I played the King live broadcast, and the ancient emperor was confused!

Chapter 297 Greek philosophy VS the schools of thought! 3 Are sages equal to Confucianism, Mohism an

Chapter 297 Greek philosophy VS various schools of thought! Are the Three Sages equal to Confucianism, Mohism and Taoism?

"I can't even imagine what exactly do people in the West believe in?"

For the first time, Yuan Tiangang felt that he hated gods so much!

He obviously has faith and knows how to respect other people's faith.

But today I hear about those gods from Greek mythology.

He suddenly felt that his outlook on life was about to collapse!

Isn’t immortal synonymous with purity and supremeness?

How could it be such a mess?

"Faith comes from the human heart. If you can believe in such a god, the people there are like, tsk tsk tsk."

Sun Ce shook his head wildly.

Many women were originally very interested in the culture of Greece.

I also suddenly lost interest in the West!

"Isn't Greece full of violence and lust?"

The corners of Wu Zetian's mouth dropped to the ground, and the look of disgust came out undisguisedly!

If it were such a mess in the East.

He was sprayed to death long ago!

[Gaowei]: "I suddenly started to like Greek mythology."

[Gao Changgong]: "!!!"

[Xunzi]: "The world is declining. Is this the distortion of human nature or the decline of morals? Some people actually like Greek mythology? The people there are probably not very good!"

People who originally scorned Greek mythology.

Immediately began to criticize Gao Wei!

“People in Greece are actually pretty good.”

"Greece is just a myth that people can't accept."

“But the culture there is still very good!”

Su Yu explained unhurriedly.

"Ancient Greece also developed in a fertile environment. At the beginning, there were countless city-states operating independently."

"There are hundreds of city-states! It's almost the same as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period at the same time!"

[Ying Dang]: "I dare not compare myself with Greece! The thinking of the people there is too terrible!"

[Ying Ji]: "We are a country of etiquette! How can we be the same as those who advocate incest?"

Those people from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period all despised him!

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, hundreds of schools of thought contended.

A time when countless mathematical theories are blooming!

How can it be the same as Greece?

"Actually, Greek culture is not as bad as you think!"

"There are also many philosophers and many literary schools in Greece."

"Among them, the philosophies of three sages, Aristotle, Plato and Socrates, are remembered and praised."

[Confucius]: “It’s hard to imagine, what exactly are these people’s teachings?”

[Li Er]: "I don't know, but I understand. After all, desire is human nature."

There is such an explosive worldview as Greek mythology first.

Now when everyone in the heavens thinks of Greece, their human relations explode!

I can't even imagine the philosophy over there!

[Long Yangjun]: "Oh ~ philosophy!"

[Ying Zheng]: "I can't stand it! It's too irritating! I want to kill all the men in the Wei Kingdom!"

"Don't think too much!"

Su Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw the barrage.

"This is serious philosophy!"

[Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty]: "Oh~serious~philosophy!"

[Confucius]: "You can also listen to things from other civilizations! Take the essence and discard the dross!"

Everyone from various schools of thought also holds this mentality!

We are all scholars and can learn anything!

Su Yu nodded slightly.

Sure enough, he is worthy of the nickname of Confucian Sage!

This awareness is so high!

"Before Socrates, Greek philosophy mainly studied issues such as the origin of the universe and what the world is made of. Later generations called it natural philosophy."

"Socrates believes that further study of these issues has no practical significance in saving the country."

"Socrates began to study human beings themselves, that is, to study human ethical issues."

[Han Xin]: “Look, this is where ethics begins!”

[Liu Bang]: "Ahem! Children, don't listen!" Sun Ce covered Sun Shangxiang's ears again.

Sun Quan's eyes widened, filled with desire for knowledge!

Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty and King Anli of Wei were giving rewards crazily.

"Socrates believed that the definition of a philosopher should be a person who loves wisdom, not a person with wisdom. Later generations called Socrates' philosophy 'ethical philosophy'."

"He created a new field for philosophical research and brought philosophy back to earth from heaven, which is of great significance in the history of philosophy."

[Mo Zhai]: "To put it bluntly, does it mean that we have changed from reverie about the unknown to a down-to-earth pursuit of truth? If it is about human ethics in this aspect, this is somewhat similar to Confucian concepts!"

All the schools of thought silently recited Socrates' theories.

“The love of wisdom, the pursuit of knowledge, not the possessor of wisdom.”

"In Confucian terms, it should be the pursuit of endless knowledge!"

Confucius nodded with great satisfaction, and then looked at his disciples.

"There is no limit to the sea of ​​learning, and knowledge can never be finished in a lifetime! Yan Hui, Zi Lu, have you memorized it?"

Yan Hui and Zi Lu looked at each other.

He muttered softly:

"If you can't finish learning, why are you still learning?"

Although their voices were very low, Confucius still heard them!

Confucius was so angry that he pulled out the sword from his waist: "What are you talking about?"

The two of them immediately replied in unison: "Remember it!"

The emergence of Socratic theory.

Changed the world's views on Greek philosophy.

At least it's not the weird myths and legends from before.

But there are really some things that can make people realize something!

Only then did Sun Ce let go of Sun Shangxiang's ears.

"Plato, a disciple of Socrates, had another better idea. He wrote his beautiful idea into the book "Utopia"."

"His ideal country requires everyone to have a special function in society to meet the overall needs of society."

"But in this country, women and men have the same rights, and there is complete sexual equality. Everyone should do their own thing and should not disturb others."

"Women and men deserve the same respect and training, etc."

Everyone in the Mo family was stunned when they heard this.

"Plato secretly learned Mohism's theory of universal love and non-aggression?"

Tianming was stunned for a while after hearing this.

"It is indeed very similar to the philosophy of our Mohist family." Xue Nu touched Tianming's head and smiled sweetly.

In an unknown country.

They also have similar ideas to their Mohist family, which are praised by the world!

[Xiang Yu]: "So, this can only be called an ideal country, not a realistic Greece!"

[Liu Bang]: "My Mohist family was engaged in this kind of universal love, and in the end the inheritance was cut off."

After all, there is a big gap between ideal and reality.

"People's hearts are unpredictable!" Li Er smiled faintly and revealed the mystery in one sentence.

This is the fundamental reason for the decline of Mohism.

It is also the reason for the utopia, the ideal of knowledge after all.

"Plato's utopia is called idealism."

"His student Aristotle abandoned the idealistic views held by his teacher."

"Aristotle believed that knowledge originated from sensation. These ideas already contain some materialistic elements."

“Aristotle, like Plato, believed that rational plans and purposes were the guiding principles of all natural processes.”

"That's what we often call cause and effect."

[Li Er]: (smile) "Okay, let's come to our Taoist theory of cause and effect again."

[Liu Che]: "Awesome! It seems that the doctrines of Mohism, Confucianism and Taoism are also very popular in other places!"

(End of this chapter)

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