused.

At first they thought they were going to Banks City to respond to the king's call and march in person.

You must know that King Tingen was born in Landenburg. As a family member of His Majesty the King, he naturally has full support.

However, Pastor Ma Shuoer, who led them, took them to fight back overnight and hid in a cave in the forest of Xueyuan Town.

No matter how they asked Pastor Ma Shuoer, they refused to reveal the true purpose.

Just tell them that they have a more important task, which is the personal instruction of the regent Bai Bin.

After hearing the instructions from the regent, the cavalry stopped making trouble and waited obediently.

The title of regent was more useful to Landenburg than the little king.

No need to question!

"Then I tell you now, it's time for you to make a name for yourself!"

"You all must know that Samarkand is eyeing the Zion Empire. They are preparing to attack the twin towers of Moria with force. This time, they used the power of the whole country! In other words, Samarkand is already an empty shell. , only the old, weak, women and children and a small group of troops transporting supplies are left."

When Bai Bin said this, many cavalrymen had their eyes brightened and their breathing quickened, as if they had guessed something.

"That's right! Your mission is to pass through the Darkwood Forest, enter the rear of Samarkand, and turn the enemy's home upside down!"

"Kill their people and cut off their food! When the soldiers on the front line of Samarkand return, they will only be able to eat the dirt behind our butts!" Bai Bin's words were full of murderous intent, and there was absolutely no intention of a clergyman to guide people to be good.

But these words are extremely useful to the five hundred hussars!

The main thing about cavalry is that they come and go like the wind.

This trip to Samarkand is definitely a carnival!

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!



(End of this chapter)

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