Chapter 29 Zhang Nianqing?My future wife?

Zhang Nianqing?
Uncle Chen’s daughter?
Isn't that his future girlfriend whom he has never met?
Chen Mo suddenly sat up straight. In an instant, severe pain hit him, and Chen Mo's waist that had just been straightened instantly stooped back.

"Be careful! Why are you so excited? You just suffered from overdraft. Although it has been relieved for three days, the soreness and weakness after severe overdraft will still last for several days."

Zhang Nianqing hurriedly stepped forward to support Chen Mo and let him lie flat on the bed.

Chen Mo's active mind suddenly stopped.

have to!It's better to take it slow. Now it hurts for him to even lift his chest and raise his head, let alone chase a woman.

He didn't expect that all his mental strength and energy would be drained this time, and his body would be so overdrawn.



"Where is Teacher Xia? How is Teacher Xia? I fainted in the sky at the time. Is she okay?"

Only then did Chen Mo remember.

At that time, he didn't leave any room for himself. In order to completely kill the warrior-level dragon and the gang of subordinates behind it, he didn't leave any mental power or energy behind.

The situation was urgent at the time, and he had no time to think about what would happen to Xia Zheng. Only when he came back to life did he realize this problem.

"Don't worry. She was not injured just like you. She was just exhausted too much and fell into a deep sleep. But she woke up yesterday and should go back to school now."

"Should I say it, she is really powerful. At an altitude of more than a thousand meters, she still had enough energy to support her landing after the commander fainted. To be able to accumulate so much energy, you must have been contracted for a long time. Alright."

Zhang Nianqing stroked his chin and said calmly.

"No, I only awakened the commander this year. She has never contracted with a commander before. Our contract was less than a week ago."

Hearing the news that Xiazheng was fine, Chen Mo's heart slowly fell to the ground.

Xiazheng's beautiful face appeared in his mind, and Chen Mo couldn't help but feel soft in his heart.

"What?! Only a week? Impossible, then it's incredible that she can accumulate so much energy!"

Chen Mo curled his lips and smiled and didn't say much on this issue.

After such an experience, he couldn't wait to see Xiazheng now, and just wanted to return to Xiazheng as soon as possible.

"Well... I'm not hurt anyway. Can I leave now?"

"Yes, yes, but are you sure you can do it now? The overdraft is so serious, I suggest you take one more day of rest."

"It doesn't matter, I'll just take good care of it when I go back. Then I'll leave first."

Chen Mo slowly got up from the bed, feeling uncomfortable all over his body, and walked towards the door.

"By the way! I heard from my father that if you have made a great contribution this time, he will report it to you, and your privileges will probably increase. In three days, if you come to my place again, I will take you there."

"okay, thank you."

After saying that, Chen Mo turned around and left Zhang Nianqing's maintenance room.


After walking out of the security force, Chen Mo called Xiazheng.

"Honey, I'm awake, come and pick me up."

"It's time to make up for class tonight!"

Xia Zheng, who was on the other side of the phone, suddenly exclaimed and then blushed.

"Then you wait for me at the security force, and I'll go over there after changing my clothes. By the way, what style do you like? I'll change it for you."

Xia Zheng had just returned to the apartment from school. When she received a call from Chen Mo, she was a little overjoyed for a while and rummaged around in the closet.

"I just like your charming and pure look. You can wear whatever you usually wear."

Chen Mo wasn't lying. Xiazheng herself had the golden proportions and her legs were amazingly long. Putting on a small skirt, Chen Mo's heart was moved.


Three days passed in a flash.

Under Xiazheng's day and night care, Chen Mo's body basically returned to the state before the battle.After sorting out the harvest in the suburban leveling area, Chen Mo was so happy that he almost jumped up.

Although that battle did make his life worse than death these two days, the joy gained was simply ecstasy.

A total of 236 slave-level steel dragons, 32 soldier-level steel dragons, and 1 general-level steel dragon were killed.

A total of 6560 points were obtained, plus the remaining 984, for a total of 7544.

A total of 236 slave-level crystals, 32 soldier-level energy crystals, and one warrior-level energy crystal were obtained.

Chen Mo didn't think much and used the crystals he obtained on Xiazheng.

【Ding!After successful strengthening, the Red Flame Cross Slash has been upgraded to Level 200, the energy emission distance has been extended to 3000 meters, and the overall combat power has been increased by [-]. 】

Although the skill level has been improved, because the city is not allowed to release the ultimate move, Chen Mo did not forcefully test the damage of the ultimate move.

It seems that I can only try the power of the Red Flame Cross Slash next time I go to the suburban leveling area.

After watching Xia Zheng go to work, Chen Mo was also ready to leave to maintain the troops.

However, because Xiazheng did not accompany him today, he had no car to drive, so Chen Mo could only take the bus to the maintenance unit.

On the road, there are all kinds of cars, bicycles and motorcycles in an endless stream.

Of course, the traffic vehicles coming and going are all machines.

In the society of the Machine Girl Era, not a single car is made by humans, they are all machine girls.

No matter how much money you have, you can't buy it.

Unless there is a contract.


The sound of brakes sounded in front of Chen Mo, and a bus stopped immediately.

There were not many people on the bus. After all, it was a working day and no one was hanging around at this time.

Chen Mo found a seat by the window and sat down, looking outside the window.

There are many high-rise buildings in the city, but these houses are not made of cement bricks wrapped with steel bars.

After all, this is a world where warcraft has descended, and no one can predict when the city will be swept by war.

So here, whether it is a tall building of twenty or thirty stories or a short house of five or six stories, the materials used are basically steel alloy.

The outside of the house is coated with various protective materials such as heat insulation, sound insulation, and buffering. It is not only solid and firm, but also warm in winter and cool in summer, making it comfortable to live in.

The bus was swaying, and Chen Mo couldn't help but feel sleepy during the bumps, and slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, the bus suddenly hit the brakes.

Chen Mo threw himself forward uncontrollably.

Fortunately, he was not asleep yet, so he quickly reached out and grabbed the armrest beside him.



Just as the bus came to a stop, there was a sudden violent crash, and then the bus flipped over head-down.

"Fuck, what are you doing!"

"Is it a rear-end collision?"

"Rear-end collision, how could the bus overturn?"

The few passengers in the car kept complaining. Although they cursed, luckily there were no casualties.

Before Chen Mo could open his mouth, his eyes were suddenly drawn to the scene outside the car window.

What a rear-end!

The flat road in front of them was dug into a deep pit, and a giant steel beast with a bronze luster all over its body was climbing out of the pit.

The bus was obviously overturned by this big monster!
(End of this chapter)

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