The Age of Machine Girls: The beginning of the contract with a super-running female teacher!

Chapter 199: One cannon destroyed the world and 1 forbidden areas turned into ashes

Chapter 199: One shot destroyed the world, and 111 forbidden areas turned into ashes
Today's Blue Star is invaded by an army of Warcraft from outside, and the Forbidden Land Master controls the Forbidden Land within.

Once the army of Warcraft launches an attack, all cities will be faced with internal and external troubles and attacks from both sides.

Some time ago, after Yue Hongru heard the news that Chen Mo had recovered all the forbidden lands around the imperial capital and completely lifted the imperial capital, although he was happy, he also became more worried about other cities in the Shenlong Kingdom.

If Chen Mo can easily regain the largest forbidden area around Warcraft this time, it will not only be a great achievement, but also help him reduce at least half of his pressure.

The forbidden areas in the Magic City are mainly the 111, 112 and 113 forbidden areas.

The 111 forbidden area is the largest forbidden area among them, larger than the 112 and 113 forbidden areas combined.

"Okay, I will notify all patrols, early warning and lurking teams to withdraw now."

Chen Mo nodded: "I expect to launch an attack at two o'clock in the afternoon, and you have less than an hour to prepare."


14: 00.

Chen Mo drove the Frost Queen and appeared above the 111 Forbidden Land on time.

All the forbidden areas in the Shenlong Kingdom are currently relying on force field shields the most.

As long as the force field shield is broken, all defenses in the forbidden area will no longer be a problem.

The Frost Queen's turbolaser cannon actually fires not a laser but a particle beam.

It is called a laser cannon because the particle beam is produced by the action of laser light on explosive gas.

The particle beam is intensified by being directed through another stream of blasting gas that is applied with a voltage. The turbolaser uses a second-order intensification mode.

The vast excess capacitance of raw energy stored in the turbolaser turret will continue to charge the particle beam as it flows into the barrel.

In the end, the particle beam of a turbolaser can carry three or more times more energy than the particle beam of an ordinary laser cannon.

"The beam laser cannon is charged."

"Target locked!"

Hearing Hu Yanlan's voice, Chen Mo gave an order.


A huge particle beam with a diameter of about ten meters suddenly shot out of the sky.

A force field shield that carries surging power directly into the 111 forbidden area.

A cannon shot suddenly sounded.

The huge impact spread instantly.

At this moment, the sky was shaking and the ground was trembling. This was simply more violent than an eight-magnitude earthquake.

The violent energy swept everything with devastating power.

All monster lairs within ten kilometers of the 111 Forbidden Land, regardless of size, were destroyed, and all monsters were torn into pieces in an instant.

The monsters closest to the explosion area, regardless of level, were instantly vaporized without any trace of their existence.

The force field shield that the Forbidden Land Master was proud of was completely defenseless and shattered in an instant.

"It seems a little too easy."

Looking at the 111 forbidden areas that were razed to the ground, Chen Mo was very satisfied.

This effect is comparable to that of Dongfeng Express.

Moreover, the attack range is small and the power is more concentrated.

"Wow, husband, you are stronger than I thought. I was really too presumptuous towards you before."

Hu Yanlan said with a shocked expression.

She only knew that Chen Mo had attribute bonuses before, but she didn't know that he also had system and machine girl skill bonuses.

Such a big movement is simply the best charge number for the various teams in the Magic City.

Thousands of machine guns raised their heads and roared together.

The shells were like shooting stars, and the flames suddenly began to rise.

It was clearly afternoon, but the sky was dyed an obvious deep red.At this time, the fighter squadrons that were prepared at the rear were all dispatched, shuttled back and forth at high altitudes, and quickly harvested the missing monster nests in the distance of the forbidden area.

Whoosh whoosh!
Boom boom boom!
Violent explosions were heard all the time, the entire 111 Forbidden Area was filled with dust, and pieces of Warcraft corpses were flying everywhere.

The flesh and blood under the metal armor almost dyed the entire forbidden area red, and the rich smell of blood was nauseating.

The ground team didn't care at all and occupied the forbidden area with force.

Although it was the first time for some young commanders and machine girls to see such a crushing battle, the entire battlefield seemed very orderly because the psychological work had been done in advance.

The master of the Forbidden Area 111 was caught off guard by Chen Mo.

He had already received the news of Chen Mo's arrival in the Demon City, and also knew everything Chen Mo had done in the Imperial City.

But he was so on guard that he didn't expect that Chen Mo would suddenly do something like this.

Test machine girl, just test it properly, why do you have to suddenly rise up, and then use his forbidden area as cannon fodder!

For a moment, his already extremely ugly face became even more ferocious.

But facing Chen Mo's strong blow, he was really helpless.

He had learned the lesson from the Imperial Capital and sealed all the underground passages in the 111 Forbidden Area with his own hands, fearing that Chen Mo would get into the core area from underground again.

Who would have known that with this act of his, he had blocked all his ways of survival, and now he couldn't even run away.

Originally, he had already applied for support from the World of Warcraft headquarters, but the headquarters still refused to take the Shenlong Kingdom seriously and was not willing to allocate powerful Warcraft to the Shenlong Kingdom.

This is good, it is estimated that except for him, other forbidden land masters will continue to lose their territory until they completely lose the fat of the Shenlong Kingdom.


The earthquake shook the entire city, causing panic in all the cities around the city.

It's okay here in Magic City, after all, the above has already said hello in advance.

However, no news was received from the surrounding cities. For a moment, all the teams were on alert, fearing that the beast tide would suddenly occur.

It wasn't until they got the news that they relaxed their spirits.

"Should I say it or not, it must be a success to make such a big noise in the Magic City, right?"

"Does this need to be said? Which time did Chen Mo fail and return?"

"Damn it, I met him once before at the Imperial City Mecha Academy. At that time, his girlfriend just broke up with him. I didn't expect that in just a few months, he has already become a god who I can't see the exhaust gas. ”

"I heard that he just contracted a Star Destroyer, and everyone in the Magic City seems to have seen it."

"Star Destroyer? Our Shenlong Kingdom actually has a machine girl who has awakened the Star Destroyer?"

"What do you think? I heard that the girl seems to be the most talented woman in the Magic City, and the power behind her is so great that it is unimaginable."

"Is it Hu Yanlan?"

"Yes, yes, that's her. If I am lucky enough to see her in person, it will be considered that my time in this world has not been in vain."

"I'm so envious of Chen Mo for having such a perfect machine girl."


At the same time, Chen Mo looked at the extremely excited Hu Yanlan with a doting look on his face.

"How is it? Is it enjoyable?"

"It's so enjoyable, but this feeling is easily addictive. I always feel that firing one shot is really unsatisfactory, but one shot requires 3000MJ of energy, and there is no way to fire more shots."

Chen Mo couldn't help but scratch his head: "Actually, if I try hard, I can still fire one more shot, but the 111 Forbidden Areas have been destroyed, so one more shot will be too redundant."

With this level of consumption, Chen Mo is indeed a little helpless. After all, his current energy limit is only so much.

In order to make Hu Yanlan happy, he even thought about simply contracting a large number of machine girls, and then using the commander system to forcefully increase his energy limit.

However, this is putting the cart before the horse.

After all, what he wants is not only the results, but also the process.

(End of this chapter)

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