Chapter 68 Forced login to the Queen of Warcraft!

Feeling that the signal was completely blocked, Chen Mo felt desolate in his heart.

There is no hope of escape, and even a distress signal cannot be sent out. Isn't this why he is waiting to die?
"Chen Mo, make a contract with me!"

Luo Ran, who was sitting among the undead reapers, mustered up the courage to speak.

She is currently the strongest mecha that Chen Mo can use. In this life-and-death situation, she can't care about anything else. If Chen Mo can compete with the Demon Lord-level monster in front of him with her help, she will Even if I die, I will not regret it.

"It's useless!"

"She is a Demon Lord-level monster. Even if she makes a contract with you, I'm afraid I can't do anything to her."

Chen Mo's words made Luo Ran take a breath of air.

"How could this happen? Isn't this a D-level mission? Why did we encounter a Demon Lord-level monster?"

Luo Ran's soliloquy made everyone's hearts sink again and again.

The Queen of Warcraft in front of them looked casual and had nothing to do with her. She didn't do anything. She just sat on the chair with her legs crossed and looked at them with a joking look on her face.

"Nian Nian, Qingcheng."

"Hear me out!"

"I'm here to create a chance for you to escape. Turn the warp engine to the maximum and don't look back. No matter what happens to me, don't stop. You must get out of here."

Facing the Demon Lord-level monster, everyone present had no idea what to do. Chen Mo could completely empathize with it, so he decisively gave them orders.


"Chen Mo!"

Zhang Nianqing and Ye Qingcheng spoke at the same time, but were stopped by Chen Mo.

"Stop talking. Just listen to what I say. If you don't want my words to become my last words, just listen."

For a moment, Zhang Nianqing and Ye Qingcheng fell silent.

"Why, we haven't discussed how to escape yet?"

The Queen of Warcraft raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at the three mechas in front of her, and spoke quietly.

The metallic sound was even colder than the electronic sound in Chen Mo's mind, like an emotionless machine.

It's just scary.

Chen Mo was shocked. The Demon Lord-level monster already had the ability to transform into human form, and she could even speak human words. Wouldn't it mean that the Demon Lord-level monster and the Dominator-level monster would be more intelligent?
Could it be that their intelligence is even higher than that of humans?

Thinking of the beast wave that broke out in the suburban leveling area, Chen Mo felt that this was definitely not a conjecture. I am afraid that there really are life forms like humans dominating the battlefield.

After all, Warcraft itself is also a kind of intelligent life.

"You are really an interesting commander. Can you tell me how you did it? You were able to control three mechas at the same time?"

"Hahahaha, you are indeed the man I like."

"I have seen countless SSS-level commanders. I'm afraid you are the most perfect one. The others are far behind you."

Although she did not get a response from Chen Mo, the Queen of Warcraft was not angry at all. She was talking to herself. At the end, uncontrollable laughter suddenly sounded in the deathly silence.

After his thoughts were read by the Queen of Warcraft, Chen Mo came back to his senses and asked back.

"How did you know?"

"I saw your expressions and expressions just now clearly and analyzed them clearly. I also heard your conversation."

"That woman sitting in the mecha cabin, are you going to contract her?"

The Queen of Warcraft did not beat around the bush at all and explained to Chen Mo straightforwardly.

To be honest, let alone Chen Mo, even if they came together, they couldn't move a hair on her, so she didn't take them seriously at all, and said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said.

"Speaking of which, your mechas are really advanced, especially their engines and weapons, which are terrifying."

"Did you empower them?"

The Queen of Warcraft's question made Chen Mo feel cold.

He felt like a newborn child in front of her, with no secrets at all.

The most terrifying thing is that the Queen of Monsters can only be inferred from their expressions and conversations.

This IQ is so incredible!
"Perfect human! Are you willing to come with me? Your genes are the treasure I have been looking for for a long time." Although the Queen of Warcraft was asking Chen Mo, it didn't look like she was asking for permission.It's almost like giving an order.

"My genes?"

Chen Mo's head was buzzing. Is it possible that high-level monsters have already begun to study human genes?
This is too scary, right?
"Yes, the genes of a perfect commander are necessary for this king to go further!"

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, at least until the gene fusion is successful, I won't touch you."

After listening to the Queen of Warcraft's words, Chen Mo calmed down and replied.

"I'll go with you, but you have to promise me to let my little bitches leave."

This time, the Queen of Warcraft looked confused.

"Leave? Why leave? They are just a group of scraps with no research value. What's the use of keeping them? They are not as useful as feeding my cubs."

Although the Queen of Monsters looks no different from a human girl, she is still a beast after all.

Although her IQ is very high, she doesn't understand human emotions at all. She really doesn't understand why such a worthless thing must stay.

Things that have no value should be torn into pieces.

"Then do you think I will go with you?"

"Kill my machine girl and ask me to do things for you? I thought you were a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be an extremely stupid beast after all."

The Queen of Warcraft tilted her head.

"Let them go and you'll come with me?"


"Then let's go. I'll give you two minutes to leave Sunset Mountain. Before I change my mind, leave quickly. Otherwise, you can all stay."

The Queen of Warcraft's voice became colder, but at least she agreed to Chen Mo's request.

At this moment, the familiar electronic sound finally sounded in Chen Mo's mind.

【Ding!It was detected that there are two machine girl systems around that can be forced to log in, namely the SS+ level Tianzhan Zhanyin and the SSS level Warcraft Queen. 】

What the hell!

really do!
While he was chatting with the Queen of Warcraft, Chen Mo checked nearby devices that could be forced to log in. He never expected that the Queen of Warcraft was actually detected!
As long as they can forcefully log into the Queen of Warcraft's system, they might really be able to save a life.

Although it is very dangerous, it is the only way at the moment.

Chen Mo swallowed, calmed down and spoke to everyone.

"Xia Zheng, Ye Qingcheng, Zhang Nianqing, take Luo Ran and leave here as quickly as possible."

"Don't look back, don't hesitate, don't think about fighting her to the death."

"After escaping, there is no need to rush for help. If nothing happens, I will try to contact you when the sun rises tomorrow morning."


Through mental power, Chen Mo's words fell into everyone's ears intact.

"Chen Mo, are you sure you can do it?"

Xia Zheng's voice was extremely calm.

"Yes! I'm sure!"

"After you go out, don't reveal her existence to the outside world. Wait for news from me."

Chen Mo was calmer than Xia Zheng, as if he was not the one who was about to face the Queen of Warcraft.

"it is good!"

Xia Zheng's voice fell, and the mecha hatch opened immediately.

Chen Mo held on to the hatch and jumped directly.


Chen Mo shouted loudly.

The three women's curvature engines exploded instantly and disappeared at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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