This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 344 Barong, the special envoy of the fourth hell, joins the battle!

Chapter 344 Barong, the special envoy of the Fourth Hell, joins the battle!

The devil Belial had said this, and as the herald, Pizlin had nothing to say except "Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

But there is some truth in what the Demon King said.

Now that the front line is defeated, all kinds of things can happen.

Many demons have emergency syndrome, and they are afraid of everything.

So there is a possibility that the enemy's disguise was not recognized.

It is really possible that this was a deliberate move by the Third Hell, intending to put the blame on the Second Hell, thereby affecting the alliance between the First Hell and the Second Hell, dividing and disintegrating them, and preventing them from having a chance to unite.

Although I was still a little uneasy in my heart, I thought that the wisdom and vision of the Demon King were beyond what a little demon messenger could guess.

Bolstered by this thought, the little devil simply ignored it, for fear that the news would affect it or the Demon King.

Bai Bin looked at Demon King Belial like an ostrich with his head buried in the soil, and couldn't help laughing.

Because the previous negotiations and actions were so successful that even Demon King Belial still has illusions.

This plan was so successful!

Belial, the king of lies, died because of lies.

This is not a kind of irony.

Now the Third Hell and the Second Hell are attacking Demon King Belial at the same time, but Demon King Belial is acting like an ostrich. Although he arranged to intercept the "Second Hell", they all blame Balazmo. .

Demon King Belial is currently drinking poison to quench his thirst, hoping that the Fourth Hell's attack will be more violent, so that the Third Hell will be forced to divide its forces. At that time, the pressure on the front line will be greatly reduced, which is when he will sound the signal for counterattack.

As for now, I just want the Third Hell to give them a break, and let them go deep into the hinterland, so that the superior forces can be dispersed during the expansion, and then they will be more easily defeated!

Bai Bin has completely understood the thoughts of Demon King Belial, and is already waiting for Belial's end.

Belial thought well, but the whole thing was a huge lie from the beginning, and with the seeds Bai Bin sown, it would eventually come together and explode.

As the attacks in the Second and Third Hells became more and more successful, the demons in the First Hell were now completely demoralized. Many of them even surrendered to the enemy, willing to be prisoners of the enemy rather than stay in the First Hell any longer.

During the attack, the Second and Third Hells also noticed the other's presence, and both sides were confused for a moment.

After tentative contact, they understood their mutual purpose.

Of course, the Second Hell knew about the war between the First Hell and the Third Hell because of advance information from Agatha, Queen of Pain, but such information about the mastermind behind the scenes could not be revealed directly, otherwise the Third Hell would be regarded as a gun user. If it gets angry, it may even stop the attack, and then the Second Hell will not get any benefits.

Just casually mentioning the long-standing reason of the Second Hell's Bitter Demon King Belial, and the dispute between the two sides over the ownership of Mourinho, was enough to convince the Third Hell of their motives for marching.

After that, the Second Hell and the Third Hell also reached a tacit agreement.

Both sides can attack without interference, and the occupied territory is included in their own territory, and there can be no disputes between them.

When it comes time to reach the Demon Cave Lair and Mount Doom, we must unite to attack Demon King Belial and completely crush him to ashes! Only in this way can we safely sit on the divided wealth and territory.

On this point, the commander of the Third Hell and the Queen of Pain Agatha of the Second Hell both strongly agreed.

It is the first provocation of hell. If you don't do it, it will be done. If you do it, you must do it perfectly without leaving any risks.

After this meeting, the Second Hell and the Third Hell completely let go, no longer wary of each other, and began to launch a devastating attack on the First Hell.

Pizlin frowned as he watched the battle reports coming back from the front line every day.

The Demon King said, don’t tell him about the second hell, only tell him about the third hell. But now the Second Hell and the Third Hell are attacking from the west and north respectively, and they are already reaching the Doomsday Volcano area, and will soon approach the Demon Cave Nest.

Pizlin thought about it for a moment, but in the end, his life was at stake, so he only reported about the third hell.

"Have you reached Mount Doom so quickly?" Demon King Belial frowned. Although he knew how powerful the third hell was, Balazmo's third hell was like a chasm lying in front of the first hell, making him Unable to communicate with other hells.

Demon King Belial wants to make progress too much!

It almost became his nightmare.

But the current attack speed of the Third Hell was too fast. His demonic minions could not even organize any effective resistance along the way, so they were defeated by the enemy. The remaining defeated soldiers were completely scattered and unable to gather together.

In just a few days, the Third Hell has already reached Mount Doom.

This was completely different from what he had imagined.

It stands to reason that the Fourth Hell has been in action for many days now, and the troops of the Third Hell should not be so sharp. The message should have been received at this moment, and the retreating part has returned to defense.

But there was no such sign at the moment, which made Demon King Belial murmur.

"Is it because the defeat was too fast, which gave the enemy the illusion of conquering the first hell in one go and then returning to defense..."

If Bai Bin knew what Belial was thinking, he would definitely be moved to tears.

He really made me cry to death!

Even in this situation, he didn't think that Baron had deceived him, but was thinking about whether it was his own problem.

Now it is extremely urgent and we must make some changes!

Otherwise, the Demon Cave Lair will be captured before the Third Hell retreats.


On the other side, how could Bai Bin watch the devil Belial's wishful thinking begin?

When the war has progressed to this point, it is equivalent to a knife being placed on Belial's neck. Bai Bin does not want to cause trouble. If any accident occurs, he must be killed directly.

So, Bai Bin put on Balong's vest again to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

The messenger team of the Fourth Hell appeared again in the territory of the First Hell.

This time, Bai Bin appeared directly in Soldansom, the succubus capital with the highest reputation and reputation.

Just show up, raise your arms and shout, demons are not born to be slaves of so and so, demons also have the freedom to live!

Now the demon king Belial is acting in the opposite direction, in vain to care for the lives of lower demons.

At this time, are you still stubborn and continue to serve Belial and fight this impossible battle?

I, Baron, the special envoy of the fourth hell, am willing to lead you in your pursuit of freedom!

With just a few words, Bai Bin completely incited the low-level demons in Soldansom.

These demons themselves regard Lord Barong as their spiritual support, and speaking up and shutting up is also Lord Barong's wise words.

Now, they have no time to think about why Master Barong appeared in the first hell again. They can regain their freedom and obtain free souls. This is their greatest expectation!

Now, they must follow Master Barong to create a new era of their own and meet their new destiny!

(End of this chapter)

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