Chapter 40 Is this a party?This is a blind date!

The bus route is still the same as last time.

However, this time, no annoying monsters jumped out.

The city center of the imperial capital is still as bustling and lively as ever. The closer you go to the city center, the more high-end cars there are.

S-class supercars, which are rarely seen in ordinary times, are simply numerous here.

Ferrari is an entry-level supercar here.

Bugatti Veyron, Koenigsegg, Silber, a car show, lined up on the roadside, quietly waiting for their commander.

The gathering place of the Baizhan Mercenary Group is in the most high-end entertainment venue in the city center.

Especially some relatively powerful commanders, or rich kids with status, status and money, often come here to relax when they are stressed.

However, the busiest time here is at night. After two o'clock in the afternoon, there are not many people here.

Chen Mo walked directly to the special part of the party. He thought he had arrived very early, but before he came, many people were already sitting in their seats.

The waiters in the special event are all machine girls. While serving as waiters, they also take care of the security function. Most of the people present are the commanders of these machine girls.

"Hello, I'm Chen Mo."

There were no invitations to this party. After all, it was a relatively niche party. Everyone only needed to state their names to enter.

The moment Chen Mo gave his name, the girl in charge of the inspection at the gate became bright and enthusiastic.

For a moment, his face turned red with excitement.

This is the famous SSS-level commander Chen Mo!
In just half a month after joining the security force, he had made three meritorious deeds in succession, and even captured the spy above the dome for the first time.

It's no wonder that the security girl showed such an expression.

Chen Mo ignored the blush on the security girl's face and strode into the room.

Looking at the private room that was so big that he couldn't even imagine it, Chen Mo couldn't help but be shocked.

The lights on the ceiling are bright, and the entire private room is shining like a dazzling palace, noble and classy.

At the bar counter, several handsome young men kept shaking the cocktail shakers in their hands and performing fancy bartending techniques. Within 3 minutes, a cocktail was served on the table.

The huge dance floor seemed empty because there was no music and no one was dancing.

There is a small stage at the back of the stage that is a little higher up. It must be there when someone speaks.

As for the second, third, and fourth floors, they are all auditoriums. I don’t know if so many people will be invited to this party, and whether so many seats can be filled.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, is this a rich person's carnival? It's too luxurious."

Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh.


The ringtone of the cell phone made Chen Mo recover from the shock in an instant.

"Husband, are you here? I just arrived."

"Come on, come on, I'll pick you up."

It's Xiazheng's message.

This time at the party, Chen Mo thought about it and decided to bring his girlfriend with him.

It's just that Zhang Nianqing still has a few mechas to repair today, and Ye Qingcheng is too busy in the suburban leveling area. There is only Xiazheng, and she has nothing to do since school is on holiday.

Therefore, when Chen Mo invited her, she readily agreed.



The moment she saw Chen Mo, Xia Zheng ran over excitedly.

In the past two days, Chen Mo had been busy with school studies and running to the security forces. He was very tired and his body was a little overdrawn, so he hadn't been to Xiazheng's house for several days.

When a woman is in love, one day is like three autumns. If she hasn't seen Chen Mo for several days, Xia Zheng almost misses him.

Chen Mo opened his hands and hugged Xia Zheng, who was running over.

On the other hand, Xia Zheng looked like a frightened little rabbit, looking left and right, for fear of being noticed by others.

Just when Chen Mo took Xia Zheng to find a seat and sit down, another group of people crowded in outside the door.

Looking at those young faces, Chen Mo knew without thinking that these must also be the new students recruited by the Baizhan Mercenary Group this year.

It was also the first time for them to see such a luxurious and extra-large private room, so their eyes shone with envy.As soon as Xia Zheng got up to go to the bathroom, a girl in a gorgeous dress pulled up a chair and sat next to Chen Mo.

"Handsome, do you mind sharing a table?"

The girl's smiling eyes were crooked, and the dimples on her lips seemed to be filled with strong liquor, making people drunk for a while.

With this appearance and this smile, she must be one of the most beautiful girls in the school even if she is not the school beauty.

However, Chen Mo didn't know her, so she probably wasn't from their school.

"I don't mind, sit down."

As soon as Chen Mo finished speaking, the girl's smile became even brighter and she tilted her head and shouted.

"Sisters, come quickly, he agreed!"

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment and looked in the direction of the girl's head.

Good guy!
Five or six girls were sitting together in twos and threes. When they heard the girl calling them, they stood up at the same time without hesitation and walked towards this side.


Am I... in bloom?
The expression on Chen Mo's face changed slightly, and he didn't know whether he should be happy or not.

At this moment, the lights in the center of the stage suddenly turned on.

A gorgeous baritone voice sounded: "Dear comrades, good afternoon everyone!"

The host of this party stood on the stage holding a microphone and looking at all the guests present.

"I wonder who the celebrity everyone is most looking forward to tonight is!"

"Luo Ran! Luo Ran! Luo Ran!"

"Chen Mo! Chen Mo! Chen Mo!"

For a moment, the entire private room automatically split into two voices.

The boys shouted the names of their goddesses loudly.

The girls did not want to be at a disadvantage, and their voices became louder and louder.

"Then let's invite these two comrades to come on stage now, okay!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Just when the cheers and shouts were about to overturn the ceiling, two lights lit up from the center of the stage, hitting Chen Mo and Luo Ran directly.

Chen Mo was confused and looked at Luo Ran who was also illuminated by the light on the second floor.

Coincidentally, Luo Ran also looked at Chen Mo at this time.

For a moment, the two people's eyes met in the air, and they both saw a little confusion in each other's eyes.

"Together with!"

"Together with!"

"Together with!"

I don't know who started it, but the whole audience started shouting in unison at the same time.

"What the hell?! Is this a party or a blind date convention?"

"How do these people know that I am Chen Mo?"

As if they heard Chen Mo talking to himself, several girls beside him said to him.

"Comrade Chen Mo, you are the only SSS-level commander in our capital this year. I'm afraid the entire capital will know about you!"

"Yes, yes! Your photo has already gone viral on the Internet. I even printed an oversized poster and posted it on my bedside!"

"Comrade Chen Mo, hurry up and make a contract with Luo Ran. You are a talented man and a beautiful woman. They are really a good match!"

The girl next to her has little red hearts in her eyes.

Chen Mo sighed helplessly.

No wonder!
No wonder these little girls are leaning towards him, it turns out they already know who he is!
(End of this chapter)

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