This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 346 Demon King Belial, a dead end!

Chapter 346 Demon King Belial, a dead end!

Bai Bin used his status as an apostle of the Dark Lord to successfully invite Agatha, the Queen of Pain, and the commander of the Third Hell to Soldansom.

After all, with Bai Bin's ability, it's easy to play with people's hearts.

This is a conspiracy and a conspiracy.

Neither the commander of the Third Hell nor Agatha could bear the consequences of Soldansom's backstabbing, so they could only come here to negotiate with Bai Bin.

This goes to the next stage.

When Commander Marat and Queen of Pain Agatha arrived at Soldansom, they saw an incredible scene.

The demonic defenders in Shadow Canyon and the city were full of energy and did not look like they were defeated.

This was completely different from the spirits they had encountered before.

If it hadn't been for the failure of the first two storms, they would have even thought that these demons were excellent stage actors and that all of this was just a show.

But now the army is under strict control, and the canyons and cities are well-defended and in good order!

As two war commanders-in-chief, they still have this kind of discernment, and this is definitely not a disguise.

Therefore, before they saw the legendary Dark Apostle Lord Barong, their hearts were already much lowered.

When they arrived at the palace of the original Succubus Madonna, the person sitting in front of them was no longer a Succubus, but a very tall demon lord - Dark Apostle Baron.

Beside him were three succubi, as well as Graven, the native of the first hell, and Thorkin, the ascetic hell troll of the fourth hell.

When he saw the rare hell troll, Mara completely believed that the other party came from the fourth hell.

After all, this special species of hell trolls only exists in the fourth hell.

The hell troll ascetic in front of him is obviously the best among the ascetics, and is by no means an ordinary person.

After Bai Bin saw the two of them, he said frankly and honestly: "The reason why you two are here is because of my blessing."

The two of them were immediately confused and did not understand the meaning of Lord Barong's words.

"Why do you think that with the timid and cautious character of Demon King Belial, why would he have the courage to attack the Third Hell and confront him head-on?"

Bai Bin looked at the Queen of Pain Agatha again: "How did your Second Hell know about the war between the First Hell and the Third Hell, and take advantage of it? Do you need me to say anything more?"

Just two sentences completely shocked the two of them.

From the beginning of the war, Marat had been wondering why the always cautious Demon Lord Belial dared to launch a large-scale attack this time.

He discussed this matter with the Fel Weaver Balazmo, but neither of them came to a conclusion. In the end, he could only think that it was the act of Demon Lord Belial who had lost his mind.

But now listening to the words of Lord Barong, the messenger of darkness, there are traces of all this. Is it related to him?

Agatha, the Queen of Pain on the other side, had her eyes widened and her breathing was rapid.

Regarding the news about the attack, she also learned from the hermit that it was a secret deal for a feast of bliss.

But why can Master Barong say it outright?

Is it...

Bai Bin had a playful expression on his face. His words could be said to have taken the initiative. He also gave the two of them a hint of power, and the rest fell into place.

"It is the Lord of Darkness who asked me to invite the First Hell to jointly attack the Third Hell in the name of cooperation. Both sides attack from their respective directions at the same time, so that the Third Hell cannot take care of both the beginning and the end, and is too busy to take care of itself. It consumes your vitality and makes you exhausted. Tired of pulling, and then taking the opportunity to invade your territory."

Mara was sweating. If what Master Barong said is true, then the Third Hell may really fall into this trap and be exhausted and suffer heavy losses.

After all, the Third Hell is mainly long from the north to the south and short from the east to the west. The positions of the First Hell and the Fourth Hell happen to guard the north and south ends.

By then, whether it is logistical supplies or troop transportation, it will be a big problem, directly hurting the foundation!

"But in fact, the cooperation with the First Hell is fake. The purpose is to stimulate his ambition, dispel his doubts, and give him the courage to launch an attack on the Third Hell. By then, the agreed simultaneous attack will not come true. , we will only laugh as the First Hell sinks into the quagmire of war.”

Baron turned his attention to the Queen of Pain Agatha aside: "In order to prevent the First Hell from having any chance of turning around, I arranged for someone to contact the Second Hell. The Second Hell is apparently an ally of the First Hell, but No substantive contract was signed, and there was also a huge dispute over Mourinho.

If they knew there was this opportunity, then they would definitely not let it go, at least the opportunity to take back Mourinho. "

When Bai Bin finished speaking, Queen of Pain Agatha couldn't help but shudder.

Everything is as described by Mr. Barong, and all psychological activities are in his deduction.

So, even in today's meeting, their psychology may be completely manipulated by the other party.

"So, Lord Barong invited us here this time to discuss something?" Agatha asked.

Bai Bin leaned forward slightly, and Mara and Agatha suddenly felt a suffocating sense of oppression.

"The forces of both of you are too spread out. Now the low-level demons and defeated armies from the First Hell are all gathering towards Soldansom, putting great pressure on you. No matter whether it is the Second Hell or the Third Hell, there is no guarantee. When you attack the Doomsday Mountains and the Demon Cave Lair, will I surround you from behind..."

Bai Bin grasped the expressions and psychology of the two people.

As the commanders of the two hells, the two of them were indeed worried about this problem. This was also the reason why they appeared here today, just to find out what the other party was doing.

"And the reason why I came to you today is to let you abandon your prejudices and suspicions, attack the Demon's Lair together, and completely kill Demon King Belial! Only in this way can you two and the hell forces behind you truly divide the spoils with peace of mind."

Bai Bintu had no idea and expressed his true thoughts.

"As a new third-party force, with the current strength and strength of Soldansom, I must be able to speak, right?"

The two did not refute.

Because they want to plunder supplies and occupy territory.

Therefore, the strength of the two forces on the front line has been greatly diluted, and together they are not as large as Soldansom.

In addition, the apostle Barong in front of him is powerful and can be regarded as the strongest person on the front line of the battlefield.

This makes it impossible to ignore its existence and influence.

"So, are you two ready to join forces and bulldoze the Devil's Nest?" Bai Bin invited.

Agatha frowned slightly, lost in thought.

Marat also had a hard time deciding.

On the one hand, what Balong said is indeed very tempting. As long as the Demon King Belial is completely eliminated, then the first hell will become a land without one, and they can get all their territory and materials!

But on the other hand, as the Demon King of the First Hell, Belial possesses the power of the realm.

It would be extremely difficult to completely eliminate him on his territory!

It would be impossible without the strength of the Demon King of Hell!

(End of this chapter)

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