This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 334 Shaman leader, please come to the body

Chapter 334 Shaman leader, asking God to come to you (two-in-one)

"The troll voodoo has entered your body. You can't mobilize any magic power now. Today is the day you die!"

The hell troll Sorkin once again crossed the bone staff, and a stream of green energy sank into Rancis's body along the staff.

Graven was even more direct, letting go of his two ribs and hugging Francis directly.

The bones on his body were like cartilage snakes, surrounding Francis, and then the sharp bone fragments pierced into Francis's skin. The tiny bone spurs cut off the nerves between the skin and muscles, like fine scalpels, cutting off Muscle and nerve connections.

"You guys... why did you betray Lord Barong!?" Francis shouted, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his body was in excruciating pain, which almost made him faint.

At this moment, he wanted to mobilize his power to teleport to another world, but found that there was absolutely no way. The energy in his body had been completely blocked by Culler and Sorkin, and he was completely unable to sense the twisting void.

"Is it possible that we did not betray Lord Barong?"

Graven's words contained a lot of information, which caused Francis' brain to shut down for a while.

But the three of them knew how difficult the Mind Flayer was and would not give him any chance.

Graven took out two ribs again and passed them across Francis's neck with a cross. A head suddenly flew up and separated from the body.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Sorkin grabbed Francis's head, then wrapped it in a black cloth covered with runes, and then wrapped it tightly and tied it.

Seeing that Francis was completely dead after his body was separated, Culler breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, in order to restrain Rancis's ability to use otherworldly teleportation, he even used his own Holy Light Chain to block the surrounding space at the cost of consuming his own cultivation and vitality, so that Rancis could not sense the twisted void.

Although this move greatly consumed his cultivation and life, he finally breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw that Francis' body and head were separated at this moment.

Solving Rancis can be considered as breaking Kuller's own inner demons.

I finally avenged the hundreds of innocent souls in Waterdam!

Graven was still frightened, so he simply cut Francis's body into pieces.

It wasn't until Francis's body was completely dismantled that Graven let out a long breath, and his hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

"Is this guy dead?" Greven asked.

Sorkin shook the head in his hand and said with a smile: "You can't die anymore."

Lao Kule put one hand on the wall and sighed: "If it weren't for your help today, if I wanted to kill Francis on my own, I would probably have to trade with him. Now that I think about it, it is true that the regent left you here. It’s quite meaningful…”

Killing Francis was a great achievement.

You know, as the demon leader who attacked the Zion Empire, Francis led three thousand demons to invade Waterdam.

Now that Rancis is dead, the remaining demons will be nothing but a mess without their leader to command them.

These three thousand demons are all going to die here!

Old Kule walked out of the dungeon and looked at the bright moon above his head and the demons howling and screaming in the trap, feeling relieved.

Under the same moonlight, five hundred elites led by Bai Bin completely wiped out the town of Gokaya.

The lethality of Bai Bin's [Holy Light Falling] was astonishing. The resisters following the shaman were all turned into black charred shapes. Seeing this scene, the rest of the people had lost the idea of ​​resistance and could only become dead souls under the butcher's knife.

After clearing out the residents of Gokaya Town, Bai Bin and five hundred hussars rested in the town. They also put on Samarkand-style clothing, the kobolds and carriages were also disguised, and the entire team was disguised as a team gathering to the front line of Fort Cook.

In this way, no one will doubt such a team with unknown origins.

Early the next morning, the five hundred hussars who had changed their clothes set off on their journey again, heading west against the light.

The town of Gokaya is only over a hundred miles away from the High Shaman Council. At normal speed, it can be reached in half a day.

However, under Bai Bin's deliberate control, the entire team moved slowly towards Fort Cook, as if it was really escorting the baggage.

"Why did you suddenly slow down your march? Wouldn't you be exposed when you encounter the enemy like this?" Pastor Ma Shuoer asked in confusion.

Bai Bin smiled and said: "The Shaman High Council is not a small town like Gokaya. The high council is currently sitting in the shaman religion, but the leader of the shamanism, the chief elder of the council, Gugel. In addition, there must be others Some council elders and senior shamans are sitting in charge. These people are not something ordinary cavalry can deal with, so naturally we have to find an opportunity with the right time, place and people!"


Wouldn't it be best to break into the Shaman High Council's camp at night and create chaos?

