Chapter 1 Chen Mo, let’s break up!

Shenlong Kingdom, the imperial capital.

In the square of a mecha academy.

A group of young men and women looked excitedly at the big screen in the center of the square.

In the awakening room, under the control of the teacher, the awakening status of each student was made public.

"Zhang Yun, awakening completed, B-level commander!"

"Liu Yuanyuan, awakening completed, B-class racing car [Lan Xiang Excavator]!"

"Li Mingliang, awakening completed, C-level commander!"

"Lin Yurou, awakening completed, A-class racing car [Transformation Speed ​​Spirit]!"


As one student after another completed their awakening on the screen, boos or exclamations came from the students in the square from time to time.

"I'm laughing so hard. Why would someone awaken the Lanxiang excavator?"

"Hahahaha, I saw someone awakening a unicycle today. Is that thing easy to drive?"

"C-level commander, this level is really miserable. It's basically impossible to drive even higher-end cars."

"Holy shit, shit, look, school beauty Lin Yurou has awakened to the A-class racing car!"

"Wow, you are worthy of being the school beauty. This is our school's first A-level racing car this year! It would be great if I awakened as an A-level commander. Maybe I can really win the favor of the school beauty."

"Don't think about it. The school beauty has a boyfriend, so it's your turn to pry her off?"

In a corner of the square, several male students who had completed their awakenings were discussing.

Blue Star, which is extremely high-tech, failed a particle collision experiment a hundred years ago, triggering an unprecedented huge explosion, which caused time and space to be torn apart.

With multiple dimensions colliding with each other, Warcraft natural disasters came and the rules of the world were subverted.

When people reach adulthood, they undergo awakening.

After awakening, women will become machine girls, while men will awaken and become commanders, make contracts with machine girls, empower machine girls, and turn machine girls into warrior queens.

The combination of the two can stimulate energy several times greater than their own.

Fight against various steel behemoths and carve out a living space for the human race.

However, in recent years, the battle between the human race and the steel behemoth has become increasingly fierce. A large number of mechas and commanders have been sacrificed, and the human territory is shrinking rapidly.

Fortunately, after a hundred years of experiments, the success rate of human awakening has almost reached [-]%, but the level of awakening will be different for each person.

The most popular among mechas are naturally combat mechas such as fighter jets and aircraft carriers, followed by mechas that are relatively cool and have certain combat capabilities such as sports cars, and the third most popular mechas that are lifestyle mechas such as bicycles.

But this is only judging the strength from the perspective of the mecha. In fact, a good commander may make a mecha of medium strength show strength beyond the level.

Sometimes on the battlefield, even a not-so-powerful mecha can fight back with an SSS-level commander.

Therefore, in Chen Mo's view, there are no useless mechas, only useless commanders.

As the results of Lin Yurou's Awakening Class A racing car were announced on the big screen in the square, Chen Mo's gentle face lit up with a big smile.

Outside, the school beauty Lin Yurou is the focus of all the boys in the school, but here at Chen Mo, Lin Yurou is just the lover he holds in his heart.

They grew up together, went to school together, and came to the Mecha Academy together.

They are inseparable childhood sweethearts and even more intimate lovers.

Now, at the age of adulthood, Lin Yurou has awakened the A-class racing car [Transformation Speed ​​Spirit], and Chen Mo is really happy for her from the bottom of his heart.


The deep roar of the racing car reached Chen Mo's ears from afar.

Then, a racing car with a sky blue front and pink rear, the five nozzles at the rear of the car sprayed out dazzling light at the same time, roaring towards the car in the blink of an eye.


The sound of the tires rubbing against the ground echoed throughout the square, and the beautiful racing car made a smooth drift and stopped steadily in front of Chen Mo.

Click, click, click... With a click, the car in front of Chen Mo quickly flipped over, and in less than ten seconds, it turned into a machine about 1.9 meters high.

The moment the machine girl appeared, the whole square was filled with exclamations of surprise.

"Wow, is this the mecha mode of an A-class racing car? This is so cool!"

"Five nozzles! The B-class car I contracted only has three nozzles. Shouldn't the A-class car only have four nozzles?"

"As we all know, a car with more nozzles has better performance among cars of the same class. It seems that the A-class car that the school beauty awakens has a relatively high performance!"

"I won't tell who is envious!"

Maybe she heard the discussion in the square, and the smile on Lin Yurou's face became even stronger. She was extremely satisfied with the effect of this show off.

The next second, Lin Yurou took off her gorgeous mecha, revealing her original appearance.

It's not that she doesn't want to maintain the mecha form, it's because the energy is consumed too quickly, and she doesn't have a contracted commander, so she can't withstand such a huge energy consumption.

However, as the school beauty of the Mecha Academy, Lin Yurou's appearance is extremely beautiful, so it is not so embarrassing.

Chen Mo, on the other hand, looked a little distracted for a moment when he saw Lin Yurou.

After knowing each other for so many years, Chen Mo naturally knew how beautiful Lin Yurou was, but this was the first time he saw Lin Yurou who casually switched between three forms.

Luxurious cars, mechas, beautiful women.

These three things that a man pursues all his life appear in one person at the same time, and this person is his lover.

One can imagine how excited Chen Mo is now.

However, the next second, Chen Mo couldn't laugh anymore.

"Chen Mo, let's break up."

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, break up?What breakup?Why break up?

Lin Yurou looked away from Chen Mo and said to herself.

"Chen Mo, we have been together for 12 years. I know you are very good, really very good. I will remember everything you did for me, but Brother Zhe is back and he has awakened as an A-level commander."

"You know, I've been waiting for him for years."

Lin Yurou's words were cold and without warmth, just like an official announcement.

Chen Mo's smile instantly froze on his face. He really wanted to make a joke and skip this topic, but why was the tip of his nose getting sour?
"In 12 years, did you really let it go when you said you wanted to let it go?"

"I can also become an A-level commander. You can wait until I awaken before deciding, can't you?"

After being in love for 12 years, Chen Mo thought that they had already overcome the seven-year itch and truly became soulmates. However, he never thought that one day, Lin Yurou would leave him.

Lin Yurou didn't answer Chen Mo's question, and didn't even give him a look.

It's like throwing away a toy you don't like, without feeling reluctant to part with it.

Her indifference, her lack of hesitation, and her indifference instantly chilled Chen Mo's heart that wanted to save her.

Twelve years and more than 12 days later, this high-altitude flower that he held in the palm of his hand was finally leaving him.

"Hey, I'm just kidding."

Chen Mo pretended to be calm and smiled: "Well, it's okay if we separate. Wang Zhe has awakened an A-level commander. He will definitely be suitable to control you. I may not be able to awaken a commander of any level. fine."

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Lin Yurou's beautiful brows frowned tightly.

She thought it would take some time to break up with Chen Mo, but she didn't expect that Chen Mo was not at all as sad as she imagined, and his voice was even full of blessings for her.

Did he really not want to keep her at all?

"Then let's pretend we don't know each other from now on. Brother Zhe is going to transfer to our school. Don't let him misunderstand."

These were the last words Lin Yurou left before leaving.

Looking at her leaving figure, Chen Mo's disguised armor was shattered into pieces.

The crowd watching the excitement couldn't help but sigh as they ate a huge meal from beginning to end.

(End of this chapter)

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