This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 336 Full of gains! Submit tasks, draw magic, and level up!

Chapter 336 Full of gains! Submit tasks, draw magic, and level up!

Bai Bin submitted the task without saying a word.

[You completed the mission "Energy Body" and gained 5000 experience points, spell level improvement coupon x1 (Note: High-purity dragon blood needs to be obtained after trading at the Feast of Bliss)]

[You have completed the task "Red Dragon Scales" and gained 5000 experience points, and a chance to draw random spells that match your profession x1 (note: high-level red dragon scales need to be obtained after trading at the Feast of Bliss)]

[Your level has changed from lv5 to lv6, and you are now a level 6 priest. Your attributes have been improved, please check in detail]

Because he gained 6 experience points, Bai Bin's level also increased, reaching level directly.

Bai Bin checked the attributes increased after the upgrade.

Attributes: Strength 15 (+4), Dexterity 17 (+2), Constitution 23 (+13), Intelligence 18 (+14), Wisdom 23 (+7), Charisma 25 (+9)

Basically every attribute has been increased by about 15% from the base value.

At present, in addition to the strength and agility attributes, the rest of the physical fitness, intelligence, perception and charm, with the bonus of equipment, have directly reached the 30-point mark!

Looking at the entire plane, such attributes are also extremely explosive.

Some people may have higher single attributes than Bai Bin, but in terms of overall attributes, Bai Bin is definitely a well-deserved hexagonal priest.

Now that the mission is completed, the shaman elders and elites have all been plucked out by the three penitents, and the most important thing has naturally become the extraction of rewards.

In addition to experience and rewards for doing well in Feast of Bliss and Zhu Tan, the system also gives two additional rewards.

The first is the spell level improvement coupon. The function of this thing is to directly upgrade a spell to the full level, which can save a lot of justice points.

The second is the highlight, a chance to randomly draw magical spells that match your profession!

This thing is pure gambling, and it can randomly draw spells from level 0 to level 6, including magic.

Bai Bin has never lost when it comes to gambling on luck.

Extraction was chosen immediately.

[Congratulations, you have obtained the level 6 magic "Walking in the Wind"]

[Walking in the Wind lv1]: You and your allies turn into steam and can travel quickly, with a speed of 50 meters/second, and the number of allies you can carry is 1.

When Bai Bin saw this magical operation, he couldn't help but relax his brows and showed an expression of joy.

Being able to draw a 6-ring magic spell is extremely lucky!

Bai Bin currently does not lack offensive means.

Whether it is [Pesticide] or [Holy Light Falling], their lethality is extremely astonishing, not to mention [Psychic Weapon], a killing move that is extremely buggy in single combat and group fights.

In terms of auxiliary means, [Hidden Mist Technique], [Invisibility Technique], [Sanctuary Technique], [Reverence Technique], etc. all have their own wonderful uses, which are enough to support a battle.

The only thing missing is auxiliary skills other than combat!

But the current 6-ring divine skill [Walking on the Wind] perfectly fills this gap.

The flying speed of Level 1 Wind Control is extremely amazing, and it can also carry an ally.

50 meters in one second, 3 kilometers in one minute, and 180 kilometers in one hour. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "extreme speed"!

And this is still the speed of level 1. If this magical skill is upgraded to the full level, the speed will be so fast that Bai Bin can't even imagine that he can gallop across the continent at will. At present, Samarkand's supreme leader and spiritual totem Gugor has been killed by Bai Bin, and all the elders and elites of the Shaman High Council have also been killed.

In the entire high-level council and temple, it is difficult to find a shaman who can catch Bai Bin's eyes.

Except for the shamans who gathered at Fort Cook on the front line, the old nest of Samarkand has been slaughtered by Bai Bin like cutting leeks, and not even the roots are left!

What we have to do now is to fight all the way to Fort Cook, attack front and back with Banks' army, and completely destroy the remnants of Samarkand!

Bai Bin's attention was diverted from the sixth-level magic. The believers on the battlefield watched the spiritual totem Gu Geer being mercilessly killed by Bai Bin. The last belief and pillar in their hearts also completely collapsed, their eyes were blurred, and they were all stunned. , even the thought of fighting and resistance is gone.

The supreme ruler and spiritual totem of Samarkand, he has led all believers and exiles to survive in the bitter cold land of Samarkand for thirty years, and is always thinking about counterattacking Zion.

After finally waiting for Hasanti's death and the internal chaos of the Zion Empire, Samarkand gathered troops from all over the country and went to Fort Cook, hoping to advance into the Zion Empire and regain the land where they once lived.

But no one could have imagined that when the battle on the front line was in full swing, the enemy would lead a team of divine soldiers to descend from the sky, massacre in the rear of Samarkand, and even directly attack the high-level shaman council and carry out a beheading plan!

None of the five hundred knights were willing to let go of this opportunity. Pastor Mashaoer was the first to react. While shouting "Gurgol is dead, long live the regent!" he began to lead the cavalry back to the battlefield to harvest the remaining soldiers on the battlefield.

After the battle was completely over, the originally lively Shaman High Council turned into a ruins.

The temple where believers worshiped day and night was also burned to the ground by Bai Bin.

The entire high-level shaman council was completely turned into a sea of ​​fire.

At night, the blazing flames can be seen in the red sky in Hasa Town, which is more than ten kilometers away.

The thick smoke was rising high in the morning of the next day, and the Traveler Village dozens of kilometers away could be clearly seen.

When Bai Bin was resting at night, he used 3600 points of justice to upgrade the magical skill [Walking in the Wind] to level 7. Coupled with the additional full spell level provided by the soul-sucking cane, the magic of [Walking in the Wind] was improved. The actual effect reaches level 8!

Level 8 [Walking in the Wind] brings Bai Bin's speed to a terrifying 400 meters/second, and he can carry 8 allies and companions.

This speed has exceeded the speed of sound. It can move 24 kilometers in one minute, which is 1440 kilometers in one hour!

In other words, as long as Bai Bin is willing, he can appear anywhere in the Zion Empire within an hour.

This is an excellent means of movement for a priest, second only to the portal or teleportation circle of a high-level mage.

Although it can't be called teleportation, it greatly improved Bai Bin's movements.

If he had obtained this skill before attacking the Shaman High Council, Bai Bin would not have even planned to bring five hundred hussars. Instead, he would directly pick up a few teammates to "airborne" the High Council and catch them off guard!

Although I couldn’t do it before, I can now!

You must know that the most important link is still missing in the war with Samarkand.

"Next, the cavalry will need to roam and attack between Hasa Town, Traveler Village and Dipu Village. The bigger the noise, the better. I just want to worry the people at Fort Cook on the front line so that they have no intention of fighting on the front line!"

Bai Bin had a smile on his lips.

Although he could completely lead his soldiers to launch a general attack on Fort Cook, that would cause too many casualties to his own side, and the enemy would fight to the death without a way out.

But pulling their minds back and forth can make them lose their fighting ability. Focusing on their minds is the best choice!

(End of this chapter)

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