Ma Shuoer was a little puzzled.

But seeing Bai Bin looking so confident, Ma Shuoer didn't ask further.

Anyway, according to the current speed, he will arrive at the Shaman High Council tomorrow at the latest. He is really looking forward to the good opportunity Bai Bin said.

Late at night, everyone set up camp in the wilderness with bonfires, completely unafraid of the shaman council on the plain in the distance.

The more magnanimous you are, the less likely you are to arouse enemy suspicion.

But Bai Bin is the only one who truly behaves like a normal person without any worries.

Everyone else was still a little on tenterhooks, fearing that people from the Shaman High Council would come out for questioning and be exposed.

In just one night, the Shaman High Council, which was dozens of miles away, didn’t send anyone!

When the time came to five o'clock in the morning, the eastern horizon turned white, and the rallying horn sounded from the camp.

Bai Bin began to assemble his troops, and the cavalrymen climbed up from their tents one after another, put on their coats as quickly as possible, and decorated their faces with paint unique to shaman believers.

"Prepare to attack the Shaman High Council! After entering the council, you will only be responsible for dealing with minions and sabotage. All leaders and elites will be dealt with by me."

Bai Bin knew that the shaman leader sitting in charge was not as powerful as Pope Catherine. But for Bai Bin, he has learned the holy magic, has super-level magic, and can summon three penitents. It is not a big problem to deal with these masters in Samarkand.

As long as the High Shaman Council can be eradicated, the faith and spirit of the entire Samarkand will completely collapse.

Even if they can't be taken away directly in one wave, as long as one or two of the top leaders can be killed, the benefits will be extremely generous.

"Remember, your mission this time is not to kill the enemy, but to destroy! Avoid all enemies you face, and you are not allowed to pursue fugitives when you encounter them. The entire operation only needs to destroy the facilities. Put self-preservation first!"

Bai Bin gave everyone a death order.

Everyone had no objection at all, and everything came first with the Regent's order. They knew that the Regent wanted everyone to go back alive to receive medals and medals!

When all the orders were given, Bai Bin ordered all the cavalry to raise their torches and launched a charge as the morning light fell on the earth.

The charge of five hundred hussars made the earth tremble.

When the high-level shaman council heard the news, they saw the hussars that had already formed a momentum.

But at the first time, they didn't react. Seeing that the clothes were all local characteristics, they thought they were cavalry from some distant tribe, so they responded to the call and went to Fort Cook to support them.

But soon they discovered something was wrong.

After these cavalry approached the parliament, instead of slowing down, their speed actually became faster!

The high-level council came here, they were clearly attacking them!

"Stop, stop quickly!" It was just the warning and shouting of the guards. Instead of stopping these cavalry, it seemed like they had been given a stimulant, making these cavalry charge even faster.

Soon, when the cavalry charged in front of them, the waving torches were thrown out, immediately igniting the tents and turning the surroundings of the high-level council into a sea of ​​​​fire.

Rebellion is rebellion!

Until this moment, the people in the High Council thought that this group of people was a tribe that suddenly rebelled.

After the cavalry rushed into the camp, they did not attack eagerly. Instead, they wreaked havoc, setting the granaries and tents on fire, slaughtering various livestock, and destroying tools.

They showed no mercy during the process. After a wave of charges, they reined in their horses and turned around, gathering in the distance. They were completely unwilling to fight and were extremely fast.

However, after this round of attacks, many things in the camp of the Shaman High Council have been completely destroyed and are in a mess.

At this time, if we look at the weapons and horses in the hands of this group of cavalry, they have no style or characteristics of Samarkand at all.

"You are from Zion!" The high-level council shaman reacted belatedly.

But at this moment, my mind was completely blank, and I couldn't figure out how the Zion cavalry crossed the twin towers of Moria and appeared in the core shaman high council of Samarkand.

Could this be a divine weapon descended from heaven?

The chaos in the camp finally attracted the attention of Gugel, the chief elder of the temple.

When he walked out of the temple, he immediately saw the cavalry shrouded in the golden sun, as if covered with a layer of golden armor, while the tents near the Shaman Council had already been turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The believers and residents struggled to put out the fire, but they seemed so small and insignificant in the face of the flames.

But soon, Gugel's voice spread throughout the station.

"Assemble and meet the enemy!"

