This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 348: Capture the Demon Cave Lair

Chapter 348: Capture the Demon Cave Lair

The next day.

When the Hell Alliance took shape, the scorched earth plains in front of Mount Doom were endless, covered by the vast army of demons, with no end as far as the eye could see.

The demons of Soldentham came out in force, led by Lord Baron, to attack the old lord Belial.

In the past, if they had been told that they were going to defeat the Demon King Belial, these people would have been frightened to death. They would have even stuttered, become distracted, and lost their minds.

However, after being brainwashed by Bai Bin's free will, these people were full of thoughts such as "I am the first person responsible for my own destiny", "I am the master of my hell", "Overthrow the tyranny of Belial, hell belongs to Lord Barong" Wait for slogans.

The eyes of the demons in the Second Hell and the Third Hell almost fell to the ground when they saw this scene.

They are clearly the aggressors, so why do the demons in the First Hell seem more excited than them right now?

Is this demon king Belial so unpopular?

This kind of scene is something I’ve seen for a long time.

When the three armies were completely assembled, the leaders of the three forces gathered together.

However, Bai Bin's disguised apostle Barong was half a body ahead of the other two. Even in terms of command, Mara and Agatha did not take over, but waited for Barong to give orders.

Smart people know who is in charge in this battle and who will give the order to attack.

Bai Bin looked at the Doomsday volcano released by the eruption, and then at the Demon's Nest in the distance. He waved his riding whip, pointed at the Demon's Nest and said, "Today, our goal is to level this place and end the cruel and tyrannical rule of Demon King Belial! From now on From now on, you will make the rules of this land yourself, and you will regain control of your own destiny and become your own master!"

The demons from the Second Hell and the Third Hell all showed shocked expressions when they heard this.

In their subconscious mind, they were born to serve the Demon King. Even their humble life was a gift from the Demon King, so the Demon King's will is the only direction for their efforts.

But today someone said something else, that it was up to you to decide your own destiny.

You no longer need to consider the will of the Demon King, but operate with your own will and do what you want to do...

The demons in the second and third hells couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Is it really possible?

But looking at the angry First Hell Demons participating in the battle around them, the vitality and enthusiasm in their eyes, the enthusiasm for life, almost appeared through these rotten and stinky bodies.

This is real...

Mara and Agatha's expressions changed wildly.

Can you say this in front of a low-level devil?

This guy Barong is going to cause trouble!

Not only did they bring disaster to the demons at the bottom of the first hell, but now their words have subverted their posture as the demons at the bottom of the second and third hells!

The two of them stepped forward one after another, their eyes filled with fear.

They came to the First Hell to make achievements and expand territory, but they didn’t come to seek suffering for themselves!

They must not let this person continue to talk. If he continues to talk, they are really afraid that the demon army they brought will directly turn against Barong on the spot.

Today, they finally saw what true words are like swords.

"Lord Barong, time waits for no one, let's send troops as soon as possible!" Agatha suggested tremblingly.

"Yes! Chi Zesheng has changed, sir!" Mala was also extremely nervous, and her hands were trembling.

They were really afraid that if Balong said a few words, their heads would fall to the ground.

Bai Bin smacked his mouth, but he still had some unfinished ideas.

But looking at the pale expressions of these two people, I am afraid that I will fall directly from the hell horse.

"Okay, let's talk more about it after we are victorious!" "Now, follow my orders and head towards the Demon Cave lair!"

Then, the army moved toward the Demon Cave lair in a mighty manner.

At the same time, the little devil messenger Pizlin came to the Throne of Bones with the latest information.

"Sir, it's bad, something bad is going to happen!"

Pizlin stumbled in, his eyes filled with fear.

Since Pizzlin blocked the news about the fake second hell last time, Belial's ears have finally become much clearer.

Although news of the expansion of the Third Hell's attack continued to come, the increasingly sparse number of people gave Belial a hunch that it was the Fourth Hell's operation!

The number of enemies is greatly reduced, and now they are just trying not to show their cowardice!

However, what shocked Pizzlin the most was that the number of enemies was huge, and the defeated troops of the First Hell, who had been gathering like crazy towards Soldensem, now turned around and pointed their guns at them. !

"If you have anything to do, tell me!" Demon King Belial was still playing with the half of the soul stone on his forehead.

Half of his soul was broken into pieces. Belial took some rest in the past few days and his body gradually improved. Now he was thinking about making a new helmet to completely wrap the soul stone so that outsiders would not see the incomplete soul stone.

"Sir, the enemy has launched a general attack and is now heading towards the Devil's Nest. And... the deserters who were defeated earlier gathered in Soldensome for some reason, and now they are all heading here, together with the enemy. "

Belial was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that there would be so many rebels under his command.

"It doesn't matter, these losers are nothing more than the weaklings of a powerful crossbow! I have already prepared a counterattack in the Devil's Nest. As long as they come, let them see the majesty of the First Hell."

Belial had already transferred back his capable generals, and the group of people escaping now were just the meanest low-level demons. His real combat power and elites were all in the Demon Cave lair.

He had been prepared since early in the morning.

A battle in the Demon Cave Lair will directly destroy the enemy!

"Tell them it's time to go out and fight." Belial said, as if the war had already ended before it officially started.

"Sir... there is another news. Those defecting demons gathered in Soldansom in the name of Lord Baron, and said that Lord Baron will lead them to freedom and victory."

Pizlin hesitated again and again, and finally said this.

Belial thought of what Balon had done in Soldantheum in the past, and his performance inspired the devil's free will.

That's when Soldansom began to lose control.

But right now, these details are completely unimportant in front of his big plan.

The important thing is how to trap and kill the elites of the Third Hell in the Demon Cave Lair. This is the key point.

The first hell has been a coward for so long, it’s time to show the other side some color.

"It doesn't matter, those bastards are just using the banner of Barong. Once I successfully join forces with the Fourth Hell, the arrogance of those people will be completely gone."

Even Lord Belial said this, so Pizlin could only nod in agreement and send the order.

However, the gears of war will not shift due to the personal will of some people.

The coalition forces carrying momentum broke through the defense line like a tsunami and had already invaded the Demon Cave lair.

(End of this chapter)

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