This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 338 The destruction of Samarkand!

Chapter 338 The destruction of Samarkand!

Bai Bin looked calm and said: "We sneak attacked the high-level shaman council. Instead of running away, the enemy dared to fight back. So the original fight turned into a duel. Gugel was accidentally killed. .”

Bai Bin's words immediately silenced everyone present.

Especially Pope Catherine and Sandro, the King of Assassins.

Thirty years ago, they were also members of the Holy See's young faction, and they also participated in the capture and assassination of Gugel.

The suppressive power shown by that person at that time is still unforgettable to Catherine and Sandro.

Even after the Shamans were driven to the bitter cold land in the north, Gugor tried to regain the land several times, but was beaten back by Catherine and Sandro and ended in failure.

However, Gugel's strength has also been certified by the two.

After all, in several confrontations, they had the idea of ​​killing this soul of shamanism, but in the end they all failed.

But now Bai Bin led five hundred cavalry and went straight to the high-level shaman council, killing the spiritual pillar of Samarkand in front of the temple.

This makes them both look stupid!

What does "the enemy not only refuse to flee, but dare to fight back"?

The enemy is in the Shaman High Council, at the door of his own house!

If you encounter five hundred cavalry and don't fight back, will you still run away?

In the end, because he did not escape or even fight back, Bai Bin destroyed him. He burned down the shamanism temple and killed the great shaman elder and spiritual totem Gugor. It can be said that he directly destroyed the roots of Samarkand. Dig it!

As a result, he was forced to say it now.

It simply makes those who hear it sad and those who see it cry.

But beyond the shock, their hanging hearts finally dropped.

Now that Gurgor is dead, the enemy's spiritual pillar has collapsed, and the soldiers in Fort Cook have begun to show no intention to fight.

The five hundred knights are like a group of invisible ghosts, hiding among the Traveler Village, Hasa Town and the High-level Shaman Council, constantly intercepting and killing Samarkand's scouts and decryptors who come to investigate the truth.

These debriefers who cannot return will also become a source of unknown fear for the soldiers at Fort Cook.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, only one or two scouts need to be missed in the follow-up, and the news of five hundred knights looting behind Samarkand will be enough to be the last straw that breaks Fort Cook's back.

Lies don't hurt, truth is the knife.

When they saw five hundred knights acting recklessly behind Samarkand, but the high-level shaman council was indifferent, and combined with some rumors they had received from Traveler Village and Hasa Town, they could quickly figure out the truth of the matter.

But there is still a long way to go between knowing the truth and accepting the truth.

"Then what we have to do now is to exert maximum pressure and wait for the enemy to collapse?" Pope Catherine asked.

Bai Bin nodded and said: "Yes, fear will spread among the troops. At present, they have just lost their will to fight. But when they know that the spiritual totem has been completely defeated, their faith and hope will also be shattered. At that time, even the best commanders could not reunite this army that had no fighting spirit."

"In this way, the losses of Zion's army will be minimized. Once we push too hard, the enemy will have the idea of ​​​​breaking the cauldron and sinking the ship. I hope everyone here understands the principle of defeating the enemy and winning."

Pope Catherine and Sandro both nodded.

Thirty years ago, this group was told to run away because the religious struggle was about to kill them all in the end. As a result, in this desperate situation, shamanism showed amazing resilience and vitality, and managed to save many believers, which set the stage for later shamanism. The founding of Markhan left a spark of fire.

Bai Bin had even considered this, so they didn't have any doubts.

"Okay, I completely agree with the Regent's suggestion." Catherine and Sandro both nodded in agreement, and this established policy was completely implemented.

Ting En is still young, so he has already worked hard for the Zion Empire by being able to lead the expedition in person this time. He is also known as the Lord of Zhongxing. Although he is young, he is heroic.

Bai Bin is also the regent, and Catherine and Sandro represent the two forces of the Holy See.

With the nods of the three of them, the whole matter was recognized by the royal family and the Holy See, and the order was issued without any hindrance. After Bai Bin gathered together, he quietly returned to the rear using [Walking with the Wind] again and joined the cavalry.

The battle on the front line came to a standstill with "tacit agreement".

Fort Cook's current morale can no longer be gathered together, and any battle will be a waste of combat effectiveness.

Although there was no large-scale attack on Banks City's side, the pressure still had to be high, otherwise the complete silence would be too weird.

Small-scale harassment, intrusion and destruction are like mosquitoes in the ears when you are asleep, buzzing and disturbing.

When you send out soldiers to eliminate them, the opponent immediately runs away.

When Fort Cook ordered the troops to retreat, they appeared again to harass and destroy.

I enjoy doing this over and over again.

Normally, Chahar would have already waved his hand and ordered the army to attack and drive them away.

But right now, the top brass at Fort Cook are not focusing on the frontal battlefield, but on the rear.

Something must have happened in the rear area of ​​Samarkand!

All the scouts sent out have not returned, and their life or death is uncertain.

The soldiers below even spread various rumors, such as the temple was destroyed and the hometown was taken away, so there was no news.

These soldiers came from all over Samarkand. When they heard that contact with their hometowns had been lost, and even the logistics to the front line were cut off, the desire in their hearts to return to their hometowns took over the high ground again.

When homesickness and cowardice arise, the soldiers lose their will to fight and are unable to face a frontal battlefield battle.

Seeing this, Chahar had no choice but to order the elder Hakan, led by the shaman, to lead regular troops and shamans to Traveler Village, Hasa Town and the High Shaman Council to find out what happened.

And when Hakan led his troops to see the Shaman High Council turned into scorched earth, the tight string in his heart completely broke!

He never imagined that the temple and parliament guarded by Great Elder Gugel would be in such a situation.

"Who is it!?" Hakan clenched his fists, his resentment almost rising to the sky.

Then, he saw the Zion Cavalry appearing on the horizon, wearing light silver armor.


Hakan's mind went blank.

It is completely unimaginable where these Zion Cavalry appeared from.

The twin towers of Moria are well-defended, and other than that, the border between the two countries is all steep and difficult to navigate mountains.

It's just dangerous for people to walk, let alone with a horse!

"Form up and defend!" Hakan shouted with a pale face after he came to his senses.

However, how can the soldiers of Samarkand, who have lost their will to fight, stop the mighty Zion Cavalry?

The fall of Samarkand is only a matter of time.

(End of this chapter)

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