Chapter 111 My face is swollen!
"Captain, is it possible that the official information is wrong?"

"How can there be a violent beast tide with thousands of monsters here? Let alone thousands, we can't find even one!"

The commander flying the plane said with a complaint on his face.

We can't blame them for guessing like this. Who would have thought that such a huge beast tide has ended?
At this moment, a message came from the crew hovering in the sky.

"Captain! Not good!"

"Hurry up and enter the forbidden area yourself, go up to the city wall and take a look at the situation. I don't know how to describe it. I feel like I'm a little dazzled now."

Upon hearing the message from the fighter crew, the captain's heart sank.

Wouldn't it be completely wiped out?Those monsters have already entered?
They arrived quickly enough, but Chen Mo is such a loser. How dare he take on this porcelain job without his strength?

If Chen Mo really died, he wouldn't be able to eat and walk around.

The higher-ups attach great importance to this Chen Mo.

"Quick, enter the forbidden area quickly!"

However, after entering the forbidden area and seeing the scene near the military port, the captain was completely dumbfounded.

There was no image of buildings being destroyed as imagined, nor was there the image of monsters raging and destroying everything.

On the city wall not far away, the figures of two women were looming.


"Quick, get on the city wall!"

When they climbed onto the city wall and saw the scene in front of them, the captain who came to support was completely confused.

"What the hell? Is this really fake?"

"How is this possible? How many must there be?"

"Captain, what...what is going on?"

"Thousands of monsters, all dead?"

The exclamations in his ears made the captain's head buzz.

He even wiped his eyes in disbelief, and then opened them again, but the scene in front of him did not change at all.

"Total annihilation? It was not Chen Mo and his machine girls that were completely annihilated, but these thousands of monsters?"

"Five mechas and one commander? Are you going to kill so many monsters?"

"How is this possible? I rushed here at full speed, but I didn't even see the exhaust fumes?"

"With so many monsters, it would take him a long time to kill them one by one, right?"


"Is this a lord-level monster? Is it also dead?"


The team leader immediately took out his mobile phone, took a few photos, and sent them to various groups.

The five mechas are majestic, the tallest is more than 300 meters, and the smallest is only a few meters.

But when they walked towards the city wall, even the smallest mecha exuded an aura of alienation that no strangers were allowed to enter.

And under their feet was a red carpet laid out for them by thousands of monsters.

"What right do you have to ridicule others?"

"You went to support and complained endlessly. Do you think they need your support? You cursed all the way, but in the end you couldn't even lift a finger to help."

"Hit my face so hard it's swollen."

"It's so embarrassing. I came here to watch a joke and ended up being the joke."

At this time, everyone who had complained about Chen Mo was a little embarrassed to speak.

It's like a street guy mocking a platinum god. People ignore you. Do you really think you're awesome?
"I've seen the military throne!"

"I've seen the military throne!" "I've seen the military throne!"

Looking at Chen Mo's cold and emotionless eyes, the captain who came to support from the next war zone had no airs at all and gave Chen Mo a military salute upright.

And the girls behind him also saluted seriously.

At this moment, how could they not be reconciled? Looking at the young commander in front of them, they only had respect in their hearts.

Chen Mo is not only a commander protected by the government, but also a true genius, a genius with great strength.

Even though they didn't see with their own eyes the process of Chen Mo calming down the beast wave, looking at the corpses on the ground, they knew that this was definitely not something they could do.

Especially the lord-level monster, which seemed to die peacefully, was completely unable to withstand Chen Mo's attack.

This powerful combat power has already surpassed 90.00% of nine commanders.

You must know that it is difficult for them to calm down even the beast tide caused by the small number of monsters in their own war zone, let alone such a large-scale beast tide.

For a moment, they couldn't even imagine how high Chen Mo could grow to if he was given another ten years.

At this moment, they finally recognized from the bottom of their hearts the decision made by the official. Chen Mo deserved to be treated with caution by the official and worthy of all the official training.

In the future, Chen Mo will definitely become the most solid and powerful pillar of the Shenlong Kingdom.

Seeing everyone's serious military salute, Chen Mo also hurriedly returned the military salute.

"Okay, okay, no need to be so serious."

To be honest, Chen Mo was still very grateful for the support from these war zones. After all, they did not take the initiative to ask for support, and they had worked hard to make this trip.

"By the way, if you have time, can I ask you a favor?"

"Military, please give instructions! As long as we can do it, we will not refuse."

Everyone was stunned when they heard Chen Mo's request.

"Hey, it's not a big deal. It's just that we can't handle the corpses of monsters all over the mountains and plains. Can you help clean up the battlefield? If you don't mind, you can bring their corpses back to your military camp. What military merits will be achieved then? It’s all given to you too.”

Chen Mo said with a smile, he didn't really need these things anyway.

"That's not possible! We can help you clean the battlefield, but we have not contributed to this war. The military glory should be yours, and we can't take it."

Seeing that Chen Mo was even planning to give them military honors, the captain immediately refused.

However, at the same time, he was deeply shaken in his heart.

This calmed down a giant beast tide!There must be a lot of military merit.

Does Chen Mo even look down on so many military exploits?
Military merit can be exchanged for various parts and weapons. Doesn’t his machine girl need it?

"Since you don't want it, then donate it. Do you know of any places to donate?"

"Yes, we have set up a small orphanage for the children of commanders and machine mothers who died heroically in various war zones. If you want to donate, you can donate to them. I will do it for them. Thank you, Commander!"

Having said this, the captain saluted Chen Mo again.

Chen Mo was also a little moved in his heart.

Humans and Warcraft have been fighting for so many years, and a large number of commanders and machine girls have died, leaving their children helpless and finally having a place to live.

These children are the children of heroes, and they will be the elites of the future Shenlong Kingdom. The soldiers in the war zone often donate military merit to these children, but their own military merit is not much, so every time it is very little.

As you can imagine, the military merits donated by Chen Mo this time were definitely a large amount.

No one has ever been willing to donate so much.

"Military, with all due respect, you'd better keep some military merit for yourself."

"Military merit can be exchanged for many high-level accessories, so you should keep some of them!"

Chen Mo shook his head.

"My robot girls don't need to buy accessories, it's enough for me to empower them."

Chen Mo's faint words made everyone present feel confused.

(End of this chapter)

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