I played the King live broadcast, and the ancient emperor was confused!

Chapter 324: Indemnity and land ceding, the Qing Dynasty fell! Cixi: Those who offend our Qing Dynas

Chapter 324: Indemnity and land ceding, the Qing Dynasty fell! Cixi: Those who offend our Qing Dynasty will be compensated no matter how far away they are!

"Faster than a horse? Don't you need a rest?"

"This is something magical!"

Everyone in the world obviously cannot understand such a thing!

Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded!

But many people listened and began to follow the anchor’s prompts.

Come dream up what is called a "car"!

"Water vapor as power! What the hell is this?"

Zhuge Liang had no intention of playing games anymore.

My mind is completely occupied by cars and other things!

If only such a thing could be invented.

In the future, you can drive any "car" to the Northern Expedition!

Isn’t it easy to revive the Han Dynasty?

"Because cars are designed to be driven while seated, the West advocates equality for everyone."

"But Cixi, an old witch, felt that the driver was on an equal footing with her, which was very humiliating."

"Cars are not popular in Qing Dynasty."

There was no trace of guilt on Cixi's old face.

Instead, he stuck to his own ideas.

"You're just a little pilot, but he's worthy of being on an equal footing with me?"

Everyone in the previous court suddenly felt extremely distressed!

Zhuge Liang's hand holding the phone was trembling crazily!

"If you don't want it, you can give me the car!"

"Don't talk about being equal to me, you can even sleep with me!"

Such a good treasure was abandoned like a pair of worn-out shoes!

What the hell?

Huang Taiji was so angry that he pointed at Cixi and cursed!

"Cixi, what kind of stupid pig are you? You don't want such a good thing! And you still carry your high airs!"

"If I had a car back then, could Yuan Chonghuan stop me? I couldn't kill him!"

I have only experienced the backwardness in equipment.

Only then did he understand that powerlessness!

Everyone was numb when they were blasted by the Ming Dynasty's cannons!

Now that we have good equipment, how can we throw it away?

Facing the anger of her ancestors, although Cixi felt unhappy, she did not dare to disobey her!

I can only lower my head and obey.

It happened that Cixi was killed by jumping over the tower.

In the middle, the Qing team has four people guarding five people.

Cixi suggested: "Why don't you give up the tower?"

Seeing his own disadvantage, Nurhaci also knew that he couldn't hold on!

"Okay! Let it go!"

"Cixi's consciousness is not bad! She is good at making choices!"

Several members of the Qing team all gave up on the first tower in the middle!

Nurhachi also praised Cixi.

Don't look at her as a woman!

The consciousness is not bad at all!

But the anchor’s team is still approaching!

Cixi has not yet been resurrected.

Nurhachi called people to guard the second tower on the middle road again!

"Why don't you give up the second tower to the other side! You can't defend it!"

"It's better to spread the sand that you can't hold!"

Cixi opened her mouth to give advice again.

This time Nurhachi hesitated slightly.

After being cruel, I finally chose to listen to Cixi's opinion.

"Cixi is right! It's better to spread the sand that you can't hold!"

The second tower was also declared broken!

"Why isn't the other side guarding the tower? Keep pushing forward!"

Su Yu was dumbfounded by the Qing team's style of play!

Just one mid laner died.

Just place the first and second towers without attacking them?

The anchor team continues to press forward!

Cixi has been resurrected.

"Come and defend the high ground!" Nurhachi greeted his teammates from the Qing team.

However, he was pushed to two mid-towers in a row, and all the resources in the jungle fell into the hands of the anchor team!

There is already an obvious economic gap between the two sides!

Cixi weakly suggested again: "How about putting up the Highland Tower? The economy on the opposite side is too high. Let's develop it first."

"Holy shit! Is the Highland Tower still there? There are only crystals left behind!"

Nurhachi reacted suddenly!

This Cixi is giving directions blindly!

