I played the King live broadcast, and the ancient emperor was confused!

Chapter 382 Tsarist Russia team VS China’s strongest alien team! Zhao Gou: You have angered a lion!

Chapter 382 Tsarist Russia team VS China’s strongest alien team! Zhao Gou: You have angered a lion!
"Let us congratulate Team DaSong for winning this competition!"

"Who else is willing to play in the next game?"

China crushed them in two consecutive rounds.

Its terrifying strength also awakened many people!

"Chinese Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, their strength is so terrifying!"

"Any dynasty can beat the strongest dynasty of the same ancient civilization! It's not easy to fight!"

"Fortunately, we were not forced to fight against China first! Otherwise, we would have been deprived of our national destiny!"

The foreigners who originally coveted China's national destiny are now afraid of China like a tiger!
Tigers do have a lot of meat, but they don’t have the strength to kill tigers!
Failure will also result in the loss of national destiny!

The disaster in Tianzhu has caused countless small countries in the surrounding countries to be extremely frightened and shocked!
Because of the Himalayas, China rarely gets involved in external disputes.

Therefore, they have little understanding and knowledge of China.

The mysterious Eastern civilization is now showing great strength.

It's like a suffocating boss.

Awaiting the challenge of the brave!

Although China's strength is terrifying, its strong national destiny also attracts the greedy eyes of countless careerists!

"Chinese civilization is like a lion, and I will hunt this lion today!"

Peter the Great raised his head slightly.

"Okay, Tsarist Russia is going to participate in this international water sports competition!"

"Who in China is willing to fight?"

Su Yu finalized China's opponent.

"Little Khitan, what are you afraid of?"

"Smash these Khitans! Destroy China!"

Everyone in Tsarist Russia clenched their fists and roared like wild beasts for their dynasty!

Everyone in Khitan was slightly startled.

They didn't understand why these people in Tsarist Russia suddenly targeted them!
[Yelü Abaoji]: "What's wrong with me, the Khitan?"

Everyone in China was dumbfounded.

In the eyes of the Chinese people, the Khitans are foreigners.

Later, Khitan was annexed and integrated by China, and then it became a part of China.

Why does Khitan represent China?

Su Yu was quite familiar with what these international water friends said and explained:

"The Khitan people are a powerful nomadic people in northern China. They established the Liao Dynasty. At its peak, their rule range was huge. They also expanded to the Western Regions and Central Asia, and their influence was far-reaching."

"Due to the strength of the Liao Dynasty, some countries in Central Asia and Eastern Europe equated Khitan with Huaxia, so they called Huaxia Khitan."

This explanation makes everyone in China seem to understand but not understand!

However, Yelu Abaoji took the opportunity to volunteer:

"Since Tsarist Russia clearly wants to attack us! We, the Liao Dynasty, cannot show weakness! We must compete with them!"

They can represent China, why not?

And judging from China's previous record with foreign countries.

The foreigners are just weak chickens who look strong but are weak in battle!

All of them will be beaten by China!
I happened to be provoked. Isn’t this a blessing to myself?
If he doesn't go to war, the national fortune he has won will be taken away by other Chinese dynasties!

Wanyan Aguda, the founding emperor of the Jin Kingdom, felt a little panicked when he saw that the Liao Dynasty had volunteered to fight.

The Song Dynasty has received the blessing of national destiny!
Now the Liao Dynasty is also going to seize the national destiny!

Wouldn't his own Jin Kingdom be destroyed by the two countries whose national fortunes have become stronger?

"We, the Kingdom of Jin, will also join the war!"

Other dynasties are not to be outdone!
I thought these foreigners were very strong.

I didn't expect it to be so weak! The eternal emperor of the Indian civilization, the God of War and the God of War of Goguryeo, are all vulnerable to a single blow!
They all want to rob other countries of their national destiny!

All the emperors rewarded him one after another!
Among them, the Qing Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty were the most violent!
[Huang Taiji]: "Our Qing Dynasty borders Tsarist Russia, we must let our Qing Dynasty come over!"

[Kublai Khan]: "The Great Mongolia once ruled Tsarist Russia! This should be done by us!"

The two dynasties were at loggerheads.

The sky was almost completely filled with barrages of disputes between the two dynasties and special effects on gifts!
It was also mixed with scattered barrages and gifts from Xixia King Li Yuanhao.

"Okay! Since everyone thinks so, let's form a Chinese alien team this time. Let's have one person each from the Liao Dynasty, Jin Kingdom, Xixia, Qing Dynasty, and Yuan Dynasty!"

Su Yu gave a condition that was more satisfactory to all water friends.

"This battle will pit the Tsarist Russian team against the strongest alien team in China!"

It just so happens that the Qing, Yuan, Jin, Liao, and Xixia are the strongest foreign dynasties in Chinese history!

This result is very satisfactory to all parties.

Although some people in the Qing and Yuan dynasties still murmured.

After all, as a unified dynasty, they were more noble than separate dynasties such as Jin, Liao, and Xixia.

But the anchors had already spoken, and it was hard for them to say anything.

"It's good to be able to participate in the war! Not much else to say."

Huang Taiji was glad that Qing Dynasty had grabbed the spot!

The foreigners are so weak, as long as they grab a place in the competition, they can almost guarantee victory!
Several named dynasties quickly sent their respective founding monarchs to form teams!

The founding monarch is often the most powerful and prestige person in the dynasty!
"It seems that this Chinese alien team is very excited! It was formed so quickly!"

"Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty, Huang Taiji of the Qing Dynasty, Wanyan Aguda of the Jin Dynasty, Yelu Abaoji of the Liao Dynasty, and Li Yuanhao of the Western Xia Dynasty."

"These are the founding monarchs of the dynasty! The founding monarchs are usually the strongest emperors of the dynasty, and the lineup is quite powerful!"

Li Shimin and Liu Che coughed slightly.

They are exceptions.

He is not the founder of the country, but he is the representative emperor of this dynasty!
The foreigners looked at the terrifying lineup of the Chinese foreign team and also observed a moment of silence for Tsarist Russia.

"Tsarist Russia is so courageous!"

"How dare you provoke China at this time!"

"This time China dispatched two unified dynasties at once! I wonder how Tsarist Russia can win?"

And more people are very unfamiliar with the title of Tsarist Russia!
[Zhao Gou]: "You have angered a lion!"

[Attila]: "What is Tsarist Russia?"

[Alexander]: "I don't know! Tsarist Russia? Is this civilization or country on the map?"

[Ashoka]: "It should be a dynasty established by later generations. It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers! How dare you provoke an ancient civilization like China!"

The Yuan Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty were both dynasties that unified China!

The strength is terrifying!
Even a dynasty like the Song Dynasty that failed to unify could easily overthrow the Tianzhu civilization!
Tsarist Russia is a civilization with a short history.

In front of China, a terrifying ancient civilization, no one is optimistic about it!

[Napoleon]: "Tsarist Russia is very weak! Let me invade Moscow in a few months and destroy Tsarist Russia!"

Everyone burst into laughter!

Of course, except for everyone in Tsarist Russia.

In the eyes of everyone in Tsarist Russia, China is the Khitan.

Although the Khitans are strong, they are not invincible!
Peter the Great looked at the sky in a daze:

"The fate of the country in the five dynasties is a huge gamble!"

"I don't understand why everyone is talking about the defense of Moscow?"

"It seems that this ancient battlefield in the North is doomed to be a disaster for us."

(End of this chapter)

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