The voice of the shaman leader immediately became the backbone of the panic.

The people, who were like headless flies, immediately picked up the weapons around them and began to gather, forming a solid line of defense to prevent the enemy cavalry from charging again.

At this time, the shaman leader saw Bai Bin, who was riding towards the temple alone and furiously.

Just by looking at him from a distance, the shaman leader felt the rich holy light energy on Bai Bin.

As the sworn enemy of the Illuminati Religion, the shaman leader may not be very sensitive to other energies, but he can feel this compelling holy light energy at once.

Although it is still unclear how these cavalry broke into the hinterland of Samarkand, as long as they are killed and their brains are sacrificed, they can see the previous memories and naturally find the answer to the question.

Gugel, the chief elder of the Shaman Council, took out a withered branch from his pocket, and then poured energy into the branch.

In a moment, the branches turned into a ball of powder, which was blown up by the wind under Gu Geer's spell, and the sand and dust formed a hurricane, sweeping towards the cavalry and Bai Bin.

Bai Bin and the cavalry joined forces and launched an attack on the temporarily formed enemy formation.

The hurricane transformed into a giant blurry face and rushed across the position towards the cavalry.

At this time, the sun was rising in the east. When Bai Bin led the cavalry and was about to rush in front of the hurricane and the enemy formation, the sun rose from behind the cavalry.

Bai Bin waved the hell hammer in his hand and shouted: "Tear off your clothes!"

The next second, the five hundred cavalrymen all tore off their Samarkand clothes, revealing their silver light armor.

Under the dazzling rising sun, it shines like a god descending.

The Samarkand warriors who formed the battle line were blinded by the light and could not help but raise their hands to cover it.

At this moment, Bai Bin held up the Hell Chain Hammer and fired countless rays of light from his body, completely covering everything.

This time it was not only super-level lighting, but also a dazzling sun.

The combination of the two produced a brilliant light that instantly blinded everyone in the High Council.

Only then did Ma Shuoer understand what Bai Bin was talking about.

Under the energy diffusion of the super-level lighting technique, the incoming hurricane was wiped out by this majestic energy before it could reach the cavalry.

Even Gu Geer had not expected such an energy illumination technique.

His eyes were so stabbed that he couldn't even open them.

But Gugel was worthy of being the leader of the shaman and the elder of the high-level council. He took out another ball of powder from the pocket of the sacrificial robe and threw it into the air.

In the light, a shadow suddenly appeared.

This phantom was a huge piece of flesh, with countless tentacles with suction cups extending out from all sides, waving in the air.

The reason why shamanism is extreme is that they not only summon local demigods, they can even connect to various evil gods outside the plane through evil spells, sign contracts with them, and mobilize the power of these evil gods!

Right now, Gugor directly summoned the ancient evil gods from other planes.

In an instant, the sky was illuminated by light until it turned pale, and a scene of a purple starry sky world suddenly appeared, with the ancient evil god as the background, and it was still expanding bit by bit, eating away at the traces of the holy light.

The specific appearance of the ancient evil god is not clear, because his body is a projection of the universe, and only the entrenched body and tentacles with claws can be seen.

The originally pale light finally converged under the swallowing of the darkness of the void.

It was enough to make everyone open their eyes.

Against the background of the huge sky, half of it was immersed in the darkness of the void, and the tentacles were constantly devouring the light and spreading outward.

The remaining half is Bai Bin's holy light and the rising sun.

It forms a strange but beautiful picture.

But when the Shaman Council's battle line opened their eyes, five hundred hussars had already charged in front of them. Like a sharp blade, they easily penetrated the defense line, violently tearing apart the defense and stirring up the battlefield again.

In addition to Gugel, more shamans came out of the temple.

Each of them chanted incantations and spells, swayed the medium of channeling, and invited the gods to come to their bodies.

Without saying a word, Bai Bin galloped on his horse. After approaching the temple, he directly used the super spiritual weapon to summon three penitents.

The moment the Penitent was summoned from the space rift, the situation on the field changed again.

Without saying a word, the penitent began to attack these shaman elders with quick and easy methods.

Especially those shamans who have just summoned a god to their upper body have no room to resist in front of a level 7 summon like the Penitent. A simple and crude fist hits the face, and the upper body of the demigod is shattered and falls apart.

(End of this chapter)

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