Chapter 34 Renault Guard?Just rubbish
Here, Wu Yuanfeng had no idea what Lin Rong was worried about, and instead felt a little complacent.

After all, Chen Mo is too young. Even if he speaks harshly in anger, for Wu Yuanfeng, it is just driven by his pride.

And if that S-class mecha can really make a contract with Wu Hao, then his Wu family will really be the proud ancestor and the lintel of the family.

He himself is just a B-level commander. The reason why he was able to contract an A-level machine girl like Lin Rong was just because he was promoted to lieutenant colonel all the way, and he would be promoted to colonel soon. He was lucky.

But even so, he couldn't contract an S-class machine girl.

If the son can really contract an S-class, then why bother with him? In modern society, who hasn't been divorced yet?

At this time, the person in the explosion-proof car sent Lin Rong a message.

"Let go and do it. I'll take care of anything."

After receiving this message, the uneasiness on Lin Rong's face instantly disappeared, and her back straightened up straighter.

It feels so cool to have someone up there supporting the scene.

"Your name is Chen Mo, right? I think you are a tough guy. I will give you a chance. If you are willing to work as a cowboy for my Wu family and protect Wu Hao's safety for the rest of your life, then this matter will be revealed. , we won’t embarrass you.”

Listening to this outrageous statement, Chen Mo laughed angrily.

What kind of drama is this woman playing in her head?Do you really think of him as a softie?
"Are you the only one who deserves to be treated like a cow or a horse by me? If you didn't hear what I just said, can you go to the hospital to see an otolaryngologist? If not, go to a mental hospital to see if you have any mental problems. "

As soon as Chen Mo finished speaking, he felt someone tugging on his sleeve.

Turning around, he saw it was Zhang Chen.

"I just watched Lin Rong turn around and saw her boss, Qin Shou, an S-level commander sitting in the explosion-proof car. However, why did he appear here today? This is a stronghold of the army, and this is not the place he should be. .”

Zhang Chen frowned and whispered to Chen Mo.

"Uncle Chen, it seems that the purpose of these people is not simple. I wonder if they want to do something big under the guise of standing up for Wu Hao."

Zhang Chen nodded, with a serious look on his face.

Is it impossible to hide on top of the dome?

At this moment, Lin Rong transformed into a six-meter-tall mecha, Renault Guard, without saying a word.

Wu Yuanfeng jumped up quickly.

At the same time, all the maintenance team members on the entire training ground also completed the form switch instantly, and all the vehicles on Lin Rong's side also transformed instantly.

The situation suddenly became tense and tit-for-tat.

However, although the two sides seemed to be evenly matched, it was obvious that Zhang Chen was somewhat weak.

Because Qin Shou and his mecha, S-class Hades, also joined the fighting team.

"Chen Mo, I'll give you another chance. Will you be a dog for my Wu family, or will I destroy you?"

Wu Yuanfeng's voice sounded again, looking down at Chen Mo from high in the air, and said with disdain.

"I'm still saying the same thing. Are you worthy of it?"

"Then let's go too."

Chen Mo glanced at Zhang Nianqing beside him. Xia Zheng and Ye Qingcheng were not here at this time, so he could only fight with Zhang Nianqing again.

Zhang Nianqing nodded, and in an instant, the ten-meter-tall mecha undead reaper appeared again.

Both Wu Yuanfeng and Qin Shou stayed in place at the same time, not daring to move.

Zhang Nianqing's father, Zhang Chen, was even more shocked and confused at this time, and he couldn't help but wonder when the two people hooked up!
The whispers of the maintenance team members also came from the training ground.

"Wow, is this the original form of Zhang Nianqing's mecha? This is my first time seeing it."

"This must be ten meters tall, right? It's indeed an SS-class mecha!" "This figure is really perfect. You can only watch it from a distance and don't play with it. I'm not worthy!"

"It's a pity that Zhang Nianqing can't find a suitable commander. She has nowhere to display her strength!"

"Holy shit, shit, look, Chen Mo is up there, can he provide nuclear energy?"

"Thai pants are hot! SSS-level commander, I want them too."


Looking at the stunned crowd, Zhang Chen sat in the mecha and spoke slowly.

"Qin Shou, can I think that you are declaring war on the country on top of the dome? There are so many mechas with their guns pointing at soldiers. Are you sure you have the final say?"

"Wu Yuanfeng, and you, don't think that just because you are on top of the dome, you don't care about anything. You are a lieutenant colonel. Ask yourself, what contribution have you made to this city?"

"Some time ago, a serious beast wave occurred in the suburban leveling area. I don't believe you didn't receive any news at all. Why didn't I see you driving a mecha to fight? Today, just because of your failure to succeed but to fail, Your son actually openly declared war on the army? I think you are an official."

"Why are you looking for trouble with Chen Mo? In terms of rank, Chen Mo is an SSS-level commander. In terms of the righteousness of the family and the country, it was he who single-handedly turned the war situation around and protected the stability of the city a few days ago. That son of yours , I think the beating is too light, even your father should be given a good beating."

Zhang Chen's words scolded Wu Yuanfeng, Lin Rong and Wu Hao inside and outside.

The key is, they still can't refute a word.

Qin Shou listened to Zhang Chen's words from behind. Seeing that his plan was about to be ruined by Zhang Chen, he was furious for a moment.

"What are you still doing? Come on, kill them, and grab all the top-notch machine girls."

Wu Yuanfeng blushed and became thick-necked after being scolded by Zhang Chen. After hearing Qin Shou's order, he immediately became murderous.

"Uncle Chen, do you want to hold back? If you don't leave alive, I will go all out."

Chen Mo asked appropriately before taking action.

After all, it concerns the senior personnel above the dome and the leaders of the troops, so we must proceed with caution.

"Keep him alive. The Wu family are military officials after all. They will be convicted in a military court when the time comes. As for Qin Shou, he will also be handed over at that time to see if anything can be found out."


With that said, Chen Mo directly connected to Zhang Nianqing's machine system.

In the blink of an eye, the Undead Reaper rushed directly towards the opposite side.

Under Zhang Chen's command, the security team members followed immediately, and the two parties fought together.

Chen Mo had only one goal from beginning to end, and that was Wu Yuanfeng.

Wu Yuanfeng was so tired of living that he dared to covet his woman that he had to die!
The ten-meter-tall undead reaper could not be said to be crushed against the six-meter-tall Renault guard, but there was no doubt about it.

However, although the Renault Guards are slightly lower level, they are equipped with quite a lot of equipment.

Without paying attention, Chen Mo saw a cannon barrel with a diameter of about 20cm slowly rising from the right hand of the Renault guard. Seeing that the mouth of the cannon barrel was beginning to billow with thick smoke.

Chen Mo was on the center console, operating frantically, and his hand speed was so fast that he was ghosted.

For a moment, the Undead Reaper seemed to flash and appeared directly in front of the Renault guards.

One kick directly hit the chest of the Renault guard.

Not everyone has Chen Mo's double mental power and double speed. The Undead Reaper's speed was so fast that Wu Yuanfeng and Lin Rong didn't even react, and were kicked straight away.

For a time, the training ground was filled with dust, and the maintenance team members who were far away could not see clearly what was happening in the dust.

(End of this chapter)

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