Before they even started to fight, they started placing towers!

"What are you commanding blindly? The situation of the battle is already controlled by the opponent!"

Nurhachi roared at Cixi!

Defense of Highland Tower.

The Qing team still defended!

The gap is not that big to begin with!

There are still advantages to guarding the tower!

Why can't you keep it?

Two defense towers were lost previously!

Huang Taiji, Kangxi, and Qianlong couldn't stand it anymore!

One after another, they called out Cixi by name and surname.

The voices of several people in the sky were mixed together!

There is no trace of the majesty of an emperor at all!

Yes, just crazy words for teammates!

People from all dynasties of the Qing Dynasty also followed suit and criticized Cixi in the barrage!

He is obviously one of our own, but he shows no mercy at all when he sprays!

There are countless different kinds of swear words!

"Stop complaining, stop complaining! Cixi was a capable person in the Qing Dynasty who listened to politics behind the curtain!"

Su Yuxiao squinted his eyes and showed a playful smile.

"Huh? A capable person?"

When Huang Taiji heard this comment, he immediately stopped scolding and his expression softened a lot.

"I admit that my voice was a bit loud earlier!"

A capable person from later generations of the Qing Dynasty!

You must look good!

Many former emperors of the Qing Dynasty also looked slightly sideways.

Kangxi looked at Cixi's prefixed nickname, his eyes sparkling:

"Is the Empress Dowager Cixi also a strong woman like Wu Zetian?"

Wu Zetian's achievements are also good, and she knows people well and makes good use of them!

She is also a good female queen!

Cixi is also one of the few women in power!

Everyone subconsciously compared Cixi and Wu Zetian!

Wu Zetian also had a good impression of this later woman!

"Chinese strong women have successors!"

Cixi was so praised that she felt a little overwhelmed.

The wrinkles on the old face were wrinkled with laughter!

Shamelessly and humbly, he responded: "No, I'm just relying on the blessings of my seniors!"

The smile on Su Yu's face became even brighter!

"If it weren't for Cixi, the Qing Dynasty wouldn't have died so quickly!"

The faces of everyone who were still praising Ci Xi suddenly changed!

"What?! The Qing Dynasty is dead!"

Huang Taiji was trembling so much that he almost dropped his phone on the ground!

"The reason for the demise of the Qing Dynasty was a woman?"

The heads of all the emperors of the Qing Dynasty felt as if they had been hit with a giant hammer!

I was so dizzy that I couldn't turn around!

They thought Cixi was some powerful person!

Unexpectedly, the Qing Dynasty fell at the hands of Cixi!

Many emperors felt anger rising in their hearts without understanding why.

They still didn't use swear words rashly!

What if there is a reversal?

Wu Zetian also became interested.

Is this woman who compares herself to the sinner of the country's subjugation?

"Anchor, tell me carefully!"

Wu Zetian raised her hand to reward.

"The demise of the Qing Dynasty is actually the general trend. Under the impact of the world environment at that time, a system as backward as the Qing Dynasty will definitely perish."

The backward imperial system has been criticized by the anchor!

"Cixi just accelerated the demise of the Qing Dynasty!"

"From the time when politics began behind the curtain, the power of the Qing Empire was controlled by Cixi alone!"

"Because of the policy of seclusion, the Qing Dynasty began to decline, and then the Opium War broke out!"

Qianlong was a little helpless: "But my original intention is good!"

"The great powers opened the door of the Qing Dynasty forcefully!"

"Western culture has a fierce impact on this feudal and decadent country!"

"Moreover, they proposed many treaties that were humiliating and humiliating the country, requiring the Qing Dynasty to pay compensation and cede territory, and Cixi agreed to all of them!"

When it comes to great powers.

Cixi was like a mouse seeing a cat, and suddenly panicked!

"Great powers? Are there great powers there? Cut off territory and pay compensation! Stop fighting!"

(End of this chapter)

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