I played the King live broadcast, and the ancient emperor was confused!

Chapter 322: The Qing Dynasty VS the Great Powers, seclusion! Qianlong was proud: I did it on purpos

Chapter 322: The Qing Dynasty VS the Great Powers, seclusion! Qianlong was proud: I did it on purpose!

Mi Lai's skins are all good, but these skins still don't show much else to people!

"This Walnut Fantasy is made in the style of France and Great Britain in Europe, with reference to the image of the Royal Guards there!"

Milady transformed into the leader of a military band, wearing a dress with a ruff collar, a top hat, slim trousers and riding boots. The overall appearance was clean and tidy, and she felt more like a leader and a queen.

The interesting fantasy scene shows the queenly temperament of the Walnut Archon: the Walnut people are walking in formation, one of the Walnut people loses control, and the team is scattered.

At this moment, the Walnut Archon arrived and calmed down the out-of-control Walnut Man. Everything returned to peace. The Walnut Archon also sat on the throne, holding the golden key and scepter.

The summoned objects in Walnut Fantasy are all toy Walnut Soldiers, and their weapons are a huge clockwork key.

The golden key and scepter in Milady's hand commands the little walnut soldiers, which is very interesting.

Although the style of this skin is different from the aesthetics of everyone in China!

But the painters in the heavens are still using their pens to outline and record the appearance of Milady's skin!

This helps them understand the Royal Guards of the West!

“We are already talking about the Qing Dynasty, so let’s use Walnut Fantasy!”

The heroes and skins selected by Su Yu!

The final countdown has just ended!

Both teams entered the game!

This game was also a close match, and both sides still played very steadily!

"Look for an opportunity! See how your teammates are playing?"

Su Yu stretched his vision across his teammates.

The other teammates didn't have any outstanding performances.

On the other hand, there is a clear difference between Xiang Yu and Huang Taiji who are facing each other!

Because of the hero's restraint.

Charlotte, whom Xiang Yu chose, casually suppressed Ma Chao, who was opposite Huang Taiji!

Even if Huang Taiji's techniques are full.

He was still howling and screaming after being beaten!

The debuff that reduces attack speed and movement speed is attached.

Huang Taiji seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and his movements were slow. He was hung up and beaten!

"Sure enough, foreign girls are heroes who can defeat Ma Chao!"

Zhang Fei laughed and joked.

Everyone in Shu Han also took the opportunity to tease Ma Chao.

"How about General Shenweitian just accepts this foreign girl! She's not bad looking!"

"You won't suffer any loss if you become a partner with such a woman! The West is quite open! It's okay! We won't laugh at you! Hahahaha!"

Ma Chao took a sneak glance at Charlotte and saw that she was indeed very good-looking and exotic.

It suits his taste very well, but this is China!

Even if he wanted to, he couldn't say it!

Ma Chao blushed and tried his best to argue: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! My majestic Xiliang Jin Machao! It is absolutely impossible for me to surrender like a woman!"

With that said, Ma Chao looked up at Huang Taiji, who was beaten so hard that he didn't dare to come out of the tower.

"Huang Taiji, you idiot! Can you operate it? If you can't operate it, choose you!"

All other roads are evenly matched.

The only way to fight is to beat him to a pulp!

What a disgrace to his reputation!

"This person can't do it! If it were me instead."

Ma Chao continued to be tough.

Everyone in Shu Han smiled and said nothing.

Xiang Yu played Charlotte for the first time, and he was able to beat the opponent's Huang Taiji's technique, and Ma Chao screamed!

The hero restrains himself, no one else can do it!

"Haha! This wave belongs to bloodline suppression!"

"The Qing Dynasty could not defeat the European powers!"

Su Yu smiled slightly as he looked at Zhan Lu's huge advantage.

A little advantage can slowly snowball the economy!

Then widen the gap and give the opponent a heavy blow!

Huang Taiji, who was already depressed, was suppressed.

I felt even more depressed when I heard the anchor say that the Qing Dynasty could not defeat the great powers!

"What's going on? The Qing Dynasty also fought with the big powers? And lost?"

"Is there any later emperor of the Qing Dynasty who can explain it?"

Kangxi was immersed in playing with his mobile phone and didn't notice the news in the sky.

The little eunuch next to him came up cautiously.

"Your Majesty, the late emperor is asking questions in the sky!" Kangxi immediately raised his head.

He hurriedly replied: "Grandpa, the Western powers have never had any confrontation with the Qing Dynasty! The Qing Dynasty is peaceful and the people are in peace, and things are getting better! How can such a thing happen?"

Huang Taiji felt a little confident: "Anchor, what are you talking about?"

Su Yu glanced at the conversation between the two and smiled faintly.

"The industrial revolution and rapid development period in the West happened to be the Qianlong period. You should ask 'Qianlong'."

NND, you people are too deep into the drama!

It’s really confusing to recognize elders everywhere!

Can things on the Internet be taken seriously?

It’s just fun for everyone else, but you’re having a great time!

"Qianlong! What's going on?"

Qianlong was also puzzled: "I don't know! How did I know this?"

Su Yu sneered at Qianlong's speech.

"The industrial revolution in the West was caused by you ordering the country to close itself off. You still don't know?"

Huang Taiji was about to get angry.

Qianlong didn't take it seriously at all and said: "What's the point? Our Qing country is rich and powerful! It's the center of the world! It doesn't matter whether we want foreign trade or not!"

Listen to Qianlong's impassioned speech.

Huang Taiji almost believed it!

However, he still rationally chose to believe what the anchor said!

Reward asked:

"Anchor, is Qianlong right?"

Su Yu glanced at Qianlong again.

This guy is still using Li Bai to jungle on the opposite side!

"Qianlong, right or wrong."

Huang Taiji continued to reward.

"After Qianlong succeeded to the throne, he relied on the foundation of the previous emperor to usher in the last prosperous age of the dynasty, which was the end of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong."

"During his sixty-year reign, he called himself the Perfect Old Man and claimed that he had perfect martial arts skills throughout his life."

"Expanding the territory, pacifying the frontiers, and compiling the Sikuquanshu are no small feats."

The previous emperors of the Qing Dynasty all nodded.

Qianlong sounds okay!

Kangxi also laughed: "Not bad! The prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!"

"But he also went to the south of the Yangtze River six times, draining the national treasury and being criticized by others."

"And this isolation from the country will be reviled by future generations!"

Su Yu's words.

Qianlong's heart suddenly shrank!

To be reviled by future generations?

Was he scolded for his closed-door policy?

The previous Qing emperors also realized the seriousness of the problem!

What kind of thing is this thing that is closed to the country and will be reviled by future generations?

"After the fall of Portugal and Spain, the British Empire and the French Empire rose one after another!"

"And the Great Britain Empire is the second empire on which the sun never sets! It is an empire of the same era as the Qing Dynasty,"

"At that time, Great Britain's territory accounted for a quarter of the world's total land area, making it the largest country in human history and the largest global colonial empire. Even the territories of the Spanish Empire and the Great Mongol Empire were not as large as it."

"And all this prosperity can be said to come mostly from trade and competition at sea!"

I talked about the Age of Discovery before.

How important maritime trade is, you don’t need to use your brain to know how important it is!

Huang Taiji asked solemnly: "Did you do it accidentally or on purpose?"

Qianlong was not ashamed, but proud:

"I did it on purpose!"

"Can we learn from those things in the West?"

Louis XVI was hanged!

If he learns from the West, will he also have to wait to be hanged?

(End of this chapter)

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