This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 341 It’s not right! This is completely wrong as expected!

Chapter 341 It’s not right! This is completely wrong as expected!

Bai Bin took several people to the first hell again.

It was different from the lively scene in the distant barracks when I came last time.

This time, although the barracks was still spewing hot lava, it was somewhat deserted.

The number of tent crypts next to the barracks has also decreased, with only a few demons guarding here bored.

Obviously, at the last moment before the countdown to the war, Demon King Belial mobilized most of his minions to the border, waiting to merge with the Fourth Hell and defeat the Third Hell.

As for the rift, he has already sent Francis and his men to disrupt the situation. He just needs to wait for good news.

Belial himself, on the other hand, was hiding in the Demon's Lair, lingering and recuperating from his injuries.

Right now, he is waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity for the two hells to merge and defeat the third hell. Only then will he appear, and together with the dark lord Theskar, whom he has never met but has known for a long time, he will defeat and banish the demon king of the third hell. Fel Weaver Balazmo!

Although he is now seriously injured, it does not prevent Demon King Belial from enjoying his dream of carving up the Third Hell with the Fourth Hell.

Tomorrow is the day of the agreed attack. All the combat forces in the First Hell have been rushed to the border front. Now they only need to wait for his order to launch a devastating attack on the Third Hell!

Demon King Belial is now in a state of disarray. The soul stone on his head has been cut off, and it will take a long time to recover.

If he appears at the border as a projection, he will reveal the fact that he is in such a miserable state.

Therefore, all orders were issued by Belial through the demon messenger Pizlin.

Of course, during the general attack, Demon King Belial will definitely show up to determine the final winner! Accumulate reputation for yourself!

"Give me the order. After 0 o'clock tonight, we will directly attack the border of the Third Hell. Prioritize attacking the enemy's outposts and barracks, occupy strategic locations, repair fortifications, and advance steadily!"

Of course Demon King Belial knew that he couldn't rush forward mindlessly.

We must play steadily and cooperate with the attack from the Fourth Hell to achieve maximum effect.

Once the Third Hell knows that both the head and tail are under attack, they must adopt a strategy of dividing their forces. That will be the time for them to advance on a large scale.

"Also... go to Mourinho again and tell Moton to increase the mining of aberration embers. Once the war starts, it will consume a lot of resources. I need Mourinho to mine non-stop all day long. , exchange these resources for supplies needed for the war, and maintain the frontline fighting!"

The demon king Belial sat on the Throne of Bones and gave his last order.

"Don't worry, sir. I will definitely notify you of all the news on time." The little devil herald Pizlin flapped his wings, but he held a pen in his hand and wrote quickly on the parchment, writing all the orders on the paper.

After finishing writing, it disappeared with a pop.

The corners of Demon King Belial's lips curled up slightly.

As long as the battle on this side of hell can be stable and positive, then all the losses suffered in the human world can be replenished, and then we can regain our strength and complete our revenge!

At the same time, more and more people are awakening in Soldansom, the capital of succubi. Many demons have free will, but they cannot disobey the orders of Demon King Belial, so they have to disperse to the city with complaints. Everywhere on the battlefield, the spirit of free will is also brought to all places where there are demons, and it spreads quickly in the dark.

Bai Bin's theory of free will and fairness is completely tailor-made for demons.

Few demons hear this and remain indifferent.

In addition, the battle is about to begin, but everyone's division of labor and tasks are different, which will naturally cause psychological imbalance. In this case the mind quickly succumbs to free will.

Quietly, the seeds of the pursuit of freedom and justice planted by Bai Bin in Soldansom have begun to spread at the most basic level of the First Hell. They only need to wait for a suitable opportunity to bloom the most brilliant, The grandest fruit.

As for Mourinho, the miners have been squeezed to the limit. Overtime pay is being delayed later and later, and settlement is becoming increasingly unclear, but overtime hours are increasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, all the demon workers were extremely tired, reaching their physical and mental limits.

Just the straw that broke the camel's back.

And this straw has now come, in the Obsidian Temple of the City of Embers, conveying the thoughts from the Demon King Belial to Baron Moton.

"Baron Moton, here is the idea of ​​the Demon King. Since the beginning of the battle, the expenditure of the First Hell will increase significantly. As the most important economic capital of the First Hell, Ember City needs to provide logistical support at this time. Continue to produce aberration embers quickly and steadily, and then quickly exchange them for war supplies and send them to the front line!"

"Please rest assured, Lord Envoy, Maodun will fight to the death to fulfill Lord Demon King's orders!"

Baron Morton is loyal to the Demon King Belial. During the current war, their most important task is to increase mining efforts.

The war seems to be fought on the front line, but in fact it is a battle of logistics!

Because the third hell is like a natural chasm in front of them, the first hell often cannot transport anything. Materials are bartered with the second hell, using aberrations to exchange for resources.

Now that the war has begun, we must increase mining efforts, shorten rest time, and overcome the difficulties together!

"I believe in Lord Moton's loyalty to Lord Demon King, and I will definitely convey your loyalty to Lord Demon King." After finishing his visit, the little devil herald Pizlin headed to the next place without stopping.

After Pizlin left, the stone giant Baron Morton issued a new order to his subordinates.

"From now on, the working hours of all miners will be extended by three hours!"

When the working miners heard the news, their eyes were filled with tears!

There are only 24 hours in a day, and now their overtime time has reached 20 hours!

Baron Moton suddenly announced an extension of three hours in person, and the working hours that day reached 23 hours, leaving them only one hour to eat, drink and relieve themselves!

This is even more devilish than the devil. It completely disregards their life and death!

These demon miners understand that if they really work on a 23-hour work system, they will definitely die suddenly if they work for another day or two!

Their forbearance only resulted in endless oppression from above!

I can't swallow my anger any longer!

If you endure it any longer, you will endure it to the grave!

We must unite to resist this bottomless oppression!

It was extremely quiet in the mine, but all the demons could see the determination in each other's eyes.

They burn themselves and sacrifice their lives for the first hell! All you get in exchange is to push the envelope!

This month, no one knows how they got here this month! Even if they are given money, they can't do it anymore!

"It's against him! It's against him!"

All the miner devils, for the first time, had thoughts of rebellion.

Word of mouth spread among the mines. The miners in the city and outside the city who heard Baron Moton's order all connected at this moment and suddenly launched a general attack on the City of Embers!

But at this time, what are those middle-level people doing? They are all celebrating with smiles. The war has finally started!

The Demon King's order was finally issued, and the large number of aberrant embers they had secretly hidden could finally be shipped!

But just when they were happy, there was a noisy fight outside.

Immediately afterwards, angry demon miners poured in from outside, holding miner's pickaxes and various weapons in their hands. Their bodies were spattered with the blood of medium demons, looking ferocious and terrifying.

"You trash, you're going to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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