The Age of Machine Girls: The beginning of the contract with a super-running female teacher!

Chapter 53: Gunfire is flying, and the Ice Phoenix mecha is advancing at full speed

Chapter 53: Gunfire is flying, and the Ice Phoenix mecha is advancing at full speed

The leveling area in the outskirts, on the edge of the forbidden area.

The air was filled with the strong smell of gunpowder, and the steel monsters and the maintenance troops were already at war with each other.

Shells were fired from the depths of the forbidden area. Groups of maintenance team members were crawling in the trenches. If anyone didn't pay attention, they would be blown to pieces.

In the sky, the commander piloted a fighter jet and fired bullets deep into the forbidden area, like the spring rain in June, as thin as cow hair and densely packed.

However, after only one wave of firepower, they were beaten back.

In previous beast tides, this kind of fierce confrontation was actually very common.

However, this time it was extremely violent.

The high-level steel behemoths that had never appeared in the past attacked the defense lines established by the maintenance troops again and again, falling down one after another, as if they could not feel the pain at all, as if they were not afraid of death at all.

Zhang Chen was standing in the rear commanding at this time, and the security team members around him kept transmitting intelligence from the front line.

"Captain, we have detected that the monsters in areas G, H, and I of the forbidden area are all converging towards area F. We have not collected basic information about the monsters in area I before. I am afraid it will be a bit tricky!"

Zhang Chen's brows were knitted tightly and his eyes were fixed on the red marked spot.

The ominous premonition in my heart became more and more intense.

"Well, I'm afraid another beast wave will break out even more violent than before!"

"What is in the center of the forbidden area? Why are these steel monsters attacking us like they are being controlled by others? And those prisoner mechas also participated in the war."

Zhang Chen stroked his eyebrows, there were too many things that could not be explained.

Behind him, Mu Lan gently patted his shoulder.

"Don't think about some things you can't figure out. Let's deal with the situation at hand first. At least the fighter jets in the sky are still resisting, which can give some suppression to those monsters."

"That's all, Xiao Liu, organize the defense as planned."

Just when Zhang Chen calmed down and continued to issue instructions, something unexpected happened.

"Drip drip drip..."

The radar detector suddenly sounded a violent alarm.

Everyone present suddenly looked at the radar detector.

I saw a large number of small red dots suddenly appearing on the screen, and they were slowly being flattened into a straight line at a very fast speed.

You must know that each of these small red dots represents a magical beast.

Are they... preparing to build a city wall with their bodies?

Moreover, under the all-round coverage of military radar detectors, how did they appear so close to them quietly?
"Xiao Liu, hurry up and issue a city-wide warning. The target of these monsters is probably the human society behind us."

Zhang Chen hurriedly shouted at the maintenance team members.

Then he said to the correspondent: "Notification, the first echelon in front will continue to advance 200 meters deeper into the forbidden area. The logistics troops will not move, and everyone else will follow."


"Xiao Liu, issue a notice to the city and summon all senior commanders and robots to prepare to protect the city."

"If...if we can't resist, they will be the last force against the monsters."

Speaking of this, Zhang Chen's voice was choked, but his eyes sparkled.

It was a light that put life and death aside.

Presumably, he was ready to die for his country at this moment.

Wearing the military uniform he was proud of, he died on the front line of the battle against the monsters.

This is the final glory of being a soldier.

"Report! Captain! Those cannons from those monsters came from nowhere and kept firing as if they were free of charge. Our mechas were seriously injured. If they are not repaired in time, I'm afraid..."

"Report! Captain! The field maintenance room is completely full, there are not enough mecha maintenance technicians at all, and the field hospital is already full of injured commanders!"

Listening to the news one after another from the security team, Zhang Chen's eyes flashed with a trace of cruelty. Looking at the precarious front, he finally understood that this war might be more serious than the previous ones combined.

"Hurry up and send the injured machine girl and commander to the rear while ensuring their personal safety, and free up the field hospital and field maintenance room as much as possible for those in need."

"Where is Chen Mo? Isn't he here yet?" To be honest, Zhang Chen was really panicking now.

If he hadn't really reached the point of desperation, he wouldn't want to pin everything on Chen Mo.


In the current situation, perhaps only Chen Mo can make a comeback.

The last time Chen Mo piloted the Blazing Fire Carp mecha, he could easily take on hundreds of giant steel beasts alone in the sky.

This time, I'm afraid I can only put my treasure on him.

"We haven't arrived yet, but we have entered the leveling area. It won't take long for us to arrive."

"Okay! Then I can rest assured, A Lan, just follow me and rush again!"

"it is good!"

Facing Zhang Chen's invitation, Mu Lan didn't hesitate at all, and nodded with a smile.

She has been looking forward to this day for eight years.

From the time she was injured eight years ago until now, she never thought she would have the chance to stand on the battlefield.

Since Chen Mo gave her this opportunity, she must kill all she can this time!

at the same time.

In Area F of the suburban leveling area, an ice blue mecha and a black mecha with red light were running side by side.

Under the action of the thrusters, the two mechas sprinted towards the forbidden area at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye.

Chen Mo was sitting in the Bingfeng mecha with a serious look on his face.

Now he doesn't know that the front line has been endangered at such a critical moment.

Chen Mo carefully checked the detailed data of the Ice Phoenix mecha.

Because he had never piloted an ice phoenix to participate in a battle before, he still didn't know much about the various attributes of the ice phoenix. What if his own negligence caused his side to fall into a dangerous situation? .

That's what a big fool was made of.

While carefully examining the A-level phantom sound gun, Chen Mo suddenly discovered something that he had not noticed before.

The phantom sound gun is not a gun in the ordinary sense, but a pulse gun, which is a non-nuclear battery pulse.

There is no need to refill ammunition when using it. As long as Chen Mo's energy is constant, the Phantom Sound Gun can always be used.

The greatest effect of the phantom sound gun is that it can disrupt communications and cause the electronic components in the radar system to fail or be destroyed.

This is only the effect of the first-level phantom sound gun. If the phantom sound gun is upgraded to the second level, it can be launched remotely and can even detonate the explosives in the missile in advance.

If the distance is closer, the pulse microwaves emitted by the phantom sound gun can also directly stun the enemy mecha or steel monster.

This was something Chen Mo had not noticed before.

So, after seeing the effectiveness of the second-level phantom sound gun, Chen Mo directly used 100 slave-level crystals to upgrade it without even thinking about it.

Coincidentally, there happened to be a steel cheetah running by beneath my feet.

Chen Mo directly drove the Ice Phoenix mecha and rushed forward. Under the acceleration of the curvature engine, the Ice Phoenix's speed reached full speed, and the naked eye could only see bursts of phantoms flashing in the air.

When approaching the Steel Cheetah, the Ice Phoenix mecha raised its phantom sound gun in its right hand and pressed it.

Pulse microwave charging.

In an instant, the Steel Cheetah fell straight to the ground.

The Ice Phoenix mecha appeared on the ground in a flash, and punched the Iron Cheetah's head open.

"Damn it! This thing is so easy to use. If it were used on the battlefield, wouldn't it be invincible!"

Chen Mo had a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that this A-level equipment was no worse than S-level equipment.

"Qingcheng, target: forbidden area! Set off at full speed!"


(End of this chapter)

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